Overview · Items · Chronicling Crime (2024)


    Corporation Court- The July term of the Corporation Couty, Judge A.W. Chilton, presenting and indictment this morning. The grand jury was sworn, with Peter Wise as foreman, and presenting an indictment agaisnt Frank Foster for an attempt to committ the crime of rape, a true bill.


    Ed Payne, the negro who attempted to rape Miss Duncan, at Dublin last June, was hanged at Lulaski yesterday. Payne was led to the scaffold by Rev. Leroy Diggs, who offered prayer for the condemned man. Payne and the preacher sand a hyme. After singing, Payne talked for eight minutes, the substance of his discourse being that he had been pardoned of his sins, and was on his way to glory.


    Governor Holliday had made a requisition on the Governor of Maryland for Page Wallace, the negro who was confined in the jail of Loudon County on a charge of attempted rape, and escaped into Maryland, where he was arrested and is held in a Hagerstown jail.


    Mrs. Charles Folsom, residing in North Boscawan, not dar from here, yesterday afternoon left her home to drive to the station to meet her daughter. Not returning a search was insituted which resulted in the finding of the body beside the road. An examination showed that the back of the skull had been beaten in with a rock. This morning George Greenleaf, serving a sentence in the House of Correction, on a charge of attempted rape, was arrested.


    Smothers, the negro on trial in Washington for rape, has been found guilty


    Com vs. Robert Twyman; indictment for felotiously attempting to commit the crime of rape; verdict of guilty of assault and battery, and recommended to mercy. The court ordered the accussed to be imprisoned in the county jail for the term of twelve month and pay a fine of $50.


    The January term of the Loudon County Court, which is a grand jury term, will be held next Monday. Four criminals are confined in jail at Leesburg awaiting the attention of the grand jury; Samuel Robinson, for murder; Page Wallace, for attempted rape; R.A. Smallwood, for assault, and Wm. Green, for hourse stealing.


    Com vs. Frank Ferter; rape; motion for new trial overruled and prisoner sentenced to three years and six months in the penitentiary; exceptions taken to the ruling of the court and judgement stayed.


    A negro ragpicker named Isaac Smith was sentenced to thirty years' imprisonment in Washington yesterday for rape, committed on the person of a colored girl only nine years of age.


    An indictment against Francis Lovejoy, for an attempt to commit the crime of rape; a true bill; and then, having nothing further to present, the grand jury was discharged.


    An indictment against John Washington, for rape, not a true bill


    General Payne also said that when a rape was perpetrated he was never willing that woman should be subjected to the horror of detailing the circ*mstances of the outrage before a gaping crowd, but justice will be executed and ought to be executed by the indignant community.


    Corporation Court- The July term of the Corporation Couty, Judge A.W. Chilton, presenting and indictment this morning. The grand jury was sworn, with Peter Wise as foreman, and presenting an indictment agaisnt Frank Foster for an attempt to committ the crime of rape, a true bill.


    Ed Payne, the negro who attempted to rape Miss Duncan, at Dublin last June, was hanged at Lulaski yesterday. Payne was led to the scaffold by Rev. Leroy Diggs, who offered prayer for the condemned man. Payne and the preacher sand a hyme. After singing, Payne talked for eight minutes, the substance of his discourse being that he had been pardoned of his sins, and was on his way to glory.


    Walter Turner, charged with an attempted rape, was brought before Judge Love on the writ of habes corpus, asking to be released on bail. The judge fixed bail at $1,000, which he failed to secure and was remanded to jail. His counselor, Messrs Machen and Moncure of Fairfax than asked for a special grand jury at the next term, that he might have a speedy trial. This request was concurred in by Commonwealth's Attorney Clements, and the grand jury was ordered.


    A colored man, named Jim Thorp, who lives about three miles from Greenville, N. C, Is charged with criminal assault on his own daughter. When the crime became known the negro sought safety in the woods.


