Quad-City Times from Davenport, Iowa (2024)

THE DAVENPORT DEMOCRAT, JUNE fi, HOME FOR WORKING GIRLS. ALTGELD WILL GET OUT. cousin has received some letters from the admiral sincH lie decide 1 to return DAVENTOUT DEMOCRAT. (ASO TIIK DAVENrt'lKT Will from Auxiliary I'ottimllleK From these and his knowledge of the of lite Mallonitl l'aiiimtllt. Louisville, UiKpatch.l John i WORRY.

U'lint TltU ronllah. IliirrMitlnu Hub It llnt'N t-'ir MnnUlittl. Worry In forethought pne to Heed, Worry in dincimiiting pohsililo future sorrows wi that the individual may Au KiKlurlnc IHotiiiiiirm Unlit In New Yolk ly llnruiirai ilo llnmli. There has just been opened In New York eilya home for woiking girln, which will ever stand as a monument to the good woman who made the erec man thee lusin says: "1 would like to get at i vit thu fears of those who be- Aitgeld will reman from the ways and EVENING EDIT I N. OAVKKFOKT, JUNK 189J, RAILUOAD3 C.

R. I. P. II jWiiWi IHl Will Miter ILMKI IHMHI -K. tllirt I rum IMtiint si, ilium hi fitttii 'tiriifHrt-f, nit.

0HHIV1I) lAVR means and the advisory committees ut lieve the reception program will be the Doiuoeratiu national committee. His resignation will be presented to overfloue. The admiral will go just as the nutionul cjuimitten at its meeting far as he wants to and no further. When people try to make a fool of him in Chicago on Ju "JO. Mr.

Altgoid ssld before leaviug Louisville Hint nut ocly would he rrstnu troiu the ways and nieaun committee, hut that all the he will call a halt." have present ininery. Worry is the father of insomnia. Worry is the traitor in our camp that damp us our powder, weakens our aim. 1'mh the guico of helping us to bear the present and to bo ready for the futurn worry multiplies eiieiuiei within our mind to Nip onr strength. il il.tn-iin-r, oniii.n.

Mniiv l-uiis it mi-mo CJ-rt Kt. WnMhttt'lil-iviti. Ilui. tva mi. Ol V.fwtlll 4.

wair Texas has been noted for its cotton members ot that committee would Io 2.67 Kin mil 9:4:1 im nian ith him. V'! 'We think we have done enough Oi 1 11. I Kill, ft I IllOflf' III I in.ii I Mil mr 1 il lOlim'm hiOMi. MMi (u I Mtui-M TtVT nm 'ii li iv Viiiiif i i lili It'll I urn Worry is the dominance of the mind 47 nm 11 its sin work in raising funds for the cum paign and we wi I retire and give some oi ht-rs a he said. and sheep, its rangen, and some other productions, but Old Virginia has had the lead on tobacco.

This distinction is about to pass from the Dominion to the Lone Star state. "Texas is going to be one of the greatest tobacco grow 9 WlMllill itnii. it Kvknini) Dkmuckat with Sumlay morn iug ltnie in delivered to city nuixcridf lO cert a week, Hi) mail $3 a year, and at thu rati fur ilujrUr period. riiKSuNUAT Edition, matt HSUaveor. Th Wkkklv Kiution, by mall a year.

AllUleuramamlkUeri must he addnutd to tlie paper railwr than to vulivittuaU con-Hotel with it. A avert ininy rate be um furnished on application. tirjceled etmmwfcatiiiu wKtt not be returned unUm etampt to premy poninye ore received. tntertil at the Puftufflee, Davenport, Iowa, at Hxnul-ela mall matter. Hill llll Inn (il It K-K ml I I luiti -ill tint Hie ways and means committee con ai (iiiimtmi sists of John AHgelJ.J.

K. Jones.ll. i itn-ii i-miiiiiiirn'', by a ningle, vague, restless, nnmitistied, feiiving mid fearful idea. The mental energy iiml force that should bo concentrated nil tlio stlceeHsivo duties of the day is constantly and surreptitiously abstracted und absorbed by this one tlx-ed idea. Tho full, rich strength of the M.

Teller. W. J. Stone and V. Al MakethoHairGrow Villi warm ttliamiHUM of Vv tnm'h A Hit vr uml Iti'ht tlrtwfnH ut Ci rn'i iu, pnirtlof cuiol limit Hkin i-uro.

Tin inatmriiL al unco Blojid falling hair, t'ttimva cniM, m'ttloa, anil juhmIich in tl tti-il, ttt lun): Httli.tro, tttinml.itfH thn hair foHnti, HMinWivt lh root fUi I'mTKy ami ituurtMlimtMit, ainl Ui.ikt'ft Ihv tmir rv vhm nil cUo t.uU. duM thrmii'ttout Hi wortil, IWtkh a wit O.Ohp., 1Mb It.wtim. How to lUv tkmiUful Ueif," Ireil. KO li Unv'iit Ini iil Ir'l im in link on island I.M-iil iKilulit 71111 len, with Sam 11. Cook of Missouri manager of the bureau.

