Woodford County Journal from Eureka, Illinois (2024)

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Woodford County Journali

Eureka, Illinois

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1H4 The while the otherii ready fat work at eighteen No two ate alite i8l Margaret Buniysutu yygon finajreport continued 9S 1 Stretch youshpe' ftamps 1 i UTT Si MreUMANTIU) BAKINS 'if: a Wi 'Xi WW MHO i establish oyj (rnonnnjMs 1 4 ahreBsdjjiw pst ft" i si Tbo cMM atari ft 4hW SB i IHI Mm1 ifaMes jUA gBw home Mra Helje Bmoo ant The Women Missionarysociety oftiie Presbyterian churcli was or ganized on Jltouary 5 1874 follow ing the meeting of a group of women after a prayer The society has grown from that mail group of missionary minded women to an ac tive organization in (the Presbyterlal In celebrating the Seventieth birth day of the society there will be sev eral special services Airingtheweek OnMondaymornlngat 11:00 our own oreign Missionary Miss Annie Smellie of Armero Columbia South America will befae speaker On Wednesday evening Jan 12 W' M1 rethtiesi and lavor every cupaf Cofee HIM art esto poHjmocK 3mUo Rich art Ml SadM RED CIRCLE 47C the week' as aaa bct ma MraT hfctaito' spfat ttr past week tar affarimra Mn javm miBMfflfm towtotobafa dattra at Nor MmraaL' after hfat fatth ttadvBHnto ul Ifrt 0 St W'ttes'sr EL' "Wright cf ten besn 'wnans several Llrni Vtae of Starry Haywr wan uu ouKir wans members of the Eureka TricMUrt Mr MMfSwIWr Jr 'SahOfa chi J'i" r' i rt Jfiflaad Un'' Clyde tar lcMr day were her IN bn Herbert Bar iHMte Bather's upde red flttns TH ms ot'lCr aad connuea (jfflfcSfamf pax I wor and ita iviparty ware MBS Kfiina Dr and lMgqn Mr and MrsJfc 'tad 'Mis ''rank Mre tlpm Bank nu Kama jp Brnrer rKtaaa' BBMh Mr and and Mrs Mr and MrsjMrs' Dallas yert Mr Bert HeyL pn was jwnhnsd tohis nMtWMte iroHka Daniell is in at th Mftr'W Darnell and Nt Britt ef Bloomington of her son Britt on New Day lm or Peoria was a nod Mrs Bert Hey! and Her parents Mr John'tee ware also mieata Elliuier 'thurzday eve 4 A'MPWUV entertained i iet home Ttiun week MW I ANN MOI i AIkpiCi''Ciif: VtmAaUMOMMMO' IJIrHfc IllJJtO COO IT iL' hit eoNMMMftdN op ft mt ifm marriage the other did not It's these differences In funilies that Mice the ipecixltrainmg of John Hanco*ck agents so fa flikaa an "i 1 Xf itANN MM 1 Baking Powder CAN! 7 STAMP Na Sugiir 5 33 the society will conduct apubllc meeting TirojfllmB showSl "Chiaa irst to lght' and The flrat is a new picture just completed by aramount Inc picturing what might have hap peped to the fl if China had not resisted the Japanese The second fllmr prepared far 1141 ia so well regarded by the government thatthe Office of War Information hajs copies in nearly four hundred cities Mrs Pontibs will be the leader of the' On Wednesday afternoon January 2 Mra Abater who has been president "of the society since March 1915 Will entertain the ladles of the church at her home The enviable leadership ofMra oster over a per iod of twenty nine years' is 'shown in 'the accomplishments of the so der V''' 1 1 luthebAn chubch SundaychooVT JOzlS i The BaturiJay' Olasa of religious instruction Win be held Saturday af 'pn dajafteniooXat'fltSO thfl regular meeting ofttebtiijgjmein bera of the congregation will be 3Hs wilf te an