    Hermon Splieve, of Wilmington, has been arrested charged with at tempting criminal assault on his housekeeper. Miss Bertha Griffin. Splieve could not give bond and was placed in jail.


    WILL CLARK IN JAIL CHARGED WITH ASSAULT ON YOUNG GIRL. Will Clark, the young white man charged rape, is in jail here. He is charged with criminal assault on a Miss Gibson, of Laurinburg. Clark was arrested in Harnett County while at work on a farm, and for safe-keeping was brought here, where are kept all the Hoke prisoners pending the erection of a jail for that newly-created county. The crime with which Clark is charged was committed in March near Dundarach, Hoke County- where Miss Gibson, a girl about fifteen years old, arrived one afternoon. The following additional Particulars are learned: though she had gone to visit her sister, she found no one awaiting her at the station and was taken up by Clark and his sister, who promised to take her to her rural destination. After leaving his sister at his own home the young man drove to the edge of a swamp, where the deed was committed. He is alleged to have threatened Miss Gibson's life if she divulged the affair, which she did. A warrant was sworn out for Clark's arrest, but he had disappeared. A young man from Hoke County summoned as witness to Harnett court recently visited the section above Lillington, where he recognized Clark working as a hired man on a farm. His arrest and committal to jail followed.


    After two days' trial Eugene Webb, a young negro, accused of burglary and attempted criminal assault upon Mrs. J. W. Newton, was found guilty with recommendation of mercy. The speech of Solicitor Gattis was the ablest he had ever made and to it more than the direct evidence was attributed the conviction. The negro was working for Mr. Newton and firing a tobacco barn for him, when he left the place and entered the Newton home. On being awakened Mrs. Newton felt the man whose tobacco clothes and tracks betrayed him.


    MAN CHARGED WITH ATTEMPTING CRIMINAL ASSAULT PROVES HE WAS ELSEWHERE AT THE TIME OF THE ALLEGED DEED WAS COMMITTED. C. M. Edwards, an expert account and and book-keeper, was arrested in the Yarborough House in Raleigh last Thursday on the charge of at tempting criminal assault on the little daughter of Charles K. Mclean, a prominent lawyer of Greensboro, N C, in that city on Sunday, January 8th. The child's father came here and identified Edwards as the man he saw near the scene of the attempted assault. He was taken to Greensboro for trial, but at the hearing Edwards had witnesses from Fuquay Springs to prove that he was in Wake County at the time the crime was attempted and he was released by the court. Edwards has a family in Greensboro, and several months ago was arrested there for shooting at his wife a number of times. He is said to be addicted to dope and drugs.


    NATHAN MONTAGUE SENTENCED TO BE ELECTROCUTED ON FEBRUARY 15TH. Negro who assaulted and murdered Miss Mattie Sanders and murdered her father J. L. Sanders, and his little granddaughter Irene Overton, and burned their bodies in the Sanders home near Oxford, was tried and sentenced Monday -prisoner brought back to Raleigh- names co-murderers. [Related articles take up several columns.]


    Rainey Cothran, a young white farmer of the Nelson neighborhood, is in jail at Durham under a serious charge, that of committing criminal assault upon the wife of a white farmer near his home. Testimony is that Cothran assaulted the woman while she was milking cows in after noon. Inability to get all witnesses caused a postponement of the trial till Saturday morning.


    Since the above was put in type three murders have been committed in Anson County, a pistol duel pulled off in Wilmington, a prosperous farmer killed in Surry County, Salisbury negro arrested for criminal assault, and many other minor crimes have been committed within the last two days.


    James Rucker, a negro, was hanged in jail at Asheville, N. C. Rucker was convicted of criminal assault on his stepdaughter. It is said that this is the first time in the history of North Carolina that a negro has been hanged for such a crime against one of his own race.


    Thomas Milraney has been placed in the Forsyth County Jail, in default of a $200 bond, charged with criminal assault on his ten-year-old sister-in-law, Lucy Spense. Lucy, the outraged child, was the witness against Milraney.