Aitgeld will also retire from the advisory committee, and it is probable that all the mem II il Milium lim-k Isl.tliil local II ii Mtr. nn 4 4u inn tt.M pm ii ir: cm 11 41 il l.tne I iiHs-mii er I III I'l I iniiviT, khiiiu liy I tion of the hom*o possible liurmu-ss de lliiwch. In her honor the home is named the Clara de liirsch lloiuefjr Working Girls, a. year ago Huron-ess de Hirsch and Oscar Mraus, United States minister to TurKey, were discussing the need for a hoiiie iu New York city lor lmmiitruiit gtiia commit to this country und unable to obtain immediate employment. That conversation led to the building of the home which has just bean opened in a 5 story, browiiBtone building almost a half block square, equipped throughout, from the liumiiy in the basem*nt to.

the pretty little rci fgarden, with the lateat improvements and admirably calculated to provide working girls with alt the advantage of a good home. A short time alter the conversation with Minister Strauss, Baroness de lllrech intrusted him with an endow merit fund of -du UOU with which to begiu the work, and that the monev was placed in good hands Is evident by the fact that wit in a year the immense home has been built, tquipped and opened at an ex pense ot 100,000. Originally the bs-roresi intended that the home shoul 1 be for immlgraut gii h.Jaloue, but she lirm ly decided to broaden Ub scope and open the home to all respectable working girls ami women, either raidents or immigrants, who aie dependent upon their own ex ertlons for their livelihood. A worker who does not earn more I Ciiii'wo KxnrKn lliminn 4 41. I nul, oinnliit At I it-1 tmeoiiNcions working of tlio mind, that which produces our best success, that represents onr linet-t activity, is tupped, led sway and wasted on worry.

bers of this committee will go anil remove the possibility of a liht being made on Aitgeld by the Cirte? Harrl I eintii Mull uml K.ner.wnlll 4K ing states in the Union at no distant day." TbU is the claim made, and Texas is big enough to back it. The acreage devoted to the weel is increasing all the time. Not long since one Texan sold 8,000 pounds cf tobacco to a St. Loul3 iirm. Next year he will plant 100 acres.

Things have changed a great deal since General Sheridan male up his opinion about what they raise in Texas. I'HOPKSSIONAL CAIIUS, (JoOili H'cul (ww JWiiin reel Kitrlliwt.nl, son people at the national committee Worry must not be confused with (l Ui OllllUin hi. I'lllll SIX PAGES. To this extent the Ilairison-'Sshan is Hi'iiviir exnlewi anxiety, though both words agree iu meaning originally, a "choking," or iUI A IHm Mollu-s ti -merit has won in its attacks on Ait l.l liiilll lijl'l'li It'll. Olnlllin Kinl "strangling," referring, 'of emu-no, to the throttling effect npoti individual lirnver Mitll Ai Kkiupw UUAttANTKKH AIISTHAITH OK l.YIJKN li ltKAL.

RSTATK ANI NH(UAN('K. A All KHH OK HAVr.NI'Olll' AHKlUAt'T t'tl. OWM i.f Alistniil llnelm, whirl-HlliiW (iillillllnli nl Illle In nil I i-Miilc In I'liiinly. li'li iSone N. rnr, llilul Mini Mo li slim U.

i.i nioit, lnii. SI It. 1. i nrooklynliH-Hllr'l activity. Anxiety faces large issues of a urn am 7 Ml sin 7:0,1 aid 7 on ii in 7 4" urn 7 urn ,1 4ii pin pin lopni I) 1.1 I'm 7 in ii iieih iin ln.4-1 pin I (llili-nifii fc Hen MnliiiMI I IU i l'ltlll Hi Hlnlll life seriously, calmly, with dignity.

Auxiety always suggests hopeful possibility it is active in being ready and tiill lni cnrii Jil-il ('lili'ilim Ai HiiveniMii't geld. It is not known whether by reason of these attacks or for some other purpose Altguld will sever his connection with the auxiliary committees ot the National committee. Th's is precisely what Mayor Harrison and his friends do-dred. In this respect they may be said to have overcome Alt-geld. 'There was much euinneiit uere on the fact that Illinois was not represented in the Bimetallic convention, except by Mr.

Altceld arid his IMtlll Mllll ISH'SN A IU II l( 11 I I I I revising measures to meet the outcome. i tl ,1 ii liuiil ut l.liulliitl Worry is not one largo individual sor T. W. Mel I.I O. Niiti(ivf from inmi.mrf, i lien iif els tilllii) Mis klrcel, inv Hi Kniiann I 11 A row; it is a colony of petty, vague, insignificant, restless, imps of fear, that miU.

ii-nveri'iiirtm I as in I'eorii is circulating a subscription paper for money to operate p. corn car nival la that town next October. It le safe to wager that Peoria does not in tend to exhibit the process of extracting the juice from corn, and thla is what tnoet of the big buildings in that clly are put op for. Speaker Heed baa never passed the point of friendly relations where bolh political allies and opponents call him "Tom." Speaker Heed's successor will be referred to by both political friend and fee as "Dave." It is a pleasant way the Americans have, particularly out here in the wild west. 7 li iiiiiiIiikioi, wml A till.

liiykui ami iiMi.Uuus.i hecomo important only from their combination, their constancy, their itera The Cedar Hapids Canning company has lately received an order from its Chicago broker for 10.000 cases of corn, An inquiry has come from Kansas City for 5,000 cases of the. same canueJ article. This means 30 carloads, or 300,000 cans. The Cedar Hapids papers look upon this order and inquiry as a great card for their local factory. The Democrat trusts that this is just what it means.