important meeting With electkm bf offisera'' Those who are iwnflned to their homes on Sunday mofning wiH be Interested to know that the church servicas of Trinity Lutheran church of Bloomington' are broadbast each Sunday morningat CHURCH THE NAZAKENE Minister Rakie He that belie veth on hlm (Christ) is not condetrined: but he that belle veth not 'ia condemned already "be cause' he hath not believed far the name Of the only begotten Son of A AfcV UVU OU llUMU Sunday school at 9:45 Lf Supt Edward? Sommers Morning Worship at 11:00 o'clock Toung Peoples and juniors services at six thirty o'clock' 4 The Chureh board meeting will be held riday night at the home of Xdaia The Singing Soldier that was to have been here a few weeks ago was here last Sunday and sang at all the services He was unable to come before as his name was np oh the list ofthoee to be shipped out' We shall never forget the: ministry pf the singing soldier Pvt Jack Speer as sang' and played for us All ihoei brought to i ore repaired with wedt drid comfortln mind Our preference in leather VVMIIU A at rJWCr Helen GUlan returned gtmgny'fMtt with her broth er Edgar CMUan and family of Mil Mra firafoh Hamilton et Rome WU a guest of hw cousin' Mrs rank Nutty and huabarid and ohBed on Aftorn and Ma RilySim dgy Mra jtiyrta Rosa of New York b' spent the wpekpnd' with her father JL Pearson arid her broth erDrE B1 Pearson and family dhswent to Chicago Monday to join her husband Dr Ross where they will attend a rihurcii conferencejiis Weak Mm who planned to attend the meeting is confined to berime Wth inhere Min Mhrgaret CordeS returned toher teaching dutiee near Bsnson fob week after speeding the holidays with her aunt 'and cousin Mrz An Reynolds 4 and Miss ifane BdoWs' Mr and Mrs Cedi Bilbrey en tertained' the BkirmHighSchoo) class of 1M8 at its twenty first an nua reualon at their home Satur day riiglt'Attendlng4hepartyWere Mr aad Mrs Vincent Stumpf of Morton Mr and Mre Roy taSance of Waehlngton'Mr and Mrs Walter Metre nr ana Mrs Round Brubak er Mr and Mrs Gerald Dewws Prof and Mrs Edward Major and Edward Riley' parenta of aons who are Air Recruits Air Cadets or Air Officers tn the Army Navy or Marines are invfted to attmid ttto meeting of the Mptheet iof Silver and Gold Wtn liers riday evening January 7 at 7:80 PM to the Pere Marquette iotel Peoria Illinois There wiM be a moving picture of the life of an Army Air cadet with a talk by An Army Air orce Recruiting Officer Also anyone Interested in the Alr orce Air Recrulta and feny mggeber at the Army Navyor'MA Hwb Air Vatfa is welcome to attend fc Df James Smellie has been ctm iried to bis home with illness the mac week 'Jr Atire Harriet Higdon daughter ot Prof and MraEH Higdon 'has' enlisted! in the Cadet Corps She wiH continue nurses training at gnihAon hospital until calfod for wftW1 and Mrs Everett Monroe Sa guest Bunday frs I B1V4 mUBv vOOnd their iwri a A 77 ifo'Beylns home on furlough from UwAhseie caMiornia Elwood Vott of Danforth whomakes his home with the Monroes' returned to Ihuka with tile Beving and return ed his duties at the Eureka High acfacol Monday Mrs Monroe return ed home with her parents for several 4fcyit visit 'faid Mrs Mellick en tertained the 'ShamrockClub and their husbands at a 'dinner party New Teat's Ere 7 