    Maynard, the white boy, of Spencer, a Southern railway brakeman, is held here on the charge of attempted criminal assault upon a white girl named Molly Everhart. The mayor first held him without bail, but later agreed to allow him $1,000 bail, which has not been raised as yet. He is a young fellow, and his father lives at High Point.


    Superior court for the trial of criminal cases convened here this morning with Judge Cook presiding. It is thought that the most important case, that of Francis Sumner, charged with the murder of Charles Powers, will be continued. Another capital case of interest is that of the State vs. James Rucker, charged with the criminal assault of his seven-year old stepdaughter. The officers have a strong case against Rucker, and there is little doubt but that he will be convicted.


    Charley Starling, of Raleigh, was arrested Monday on the charge of attempted criminal assault on Lena McDonald, a small girl about fourteen years of age. He was placed under $1,000 bond. The case was heard yesterday before Judge Connor under habeas corpus proceedings, but as the girl made contradictory statements Judge Connor has withheld his decision.


    Freeman Jones, the negro who burglarized the house of Mrs. Jack Barker and attempted criminal assault, waived examination and was sent to jail without bail. Freeman partially plead guilty to the crime. At an early hour Sunday morning Freeman Jones, a negro, entered the home of Mrs. Jack Barker, a respectable white woman in Fast Durham and after dragging her from the house into the yard, made a desperate attempt to commit criminal assault. Escaped From State Farm.


    SHERIFF HARRIS, OF CONCORD, BRINGS ERNEST SCOTT TO RALEIGH TO SERVE A TEN YEAR TERM. Sheriff James F. Harris, of Cabarrus County, Monday brought to the state prison Ernest Scott, and eighteen year old negro, to serve a term of ten years for criminal assault. This is the second time Scott has been brought to Raleigh to begin this sentence. Last October, Sheriff Harris arrived here with his prisoner and started walking from the depot to the prison. The negro was handcuffed and the sheriff held the end of the chain. Suddenly the prisoner made a jerk, pulled the chain from the officer's hand, and ran. Sheriff Harris had left his gun, and athough he pursued, the negro made his escape. A few days since Scott appeared within a few miles of his old home in Cabarrus, and Sheriff Harris went to the place and arrested him.


    Willie Richard Andrews, the confessed criminal assailant of the 5-year-old daughter of J. B. Roberts in this county on January 26th, was tried and sentenced to be hanged on March 16. Judge Holden convened a special term for the negro's trial.


    A mob of 300 men, early Sunday morning, took Ernest Baker, a negro, from the county jail and banned him from a beam of the city scale in the center of the city. Biker attempted. Saturday night, a criminal assault on Miss Mary Gentry, aged 15 whom he knocked down and dragged by the heels into an alley. Her screams attracted neighbors and the negro fled but later was captured by officers. The mob's work was so secretly done that the prisoners in the jail next to Baker did not know of the lynching until morning.


    Joe Sutton, a seventeen-year-old boy, of Waynesville, N. C, is in jail awaiting trial on the charge of attempting criminal assault on his eight-year-old niece, who lives in a remote section of Haywood County.


    A pardon has been granted Henry Reynolds, convicted in Gaston County in September, 1909, of criminal assault and sentenced to eight years on the roads.


    Virginia officials have been requested to arrest Rev. W J. Hub bard, of Charleston, W. Va., charged with criminal relations with an eleven-year-old inmate of the Davis Child's Shelter, of Charleston, of which institution Hubbard was superintendent until a few days ago.


    Today, in the Forks neighborhood of Marion County, South Carolina, near Mullins, S. C., a negro attempted a criminal assault upon the 11-year-old daughter of Mr. John Sawyer, a farmer. The girl had gone down to the edge of the woods to feed some hogs, when she was accosted by the negro. The father, in a field, heard the child scream, and upon his approach the negro ran, but was pursued. One man in advance of another caught the negro, but before the crowd could come up, he broke loose and ran. Before he was overtaken again, the party shot and killed the negro. Another criminal assault was attempted in the same neighborhood Saturday night.