Hut the canned corn season Is almost over, likewise the time for canned tomatoes, peas, beans, asparagus, and other vegetables. How does it come that the Cedar Hapids cannery IlKUl 1(1 iin II il .1111 10:48 'in I'lili'wn, Kim. l(y, I Ml i vnrft Kl.Wortlillin.... tion. William Uoorgo Jordan in lua MussiU'ii mid Hwi'illsli Miivciih nl.

11 STA1UK. Saturday Evening Post. IJHnm llin lloynl (lyniiiiislli- CkiiIiiiI lliillliilclli (il) miiiillii'mlnlly; (li) ilnlly rxci-iit 8niuliiyii. hiithlnv eyeiiluu a special I'liliiniiii I' HUiekliolin, l.nieii.eii lilnek, wt lliurl.Miii lll he slile-liiii lieil at Unvi-iinnrl Inr IiIiml'ii ntiHseneerK ami will le reailv tor neiMiemicy linin KIN I K.VI KHIS. lleiith llcrnpii In lctlon.

It is astonishing what a human interest the rontliinj public takes in tin author's heroes and heroines. Mr. to p. liMi'llllli! l.lltl'SI'.il til im II. in.

Tltriiui'li Iniirt.vt Klci'iicis In ('iililmnU eyeiy I nesiliiv mm I liiii'miluy, nn Irani iNn.li. 1 utu 1st Hlenper In iillliiniii. uml Piirlliiml, liri'Kiia nil Kiunk II, Winnie, Wij.i, T. Wl'islD. KI8K t'-ilOH, Tin.

0 evei I1 1 hiuy. Sniiwden Ward declares that when than per week cau live at the home and enjoy all of its privileges for per week, while tbosn who are unable to pay the S3 can live there free of charge, if it is seen by the board of directors that they are, worthy. The home accommodates 100 girls, and tht are to be given Instructi'iu in millinery, typewriting, stenogiaphy.dre.jsma king, cooking, sewing and noutework, so that iu a short time tliM-wnl lie all; to ask for and eecuie better positions, when the good and noble bironess died she did not forget this home, tor a cablegram announce that in her will is a gift of to be used fir the support ot the institution. Would that we had more such ptiilanthropials. Des Moines Hetfistcr WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY NOT NEW i.i'i timcai.

CostiiAi loiiH- IMl'-n l.il-iaty I nr llt'kntn. slcepiim cur lierlim lliul lull Inter- i llinliltni'. Hum iipiu luwn. Hint I lilrapi. lieilii'ti i'iiII ill ilepul llckel mllce ii-nrni'i' I'lllll itlul 1'eiry mieels) ur leinpliiiim Nn.

1 1'li'el'iine 4.ri, has Buch a stock on hind? Haven't the prices been just right? or, do they have a way in Lion cr.unty cf producing green corn between the 1st WILLIAM r. hut ii, llelnirul Annul iHSseniri'l I lepui llllnlil. VlNTH VI'TiUl AMI tll'lll'KII Klu ilill nlll'li- i linn etvi-n lii iill klnen nl iil.lniif. HloreK R. C.

R. That special meeting of the Iowa congressional committee, which was to have been held in Des Moines today, for the purpose of pushing the Iowa man' candidacy for the speakership, has been called off. There is nothing for the Iowa representatives to do. Spontaneous combustion has settled it. of January and the 1st ot Juner1 ttlliul nn.

uinll, Mrn-l, Truliis leiire Went Mlmrtv ai oilowi Ali llKMr VM. IIOINtl NOlll'll, PinninniTiir No, 1. li X) MONEY FOB UElVEI HOME. A month or so Bgo The Davenport v. .1.

PinciiAiU). Knr'li Nil, I.AW-Aikllll 7 Dlltne iMlllllllIK I'ilNSPIIKHr NO. li A Democrat, The Des Moines Hegister, Hiivi'iipei'i, lowa. ill friends from ChicBgo. 1 his ab ence of Illinois men was taken to indicate that the Democratic organizition of Illinois Is with Harrison rather than with Aitgeld.

SHE'MARRIED AN INDIAN. Choice of IlmiKlUerol 0, II. Uminclt, I vu or Sioux City Firm. Mabel 0. Bennett, teacher in the Oneida, Wii-, Indian Bthuol, who last month was married to au ludnn named Alex Skenandore, Is a daughter of C.

H. Bennett, who trave's out of Sioux City selling cigars for John Ams-Inr Co. The bride is well known in Elk l'oint, where Bhe was born and raised. For a number of years she was an instructor on the Hosebud reserve near Naper, here her mother is now a matron. Alex Skenandore Is said to be a bright young man and a hard worker.

