Ace Ventura - Pet Detective · The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (2024)

Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (1)


Jack Bernstein

Tom Shadyac

Jim Carrey


Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (2)


A UPS Man with a big pot belly is walking down the street,whistling and carelessly tossing a package in the air. Wehear the sound of broken glass in the box. He passes aprofessional woman.

UPS MANGood morning, UPS!

He tosses the box behind his back like a basketball, thenacknowledges another passerby.

UPS MANUPS, good to see you!

He takes a couple of steps, then flings the package incrediblyhigh into the air, spins completely around and expertly dropsto one knee and catches the box. A Hispanic man passes.

UPS MANBuenos dias. Uo Pay eSsay.


The UPS Man dodges a couple of black kids as though playingbasketball. He runs up the front steps of the building. Hereaches out to open the front door and inadvertently flingsthe package behind him and back down the steps.

He goes back, retrieves the package, then enters the building.


Several people stand in the elevator. The UPS Man just makesit, but the door closes on the package... REPEATEDLY. Hefeigns embarrassment.


ELEVATOR DOORS OPEN. The UPS Man throws the package out ontothe floor and starts kicking it down the hall like a soccerplayer. With one last big kick the parcel lands in front ofAPARTMENT 3B. He picks it up and knocks on the door.

We hear a small dog barking.

GRUFF MAN (O.S.)Shut the hell up, you stupid mutt!

An angry, burly man pokes his nose hairs out the chaineddoor.

GRUFF MANWhat do you want?

Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (3)


UPS MANUPS, sir. And how are you thisafternoon? Alrighty then!

The man grumpily unchains the door. He's a big guy - 6'5",250, and 50 of that is chest hair.

UPS MANI have a package for you.

The UPS guy thrusts the package toward the man. We can clearlyhear broken glass inside.

The man takes the package.

GRUFF MANIt sounds broken.

UPS MANMost likely sir! I bet it wassomething nice though! Now... Ihaver an insurance form. If you'lljust sign here, here, and here, andinitial here, and print your namehere, we'll get the rest of the formsout to you as soon as we can.

The man begrudgingly begins to fill out the form. The dogwags his tail and whines. We can see that he likes the UPSguy.

UPS MANThat's a lovely dog you have. Do youmind if I pet him, sir?

GRUFF MAN(mumbles)

I don't give a rat's ass.

The UPS Man bends down and talks to the dog in a really suckypet talk.

UPS MANOo ja boo ba da boo boo do booo!

GRUFF MAN(under breath)


Before the Gruff Man can finish, the UPS Man stands back upand takes the form again.

UPS MANThat's fine sir. I can fill out therest. You just have yourself a goodday. Take care, now! 'Bye 'bye, then!

Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (4)




The UPS Man moves swiftly down the hall and into the stairwell.


The Gruff Man shakes the box, tosses it down and sits infront of the TV.


The UPS Man bursts from the front door and hustles down thestreet very quickly. He passes several people.

UPS MAN(quickly)

UPS, S'cuse me. UPS, comin' through.


We see the back of the Shiatsu staring at the crack in thefront door. He has not moved an inch. The Gruff Man looksover.

GRUFF MANHey, stupid! Get away from the door!

The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. Hegets up and heads for the dog.

GRUFF MANWhat's the matter with you, I saidGIT!!!

He roughly picks the dog up by the scruff of the neck, butas he turns it around we see that it is a stuffed dog. Aroundit's neck is a business card that reads, "You have been hadby Ace Ventura - Pet Detective." He breathes fire.

GRUFF MANSon of a bitch!

He smashes the dog to the ground.


As the UPS Man/Ace rounds the corner, his shirt opens up athis pot belly and the Shiatsu's head sticks out. Ace isgloating.

Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (5)


ACE(announcer's voice)

That was a close one, ladies andgentlemen. Unfortunately, in everycontest, there must be... A LOOSER!

He jumps into an old beat-up Chevy Bel Air, and lets the dogout onto the passenger seat.