    Ruffin Fuller, colored, today was found guilty in the Superior Court of criminally assaulting Lena Lyon, colored, near Stem, N. C., last Friday, using his pistol to accomplish his design. Judge Justice's sentence was that he should be hanged Friday, the 12th of July next.


    An unsuccessful attempt at criminal assault was made on Miss Gladys Purnell. daughter of Rev. T. II. Purnell, about 7 o'clock Saturday evening by an unknown negro who made good his escape. With the exception of Miss Gladys, the family was sitting on the front piazza, when they were aroused by her screams in the rear of the home. Just as she had stepped out of the house a negro grabbed her and bound a rag around her mouth. Her screams frightened the negro and he ran. Bloodhounds were brought at once from the convict camp near here but could not strike the trail, a crowd having gathered and obliterated the tracks.


    THE FIEND HAD ATTEMPTED CRIMINAL ASSAULT UPON A DEFENSELESS LADY. John Smith, the negro who yesterday dragged Miss Mary Steel Ewing from her buggy two miles from Arcadia, in an attempt at criminal assault, was taken away from the sheriff and his deputies at an early hour this morning and hanged to a tree.


    SAM GLOVER FOUND GUILTY OF KILLING ANOTHER NEGRO- SEVERAL CRIMINAL CASES TRIED AT WILMINGTON COURT. The Jury returned a verdict of guilty of criminal assault with felonious attempt against Timothy Clemmons, white, of Delgado. and he was sentenced to fifteen years In the State prison; Eugene Jackson, colored, for second degree murder under a submission, was given a like sentence in the penitentiary.


    MR. F. C. HOLDEN'S DAUGHTER HAS NARROW ESCAPE FROM A BEASTLY BRUTE. John Henderson, a large black negro, was brought to Raleigh last night and lodged in jail on the charge of attempting to commit a criminal assault on the daughter of Mr. F. C Holden, who lives in Wake Forest Township, about thirteen miles from Raleigh. The negro appeared at the kitchen door and asked for some thing to eat, and while the young woman was preparing to give it to him, he attacked her with a stick and knife. Her screams attracted the attention of a younger brother, who at once came to the rescue and was in turn assailed. Mr. F. C. Holden and another son attracted by the screams, then appeared and the negro fled. He was pursued, swam the Neuse River and was not captured until a load of shot had been emptied into his back. Mr. Holden and his son brought the negro to Raleigh last night and lodged him in jail.


    A reward of $250 has been authorized by Governor Kitchin for the arrest of the unknown party who, on the night of September 2nd, made a murderous assault on Mr. Gray Tolar, near McDonald's, in Robeson County, and after beating him on the head with a plow, attempted a criminal assault on Mrs. Tolar. There is no clue as to the identity of the guilty party.


    MRS. W. W. LEIGH, OF GREENSBORO, USED STOVE WOOD OVER HIS CRANIUM TO GOOD ADVANTAGE. The Greensboro Telegram of Friday morning contained the following story of an attempted assault in that city: "But for the fact that Mrs. V. W. Leigh retained her presence of mind when a black negro seized her and by the use of her strong right arm and a stick of stove wood, drove him pell mell from her home there would have no doubt been great excitement in Greensboro last night with good prospects for a lynching bee. The negro was arrested about 2 o'clock this morning by Sergeant Pearce and Officers Jeffreys, Causey, and Foushee. He was placed in the calaboose to await a hearing before Judge Eure this morning. It is quite likely that he will be charged only with an assault as there is no evidence to show that he intended criminal assault. The negro, John Wylie, who drives a delivery wagon for Hepler Bros., grocers, had gone to the Leigh home, 750 West Lee street, to deliver groceries. He had deposited them in the kitchen, according to Mrs. Leigh's statement to the police, after he be asked for something to eat, Mrs. Leigh had given him some food and he had presumably started out and Mrs. Leigh resumed cooking supper. A minute later she felt something catch hold of her and thinking it was her child turned partly around only to look into the face of the negro. She gave him a blow with her fist, and being stouter than the average woman, sent him reeling. She grabbed a stick of stove wood that lay convenient and pummeled him severely over the head, driving him from the room. He poked his head inside and she then ran him outside, locking the front door. The negro tried to again enter the house and Mrs. Leigh ran for a revolver in a bed room. The negro then ran to the wagon and drove rapidly away. She stated that she was not frightened but thoroughly angry and had she gotten the pistol while the negro was in the house would have killed him.