He has lived in a small cabin, such as are common on the reicrvatiou for Indian habitations. He Is a hue looking man, of extraordinary physique and of pleasing personality. At the weddintr Bt Oneida, which was attended by llower girls, a wedding march was played, Bnd alter the ceremoney a wedding supper was Mrs. Bennett, mother of the bride, was present, an it is said was very much pleased with the prospect of baviug young Skenandore fur a son-in-law. All of the groom's Indian relatives were at the Mit Bennett felt it a duty Bhe owed to the Indian to assist them to enlightenment and higher ideal ot lite, and for a husband chose an Indian.

Sioux City I'lWineiiKi Nn. Ill Hill li or, pin ill "1 HIM 111:16 JHU I Hll III mil lllll and scores of other papers in Iowa an l.ist'iicu, lUwiihN NliAl, IIUIAII 'JTOIIMH AMI ot SH.10104 AT I.A nounced that they would receive sub l'ANiKitr No, No, H. i P.inni a. er Nn. Stoux City'd chief of police got on streetcar the other day without his uniform, and the motorman ordered him AlliiineNH (or lii'ilniiii NivIiiks lliilik, uml I'twa M.irO'iii'ii I 'niiiiMiiiy.

ui hint v-l scriptions for the Dewey home it was propoeed to build in Washington, and li. miliv HAVIiNlilHI'. InWA AM HAKOT HI V. I'avliijt iiml at rtvttiu time ot liiilas lit Diiyeu McMiiiiik piivciHtil. Iowa, I M.

lnlll.lt, HI-IN, ft to get oil or drop a nickle In the slot. It would be just like human nature for forward the amounts to the persons authorized to take churge of the funds. mrl. In ellei'l 4, i TloliN KVS Ilnrrlseii M. nyer Ksriiier's UIIIMI i anil Meeliiilili' Siiyliii: Hunk.

I' Irsl mini- Not a dollar has been left at The IV. J. tlnrk Say With Srnl Without Wire 17IO. At the annual meeting of the Ne York Electrical society in i he Conc-rt hall of Madison Sijiiare Oarden, W.J. Clark lectured on "Possibilities of Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony," and conducted a number of experiments.

Mr, Clark has ben studying thesyii-tem developed by l'roiensor Marconi, and he was enthusiastic over its possibilities. After describing the instruments used by I'roiessor Marconi by the aid of charts ho gave an extiibitluii of wireless telegraphy. The Instru that chief, if he saw a thief robbing the moneybox of the streetcar company, to gillie liuiiiMiii liiirnvii.l Inuu lainiN pin 7:1. pin in nl inn H.llll Mil I'l nniir No, 4nl KMIKliI No. 111.....

1 NOlll'll a lllll vH, I'wiiii injur No, 401. Il l-'mlvlil No, Il Democrat cilice, and so far as a careful walk leisurely home and put on bis Him reiin'm. K. Cook. I Hum r.

CiMiK ft IIOIHIK, Dickens was writing "The Old 'uriosity Shop" ho was overwhelmed with letters from the most distinguished men and women begging him not to kill Little Nell, They declared it would bo too cruel mid waited on his verdict as un nnxionri family on that of the physician. Dickens did not care to douway with her himself, but it was necessary that ho should do so. Little Nell wusu clmr-ucter with too little of the earth earthy ubout her to nsslmllato with those around her, no matter how well meaning they might have been, lb-r finer feelings would huvo mtido her unhappy, and the little country churchyiird wan tho best place for her. And How he was implored not to kill Colonel Ncwcome. How ho wus rated for reducing bo noble a man to poverty in his old ng whilo tlio meaner mortals around him lived und throve, Kipling had to glvo a second version of his "The Light That Failed" in order to please tho public, nud who kljovvs but HhiikcHpearo was chided for tho unhappy taking off of Lear and Cordelia Hut tho public, though soft hearted in the is a Hint in the abstract.

It soaks its with tears over tlio eoHHtimp-tivo cough of that shady Parisian Ca millo and turns a nice hoiui'iuado understudy out on the cold world to rut snowballs or cold potatoes. Louisville Times. POLITICAL QUIPS. reading of the state par goes no other city in Iowa his done any better cap, coat and trousers bef ore he both TTHMNHYH Hint I'lilllll'l-MiMH III IllW Nil. 1 than Davenport, Nn in rmm to Wum l.llmrty tt, ilikllyi tl, iliillv eonet Hiimliiy, (lea.

Tkt, ft I'aM. Aut C. U. 0. Timet Card 4' silent, lniyeiixii lniva, KI CK Kit This is remarkable.

Not merely Alloninys-Ht-I nw tlMiiii 81.. 1 i venpnrt. la. thousands but tens of thousands cf TO A Hill ments were place 1 about 3D feet apart, dollars have, during the past few years, 8t, Uuils Kvp via lialesliuri; fi Wiim Miiimu, rilv, Ueiiver. via li 11:1 mil been left ut this ollice in answer to appeals made for worthy objects.

Mo 81. I'liill Kvpie" ered the highwayman. Within much less than a week the St. Louis Globe-Democrat has been able to see the handwriting; on the wall. Only a few days ago it was throwing rocks at David Bremer Henderson.