Mr and Mfe' fiylvan Arnold an samiiy moved into the upper aparttneritof th Caesar Klani pro petty oh'Dam St Monday Mr Ar nold whl continue his work 'in Chi cago The apartment was formerly occupied by Mr and Mrs Harold lanagan Mrs lanagan is redd ing with her parents Mr and Mna WN Schrock since her husband entered the Air Corps tJbfis Hugh Sumner and her daughter Mrs John Keller' Jr and husband spent several days the past week With the daughter (Mrs John Bowen and family at Villa Park Mr Bowen formerly bf Wash ipgton to patient at the Elmhurst hospital with spinal meningitis jMr and Mra Andrew Murie of Isingdan North Dakota hire guests of their cousin Ik CoIburn and wife They are enrpute to Californ ia 1 Mlsa An nfa Davidson continues to be quite in at her home 4 Chib meettag ateduled thttaftetnoon at the home of Mrs Dewees was postponed due to tllO 'lllnMS Of Crand Miiiank ji'Mtereh tertejned 'six couples of ther dinner bridge club at thelr home Monday Bari BahsbnaridMissNora Radford were hostesses to the Drama Chlb' at a deeert 'luncheonat tho hom*o Mrs night Mr? and Mrsyron CoIburo ww wtorrein witii a family dinner this mronliqf to thdr home in honor Evelyn Sharp who wiH report for' diity tt tho WAVES at Hunter Coilege New York Ctiy JSnlKJ tended a luncheon the Producera AreooArtjijpG Wtedayate6'yfa Morning Worehip for thia group ft i i ft1 En joytlieRest whan yon buy Mrt brands they're top quality yet low to price GBhm hrenti 5 Pit to raise IJ yearrtW boyl AEIZOMA EUDI WTruci Wftf ft'? THE MW A 4 'a' ft a VIN EPREKAt ORMERLY OPERATED BY NETTIE PIPER HAfl BEEN TAKEN OVER BY MR WILL nfrf Wv v' ft'A i 'o 1AM KNEPP AND WILL BE OPEN OR BtTSI S' tCi I i i re 1 NES3 TUESDAY JANUARY 1 'PLEASE BRING Cmd your 'JZ Sl 1 OPEN TUBSDAYSTHU iWS SATURDAYS Get Yonr Vitamins at Your rt p4 kS Court Cr' ft' cracxHW'w Lcffera vs: Hayes complaint nto foreclose moclanic's lien' report takeh under adrise meat Reuben Stoddard riLftDorotfa 'T Stoddard and fteuben Stoddard Bin to appoint trustee Proof of bondtA Mary Stoddard Eikenmeyer vs Martha Louise Eikenioeyer trustee ship Report of sale approved Hear ing on petition' of trustee lncludei with report of sale to replace indefau the property aold continued general ly Opal BchaU via Cart Schall di vorce Decree for divorce John Zeller vs Clara Louisa teller complaint to appoint trustee Hearing on report of trustee fixed forA10'A'''m 'JaiiM4 JX McDaniel trustee ysA Eu gene Rutledge forecloeure An wer of McDaniel trustee and EUiabeth Slocum to counterclaim on fllQr Trusteeship 'of estate of EmUy Willis Petition allowed trusted to soll 1800 STreasury bonds and to Invest in War bonds series allowed "1 PROBATE ESTATES Estate of Harriet Boner Or der Bstate of Robert "BesheralE tittori for order to assign tltlte to automobile to1 Janette i Bertero granted' Estate erf Henry Dressier Peti tion to assign certificate of stock in Woddford Couhty Service Co grant ed Petition for permlss ton to as Mga UB bonds given Permission given to assign certificate at title Estate ofjfory Ryan Proof of notice of claim Estate of Artirar innelL HeariM tor probete of will set for 10 a January SI Estatepf Robert McKayHear fa*g on petition for probate of win set for 10 A m' Jan? SC Estate of Joe peGroot Petition for letters of administration