He then pulls open the car's ashtray, and to the dog'sdelight, it's filled with puppy chow.

He tries to start the engine but it won't turn over. The dogshoots him a look.

ACE(to dog)

No problem, it gets flooded. We'lljust wait a few seconds.

Ace sits back. SMASH!!!

From Ace's POV we see a Baseball bat shatter the frontwindshield.

ACEOr, we could try it now.

Ace frantically tries to start the car. His new friendcontinues around the car beating the living sh*t out of it.

ACEOooh, boy.


We see the creep wailing on the car in Ace's side view mirror.

ACEWarning! Assholes are closer thanthey appear!

The dog is barking insanely.

ACE(to dog)

You think you can do better?!

The baseball bat is now pummeling the trunk.

ACEWanna give me a push while you'reback there?

Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (6)


BOOM! The back window shatters. Then the car's engine roarsto life. Ace rejoices.


Ace leaves the bad guy in a cloud of dust and gravel,screaming bloody murder.


Ace and his new pal speed away freely.

Close on the happy dog, hanging his head out the car window.PAN across the broken windshield to Ace, also hanging hishead out the window to see where he's going.

The car drives by a sign on a telephone pole: "Reward" --with a picture of the Shiatsu in Ace's seat.



A very sexy woman is hugging and kissing the Shiatsu.

WOMANMy little baby. You missed mommydidn't you? Did daddy hurt you? Iwon't let him, no I won't. He mayhave kept the big screen TV, buthe's not gonna keep my baby. No heisn't.

(very sexy to Ace)Thank you, Mr. Ventura. How can Iever repay you?

She slinks over to Ace and puts her arms around his neck.

ACEWell, the reward would be good, andthere was some damage to my – Shecuts Ace off with a devastating kiss.

WOMANWould you like me to take you pantsoff instead?

ACEUmmmm… Sure.

She pulls him toward the bedroom.

WOMANIt takes a big man to stand up to myhusband. He's already put two of mylovers in the hospital.

Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (7)


ACEHow did he find out? Does he haveyou followed.

WOMANNo… I tell him She plants a kiss onAce's neck and pulls him down out offrame onto the bed.


The stands are empty, but there's plenty happening on thefield. The Miami Dolphins are practicing. Dan Marino is intop form, hitting pass after pass.

Behind one of the goal posts, the team's mascot, a raredolphin (SNOWFLAKE), wearing #4, is practicing his routine.The Trainer is dressed like a quarterback.

TRAINERBlue! 42! Blue! 42! Hut! Hut!

Snowflake swims over, snatches a small football out of theTrainer's hand, and does an end zone dance on his tail. Hethen returns the ball to the trainer.

The Trainer now sets the ball on the dolphin's tail andsnowflake "kicks" a perfect field goal. The Trainer blows awhistle and raises both arms.



The stadium is now completely empty. Snowflake peacefullyswims around his tank.

Suddenly, the water is illuminated by the headlights of ann.d. panel truck.

The rear door slides open. Two men jump out in wet suits.

They slip into the water while a third waits outside thetank.

Snowflake surfaces to check out the action. One of the menholds out a fish. Snowflake eagerly takes it, then shuddersas a large syringe is stuck into his back.

Snowflake thrashes around.

Quick cut of a hand with the blur of a ring slamming againstthe tank. But the needle has done its job. Snowflake quicklygoes limp.

Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (8)


Snowflake is loaded into the back of the truck. Move in onSnowflake's face. His excited cackle has turned into a painfulwhimper.

The truck skids away passing the guard gate. The guard ishog tied and gagged, struggling to free himself.


Close up on a dead goldfish laying on a newspaper. We pullback to reveal ADELLE ROSENBERG, the seventy year old ownerof a cluttered pet shop. She's handing a live goldfish in abag to JENNIFER, a very sweet nine year old.

ADELLEHere you go, honey. Now remember…this kind of fish doesn't like it inthe freezer.