Now it says: "Iowa is going to furnish the next Bpeaker of the house of representatives." Missouri has 15 con-eressmen and only three of them are republicans. And it isn't worth CI-onel Henderson's time to count these. and the tell in the receiver answered to the manipulation of the transmitter so perfectly that Mr. Clark was uble to spell out words. "Professor Marconi's system is not new," he said.

"The transmission of I nnriu ami (i.iiesiiiirj i'KMinuir 11 iiiMniii IlKiiitlstnwii Ai Miuiiiiniitli I UhxeHKiT Ii ll.t-Miiil previous call has ever bran made in 81. l.itulK Hay KxpnsH il inn vain. The Democrat is not in the I onnu uml i iuii'miui riiKeiiiir Ml. I'lllll Huvi'llpnll I'llSMiin'er Il Hillipnl Hli-rlllnt Iiml llnliiil 1 electricity without wires was known Journal. The Imher ami Hit) There has bion considerable fuss made here over ti caseof Guy Dob- T.A.

Mt'liPIIV. li, oHSKVC AT I A W- (il'lll'llll lirai lli ('mil liu icl.il law, mill imti'iil lmlilluii. Koonis 1H, uml fid Million Muck. WM.O. HCIIMIIlT.

)1 KMIV nl.l.M ICU. M'llMiHT i VlH.I.MKU. Troll WKVA'r I. AW- Km lllWIWI i-nllllT Miv uimI uml HarrlKoii Inwa. w.

rroiiNH V-A i nilli Kniini is MiimmiIu rnliiple. Inn a. W.C I't'T NAM. tthnkv iiml ni (MlU In i'ulnain lilnek, idi! Mit-el, HiiM'iiinil, In. W.

M. IIAMIIKItl.lN. (llllin inun 0 anil In. lilnl aint Mnidv wlrnMli, I iMVi'lienli, '1 nliMilmlin lit. asiarback us 17 Hi.

la that year Clilciinn I'ltuseiuier pin ll 11:111 UII Watson transmitted signals across the llKI'AIIT HOCK IHI.ANII, 81. Iiuli Huy Kxpress via Mniiinniilli Thames, la 1718 HeDj.imlu Franklin stood on one one siue of the Schujkiil In llul nni iil'h. Allniilu.l.H.M l'l'inlu via i.iiN'.HiniiL; 1 7.m ma river and ly means of electricity mur 8lerllinr. Cllnliiii ami Hiilniniin it 7 Hi mil ed a lire for a picnic party on the other rlUi'imn uni sine, using tne water tor a conductor Mnninniilh mnl lic'irilslnnn 1'BHH'ur. em TcMts lis.

KiiIIh I' lynr) vU (iiilcninili: Vt jmi I'einlii uml lialclnlli: Il juu In l.ia I'roteesor liciry made discoveries in this line and transmitted a message MmlliiK nil riluli.li ,11 pin 81, I'mil Nli'lit KsiTMNt il TiMlfiU 81,. l.nieH Nllil lupresK via (iiili'sliiirit across the Potomac. In Isal I lei Cunlnn In He! Min ium, nun Al lulil.i.il 7:1" Pin sor Dolbear sent messages with nit lieuynr lout I'upiess ii A. MfHAItV KV, TI'OKNKV-A'l Al.lilnn ls, rnllw lllilis uml HHiinrrtl law Inn tinns. Udi.iii ai nil Ii iliiltinr, 1 iHvenenrl.

Inwn, .1. A. MAN 1.1. Y. ATTOHNFY AT I AW PnnlllK Hlnl 3 Vlllt.l kir MiM'k.

1 iieiinui iui. wires lor the dmtauce of a half mile ItaiiMmClly lisprenii Later on Professor Hertz, wbl'e ex- il. iliillv: Ii, ilullvi'Kcupt Siiinlav. W. AN, ike! Inn W.

Tlillil St. oerimeuting on an entirely dillcrent line, discovered tne fundamental pnu C. M. ST. P.

BY. DAVIi.NI'iiKT lenirt. Anly, tlllc-li'il St. I'lllll. CAltl.

K. 1IAH.1, (Hlil'l Kssolt TO llll 1.H ft IIASM.l TTllllNtrV AT A W- I JI1IIIH lllllitlktlll i IiiiH In MHnnle 'lintlv IAN.S. Miiiillci llii, Nul ilieni Iowa ft What a congrcsNinan loarns during bis first term lio diHsn't always tell when ScekiiiK a second. Chicago Kvery candldnto for speaker this side of tho Hudson river rippenrs to bo running ns a wustcrn man. fcan Francisco L'hi on-iclo.

Tho dinner hns enmo to bo a big factor in politics not that, men must eat, lint that niou must talk. Casrudo (In.) Courier. When ho Insists that only honest men should hold ollice, Governor Hoosevelt for-pets bow many olllcos thuro uro. Dutroit News. 1 A majority of our politicians hnvo small knowledge of tho science which they us-sumo to represent und In which they prti-suino to t4 aeh their fellow citizens.

Atlanta Journal. THE KOYAL BOX. son a son of Secretary of State Dobson, who has jut been gtaduated from tie high school and who, it transpires, has been on the pay roll of the state house as janitor in his fat hoi's ollice. He has drawn S00 a month for such services. The facts are not denied.