Elvina Anna DeGroot appointed admx withbond of 500 ft Estate of John faniser Claim ft Peter Smiser presented George Riley appointed administrator ro tern relative to same Hearing on claim set for 10 a Jan 17 Estate of Nicholas Roberts Hear ing on final report set for io a fa Hearing XV a aan io WARRANTY DEEDS 5 Josephine aux to 'Donald BBL Lots 6 ltblk 7 auberis addition Roanoke T1600 Joaephlnh Shaner to Mary Rush Part of Walnut street between Tay and Golden's addition Minonk ft BerfhA GIll to George A Heney ixt'15 blk 80 Minonk Edward McChesney to John unk Dot 5 blk 7 Minonk Henry Heyungs to Alpheus Le tofa NE BW Sec i' Twp S8r NR1W 818000 Jos to Brown to Jacob Bauman Loti 4 5 8 7 8 blk 1 poodflrid its JfiiM MUdrdd Robertson of Alex andria ii)UWana ls a guest of her brother Profl Robertson and family Miss' Robertson is In the War Service of the' United Societies of the Dlyflplesof Christ Prof Roberteon ls teach ing chemistry at Eureka College and contlnuipg'wlth mathematics at and Mra Joe Cremeeris and rank Stewart returned home Mon day from Delafield where they were called last week by the death at Mr Cremeen's father Crfaneena Thii Society of Chris tian Service fa the Methodist church held a business 'meeting and spent the afternoon quilting at the church Wednesday afternoon Mrs Charles Kinney presided ft at the business meeting in the absence or mra Rob CHURCH Graced Church Services' 9:46 11:50 Classes and Worship for all duringthis Nursery Primary Juriiora 'meet in thMr own rooms for the entire Intermediates Young People and Adults meetfor study 9:46 10:30 Mr and Mrs Ralph Poorbaugh and son William and daughter Lois at El Paso were New Years Day guests of Judge and Mra os ft and Mra Peter Sullivan en tertained with a family dinner Sun day evening htos Mildred Robertson fa Nash ville Ten nessee is a guest of her 'brother Robertson and fam miniinn i jii i i I Li li "I st A no sft ft ft ft ft'k A iftK l'ft? kft'ffAa CALIORNIANA iMlJ UnANuLV Vitamins C'V'i'KDOZ WWW texas 'UnAITniUll Vitamins Bl ft' tt OR WTATOB fytw4 VHfato JW wornwnw mown mi fajiM0iX9s I art tatticTw a iPWntit BUmrto? lw 111 ritsLsWr 3to! 26c helps keep up appearance 'Vltoita A fa*g Uft fa fa ewfa ft ft ft 1 1 Wi a fliflft i tm Muraii 5 U'! ruTAivm vft AIIZ0HA CU vT 'f Ji iu8NW WIMn 7 IIA 1' CMItlto tfflaefto to Then Am wip eefaifih ml wBrnnmiiw niniirj aUMTA'v yraaMirtShCiraa iu a BOnO) fix JMr ftfanred to ftSsftftk Jifatr and riwffsKw Gffisi wMMfe3MtamMftft MWtotvWMteW'ffiaesi tttte 1 Ai SMRMMrIOKnME Mr 73sn JruwfabT A rw 2 MfWBMBnlaM A A Hrafa MSSt Mrs Of Mk AM lT SBE jb ST hs 180 'WiOWW Era hfab 5 a A vs tna if ftTHi ft ft AUBUimilkC iiinwfn ft if A I iNttMAmKCOMMWr A 'a aAMaibia UimaSmumu ftT ftft sV 4 jmRWSmiNNffEEmmEBIw jp Wp rifWof' 1 NOW' MINT Jttl WniTS tEDUCED fefisHe CrtCraen BeaiM Jobe Atoka Peat t'HN toftlTINLllc IlfimiNrii 1 Iom Cnt Craan Beans Pel AHa Tomatoes 'Li TtN1 12c Na IK TIN 17c 1 POINT ft ss 4 5 A'.

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Woodford County Journal from Eureka, Illinois (2024)
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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Views: 6212

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (68 voted)

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.