    BOTH CONVICTED OF CRIMINAL ASSAULT, TAKEN TO BUNCOMBE JAIL. Solicitor Brown has returned from Marion county, where he has prosecuted the docket of that court. Two white men, Peter and Charley Stein, were convicted of criminal assault and sentenced to by Judge Moore to hang May 12th. Smith is 65 years of age and outraged a 75-year-old girl. Stein is 18 years of age and outraged a married woman of 45 years. Judge Moore today signed an order that was placed In the hands of Sheriff Reed of this county, directing that the condemned city and men he brought to this placed in the Buncombe jail for safe keeping. Notwithstanding the fact that more capital offenses have been committed in Madison than any other county in the State, the last hanging that occurred in the county was nearly thirty years ago, when a Buncombe county murderer was taken there, tried, convicted and hanged.


    John Riggs, a young white man 22 years of age, was given a preliminary trial at Wilmington before Justice of the Peace George Harris upon the charge of attempted criminal assault upon Mrs. Victoria Mason. The alleged attempted assault occurred last Tuesday and the warrant was taken out by the husband of the Mason woman Sunday. The case was dismissed.


    Will Ross, the negro under arrest for attempted criminal assault on Miss Troy Balles, and who was shot while resisting arrest, escaped from the Good Samaritan Hospital to-day and cannot be found. It was thought he was dying, so a close watch was not kept.


    Ed Murphy, a negro was committed to jail Friday without bail by Justice of the Peace H. H. Roberts, for an alleged criminal assault upon Elmira Ledbetter, wife of Robert Ledbetter, colored. Murphy is charged with committing the crime Thursday morning at 8 o'clock after the woman's husband had gone to work. She was in her home in House's Creek township, just beyond Method, at the Tompson Crossing, in the direction of Ashbury.


    Caleb Haynes, who was tried in Guilford court for criminal assault, was this afternoon convicted of simple assault. He pleaded guilty to carrying concealed weapons and, another [page torn] nature, and Judge [page torn] road sentences of [page torn].


    CLAUDE RIGSBEE IS WANTED BY OFFICERS FOR AN ATTEMPT AT RAPE ON MRS. CALVIN PAGE, OF MORRISVILLE- ATTACKED HER AS SHE WAS WALKING ALONG ROAD AT NIGHT. Officers here are diligently on the outlook for the man Riggsbee, who is wanted for attempted criminal asault near Morrisville Thursday night. The meager particulars of this incident reached here from Raleigh Saturday afternoon, but the main facts were learned late, and it was also learned that no arrest of the fugitive had been made. The news was that one High or Hugh Riggsbee was the man wanted for an attempt at criminal assault upon Mrs. Calvin Page. Later a message said that Claude Riggsbee was the one wanted, and that the officers all over this section were asked to look for him, as it was thought certain that he is now in this part of the country. The particulars of the attempted criminal assault show that it was a vicious attempt at a terrible crime. Mrs. Page was walking along the road about night when she was attacked by Riggsbee, and the brute, as reported here, made an effort to drag her into the bushes nearby. Getting loose from the man, she ran screaming, and this frightened the assailant and he escaped. She recognized him as Claude Riggsbee, however.


    James Rucker a negro, was hanged here in jail shortly after noon Wednesday. Rucker was convicted of criminal assault on his step-daughter. It is said that this is the first time in the history of this State that a negro has been hanged for such a crime against one of his own race.

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