The Leader, antl-republlcan, asserts that the state ought to recover the mcney. But Ibe friends of the young man claim he has done the necessary work for the salary. The main question involved is not one of dishonesty, although the Leader likens it to the McFurlaud case, but of thi' propriety, political and personal of fathers who are Btats officers employing their sons in such capacities. The. state board of control bars all relatives from thestate institutions.

There is a strong sentiment among state ollicors in favor of abolishing all nepotism, it is productive of many scandals. Cedar Hapidn HepubUcan. The Fountain of Yuutli. If you want to be made young again, you can go to Dps Moines and get Dr. Drake to squirt hypodernucally lymph from a goat into you.

Experiments show that old dugs have been restored to puppyhood frolicsomeness, and by tlrit eame token why is not there, the possibility of renaih'cence in you? The true fountalu of youth Is the juice ot the gay, restive and hounding billy goat. VVaRhlneton. Ia I'rtsn, REAR ADMIRAL WATSON. HeWIU, fJuKi pm Him tun lieiiiiuii 4 nil put Uy IH i IS .1 I C'lilcmn, Mllnmiken, KiM'kCil 1 iniiiiii. iiiiiuiiiin, MCriwHii mnl 81.

I'mil lb ntn Clllltiill, lllllillipln, I'll I'linll, nil, I)leiiscnf tlin I'yn, Kiir, Noun 'I hrniil uml hum's, Kliiiiiiii li mitt Hk In. lliMini hiiiI Mi-Maims llulHUiiB. 'J ileiliniii' Mo, Hiiyi'iipnil, Inwu, Mit'llWKN. Oi'Kii I luurs Wumiisi'n lliiKpll'il. Iliiillnj llnlclUs.

to a. in, Telciiliiiiin 4U1. I lly ulllcn mil liruily 8l lUift in. Telcplmnn .17, CUAPl.l'.SM.UOIiKtUnN, ItYK. KAH, Nosk AMI TllllOAT MlillllKllM-i (lllien In ii in 9 In II it, I to p.

Ill 7 uml Is Wlilliiknr lileek, IHiyi'iipnrt, Inwn. 11.11. sniMIIi'I, M. 1. Queen Victoria, is preparing for nnotlii volume of her journal.

DllVSlCtAM ANOHtlltllKllN-Onil'n Hint The oldest qiuvn of Kuropo now Is tlio oismi, M. i'iiiiI, tiiualia, mill 8IUIIX Rock Island Peoria Ky. TO Til KAMI' ANII Holi'l l.V. 7:17 mil 11 1. It.

1, mill I', ilciint mil 1 111 pin It, I. mill 01 lllll I lr. pin Ar. 1'riillu II. VU lllll I'lll I 17 pin pin 8niiir In-Ill ji inpiu im pin liiM iiinr ut juu 1 juu il in pin am 'll-lln pill 81 I mils no iii ull mn rineliuiiitl II in.

pin 7. in am Hale-vino lfi j'ln ma l.niiisvllle.,. 7 Hnyloii pin li lm mil I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I in 1 1 HIM lllll 'lull In i iimikh. pi ml A I Inn tit. 7: 1(1 pin IU pm ust ot l'enrla nirty llirnuidl enie'lins I Ki'limlilt lillii'ii liiiiitK il In II ln In iiml 7 In it p.

in, KcKlileiirn imn W. I'lllll ulrnilt, 1 nleplinim iiliiiu 'itif, rn-lileiicc IW; KWI). S. I OWMAN, M. I.

(jui en of Hanover, ho was til years old In April. Quern ictoria comes being 80, while Hid cx Kiiipreps Kugeiiln Is Til. DiiUo Karl Theoilorof Itnvuria, thu ocu Akkicr A no IIksiiu'nck Sir. liruily btreet. ininpiinnn list nud biollier of tlio Into empress of W.I..AI 1YI.

P. Austria nml of the ex oucen of Naples, leist disappointed. It has not urged its readers to contribute to the Dewey home fund. All that it has done was simply to comply with the request of the committee in Washington, and to make the statement that subscriptions would be acknowledged. It has never sanctioned tte movement, and mention has been made of it but incident i-ally in the news columns a few times.

Whenever The Democrat has asked the pubiic for money it has bten prepared to tell how that monty wou'd be used. The epecilie purpose has always been stated, and the agency cf distribution known. In this case it does not appear that Admiral Dewey wants a home in Washington, or that any largo gitt of money would be acceptable to him. The people seem to understand this, for nowhere have they responded with liberality, hardly at all. As the Keokuk Gate City puts the case, "The impulsive attempt to make him an object of public charily and eoliciled gifts does not appear to be The people are deeply grateful to Admiral Dewey.

They have in their hearts a warm pluce for him. They would respond magnificently to any call he might make. Even If they knew his unexpresied wishes that would be enough. TIIK KIOIIT V1KW OF IT. Some democratic papers are so partisan In the view they take of public matters that they are unwilling to admit that any gooJ thing can happen to the country while a republican president occupies the white house, or to the state while a republican governor presides in the executive ollicer.

There Ii no reason in this because a president and a governor combined cau have very little to do with the general situation, and nothing whatever with the causes which make for or against general prosperity. The Clinton Age is not ono of the class of narrow papers referred to. It cheerfully allows that times are much belter than they were three or even two years ago. Commenting on a remark made by The Democrat a few days ago to the effect that the Age is not looking tor the dark side that paper ssya It "recognizes the fact that since the incoming of the present administration hard times and business depression have, in a great measure, given way to a butler and healthier condition of things, and that the country is gradually entering upon an era of prosperity such as the republic never before experienced." Hut thn Ae says most forcefully that "It Is thn most revolting sacrilege to c'altn that this prosperity Is the has just celebrated bis silver wedding at IIIIVMO IAV ANIi -llnnllll III mill 17 VMiltdker lilnek. Ki'n'ilencn inn1 thu cast In of 'i CK'Tlisee, riiriitiin Hlrtfli.

I elcpliunn 4A, 1 III Yhici a awii Hciiin'ON-DllIrn In Imm- The New York Herald has been guilty of leae majesty. It actually printed in its European edition the words of the song, "Hocb, der Kaiser," which Captain Gogh-lan of the Ililelgh, sang in New York city. The German court issued an order that the edition of the Herald containing this offensive song be suppressed. There is hardly a newspaper in the United StateB but has been guilty of having a little fun at the rxpenBe'of the Kaiser. The question nas otten arisen, out has never been passed upon by the courts, as to whether a person convicted of crime and sentenced to a state prison or penitentiary, though afterward unconditionally pardoned, could thereafter exercise the privilege of the elective franchise.

Attorney General Davis of New York has written an opinion to the effect that such a person cancot exercise the frauchfBu without being also expressly restored to citizenship. Of conrBO this decision applies only to New York. Word comes from Lebanon, that Hlchard 1 island is seriously 111, bo much so that his friends are alarmed over his condition. The poor health of the noted man is not a new turn, as for the past two months he has been confine! to his room and attended by a physician. Of late his condition has been growing worse.

Hlchard 1', Hand is a member of the Fifty sixth congress to meet next December. He is one of the oldest members of that body In length of service. He has probably done more to make If! to 1 a national political Issue than any other one man in the Democratic party. The Minneapolis Tribune argues that Spain, now Ihst Bhe Is freed from tte burden of her unprovable colonies, should be able to refund her debt at a low rate of interest, and ultimately to pay all the obligation. This line of lessoning might apply to some other nations; but Spain la an exception.

That Impoverished couutry will try to build up a navy far somo other power to destroy; she will maintain a lrge stauding Brmy, an everlautlng drain upon her feebls resources; and she will be handicapped by an extravagant and corrupt court. Admiral Dewey has a cousin, Arthur W. Dowry of llostoti, a man of rneins and leisure ho has Just arrived In New York after upending two years in England and on the coutlnent. The Im I ot Imyi'lipnrt Niillnind hunk, liesl-iIi'Iicm Hiiiilliwi-st i-nr 1-niirtccelli mill IH'lnli-n sleen in; cam ou nluht limns In clllm, II. MiMMIIH dell, I'iim.

Pock Isliiml, III. A IIAMmI Kit, lutyinpiirl. IIKMlKlM. 11. M.

PKCKKK, HI', NTI8T, Tlio Dnkn of Cotinanglit Is less than six years younger than tin) lJuko of fciu.xo-Colmrg, to whom ho ImW liocomeK heir presiiinptlvo. Tlio latter was born on Aug. li, 1HII, and thu Dukoot Culiniuiglit on May 1, Tlio I'llnco of Wales Is wild to linvodo-termlned to glvo up ym hllng. His ven-ttiri'S In tlm sport have never resulted well, mid he has already withdrawn from two yacht clubs with which ho has been long Idciitlliud. ciple of Marconi's work, Allhuiurh Marconi has discovered nothing t.ev he deserves credit lor he bus achieve J.

"Thomas Kdison should riot be forgotten in this respect. In 1H7U he devised a method of telegraphing from railroad trains, and it was put into practical operation. It was not abandoned la-cause it was a laiiure, but because it was found to be too expensive to Keep opeiators on the trams for tho siua'l patronage tl.e tysteni received," Ntw York Sun. A TEN NESSEECON TEST, Dainl iten fur Sonnlor Tariff's Minm Con, lug to tliu Front, Senator Turley of Tenncisie Ii'ib announced his purpose to retire from politics at the end of his present term, hi March, Many of tr politicians of the state have In consequence already raised aloft their lightning rodB and are busily at work inventing scleuiies to at tract the nenatoi isl elcctrlclto In their direction. (iovernor McMillin, it Is well known, will be a candidate, ulthough he so far made no open declaration of his ambition.

Former Governor "Hob" Taylor, who liddied his way into the hearts ot Ten -nesseeans more than once, and many times liddiei them out of their votes, likewise can be counted upon ua a participant In the race. Ills recent declaration that he has permanently retired from politics, like Hip Van Winkle's last drink, "don't count." Oovernor Hob could no more keep out of politics than he could keep from "rosinlu' the bow." Congressman Cirmack of Memphis, who is au able man and a growing favorite in his state, Is ulai spoken of as a candidate. And there are others. The contett doubtless will tie an exciting one and I) lied with ginger, hard knocks and pyrotechnic Louis Hepubllc, lonn llnjn Hot Titer. New York's Seventh regiment wus hissed 1 1 along the Hue of march Memorial Day for doing what the Iowa volunteers did, for rei using to enttrthe service unless they could enter wlih their own oilicers.

Hut tho Iowa bi.vj, though they could hot bosstthe wealth of the New Yoikers, could command greater Influence. They carriel their point with Governor Miaw and the war department, entered the service, were honorably mustered out, and returned home to receive the plaudits ot a grateful and admiring people. The New Yotk Imya will never trace to regret, that thf.v ere ciiught blulling and will tiever ct'ne to remember that nothing succeeds like succeus' Dubuque Timet). I imm 47 Whltaknr llliK Onti I'liiijif'H'iif LOW ROUNOTRIP RATES Watch the Date. Imnrn" I-' h.

1 In ft Vf.ll ItlNAKV. M. A IKIU.lNliHWUIl'i II Oriuliialo Vntnrliuirluii. Ollice Killer's l'liarinacv. Wlmr An iUn, 4 Hill.

UU UiW Your Summer Outing. Vnitn hrnKli, rvni. ilfnum nrnl Cornforion lliti liHiiifxoiiitt, liixiiriuim Steel Steamship MAN1T0U 5 Children Admiral Watson, It is hoped, will not find ii thiiu? to do when ho reaches tlio l'lilllppimiH, and wo "haven't a thing" nptiust the mlinlrul eillier. Wllkesljiuru Keoord. Hour Admiral Wntson, who succeeds Dewey In Mm l'hllipiiines, Wns lleuten-tint on Kiirriigut's flagship at the buttle of Molillo Bay and assisted in liii-hlnir thu admiral to the ridging of the Hurl fi.nl Im.

furo be went to do or die Baltliiioro American. The selection of Hear Admiral Watson la an excellent one, If his loon mid creditable career In tlio servleo In- an Index nf IiIh worth. '1 ho tank ahead of lilm in tlio riilllpplncs will betiio nioro diillimlt bo-cmiso ho succeeds a inun of Dewey's resplendent reputation. Washington Times, Hear Admiral Watson, who Is appointed to mirceed Dewey us coiiiiiiaiidi of tlio Asiatic station, was an ollicer who might have achieved In the Spanish war hud the opportunity coino his way. I'lm navy department always held Watson Up Us sleeve, as If lm wuro high trump, yet never played him at a moment opportune for Watson.

Sprliigllcld ltepublio-n. I was seriously alllicttd with a cough fur Several years, und lust fill had a more revere coiiah thin ever before. 1 have used many remedies without receiving much relief, and being recommended to try a bottle of Cham berlaiu Cough Hemedy, by a fnend, who, knowing me to lie a poor widow, gave It to me, I tried it, and with the most gratifying remits. The first bottle relieved me very much rind the spcotid bottle has absolutely cured rnr. I have not, had as good health for twenty years.

Hespectfnl'jr, Maiiy A. t'laremorc, Aik. Suld by druggists. LOS to July 8 inclUHlvi', liUFFALO, N. llh urul Kith.

ST. LOUIS, Juiib and Slt.h. Spi-clhl train June ri'tu rn in on thu 5 ou thu Bpccliil, f'J oil on the iciolur. Full pattlcu-lim kivcii by H. 0.

Mack, Freeman, O.P. Phone 146. IM, Agt. Hi ck 1 linnJ. Davi'tiport.

Drink? Don't givo llirm tia or coffrw. Havo yoil tried tin) liew food drink culled GUAIN-Of It is dnlieioim and nourinhiiig und takes tho pluco of rodeo. Tho morn Orain you givn tho cliildn ii thn more health you distri-biii" through their synteiiiH. anil When properly prepared lastei. liko tho i lioice grades of cotfre but costs aliiiut timch.

All grocers bell it. 15c. and ixcluslvely for 'assenger Service. First Class Only. Triweekly Sailings.

Try Grain-O! Ginibcl Pliealn Carriage Pactory. R22 WEST THIRD STREIT (ji-reiAi. A rt rntiok nlvon lo Imu.tiu nud riipttirlun. Irlwi-Mi Clilrncn, flinrli-vult, Prlinkcy, llnrbor frirliiK, lliiy If-M, o.k jii Ilnin1, rp. Pli'niTiniif onr l.aki' Nueci inr I Mviolon milt wwklf llllllltf Im1.i, MP.

Ttrl, Miiin'mk. llnliilH iin-l lnlMfniil ut, i. li.Bcri.l ih liniir, wivlnu mrl iilun, ImhiI tin, vii.ttfw, o.iiiih rui'l taint Irm, JOh. ill mil III IM. tl.

I'. A unit lnii. t'lw Alu.M mil) Walt IIH ACO. Inl Acct-jit uoiiuiULiuu. 1 fruit 'of republican policy Hdmitils-I terlngtho affairs of the government.".

Quad-City Times from Davenport, Iowa (2024)
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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.