JENNYBut what's gonna happen to Dolly?

ADELLEDon't worry, I'll make sure she getsa proper burial.

Jennifer exits. Adelle calls to her cat, and tosses it thegoldfish. The cat catches it in mid-air.

ADELLERest in peace.

Ace enters the pet shop. It looks like he slept in hisclothes.

ADELLEWell… here comes another dead fish.

ACEHi, beautiful. What time do you getoff?



I've heard some pretty great thingsabout your kibble.

ADELLEWell, I hope I'm not getting areputation.

Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (9)


ACE(switching to mock

anger)Just get me the food!

She chuckles at Ace as she loads a couple of bags withdifferent kinds of pet food.

ADELLESo… ahh, when can I expect you topay your tab?

ACEI'm a little bit Sli Pickins, rightnow, I'm a little Tight SqueezeLouise, a little Welfare Wolly,Potless Pissing Pete, I'm ah –

ADELLEIf you were a horse I'd shoot ya'. Just take it.

ACEGravy! I'm good for it, Adelle. I'mon a very big case right now.

Ace reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a flyer witha picture of a white pigeon.

ACESee this pigeon? It's a true albino.Some rich guy lost it. He's offeringa ten thousand dollar reward.

ADELLEWow, albino pigeons are very rare.How are you going to find him?

ACEJust keep my eyes open, and hope togod it doesn't snow.

Ace grabs his bags and heads for the door.

ADELLEYou're a good boy, Ace. A good boy.

He holds the door open for an elderly gentleman who isentering at the same time. The gentleman is walking a toypoodle on a leash. The poodle is dragging its butt along theentire length of the floor. Ace and Adelle just stare.

ELDERLY MAN(in a loud voice)

Do you have anything for ringworm?

Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (10)



Ace enters the courtyard of a two story U-shaped apartmentcomplex carrying his groceries. It's


Ace is just putting the key in the door when the landlordsteps up behind him. Ace is startled by the dreaded'Shickadance Rasp' (not unlike Linda Blair in THE EXORCIST).


Ace straightens up, but doesn't turn around.

ACEYes, Satan?

Now Ace turns around in mock surprise.

ACEOh, I'm sorry, sir. You sounded likesomeone else.

LANDLORDNever mind the wise cracks Venturaaa.You owe me rent!

ACEMr. Shickadance… I told you, you'remy first priority! As soon as I findthe white pigeon, you're paid!!

LANDLORDI heard animals in there Ventura! Iheard 'em again this morning,scratchin' around.

ACEI never bring my work home with me,sir.

The landlord notices the bags of kibble.

LANDLORDOh, yeah? What's all this pet foodfor?



The landlord isn't buying it.

Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (11)


ACEYou wanna take a look for yourself?Go head.

Ace rattles his keys in the door. Then he swings it open andturns on the light.

The house is clear. Ace walks in as the landlord stands theresnooping and sniffing the air.

ACEWell… are you satisfied?

LANDLORD(still suspicious)

Yeah, but don't ever let me catchyou with an animal in there, that'sall!

ACEOkay then. Take care now. 'Bye 'bye.

The landlord walks away as Ace closes the door.

ACE(quietly to himself)


He then turns to the room and gives a distinct whistle.

CHAOS ENSUES! Animals jump out from every direction. Lizardscrawl out of drawers, birds fly through the air, all of themgravitating to Ace.

ACE(to his flock)



The very imposing office of BOBBY RIDDLE, owner of the MiamiDolphins. Riddle, 70, is a take charge, doesn't take crapfrom anyone type of guy. He is yelling at ROGER PODACTER, anex-linebacker in his early sixties, and MELISSA ROBINSON,Podacter's attractive assistant.

RIDDLEI just want to know one thing; Howthe hell do you lose a 500 poundfish?!

Melissa's about to speak but hesitates.


Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (12)


MELISSAIt's not a fish, sir. It's a mammal.

An angry Riddle stands up.

RIDDLEOh, thank you very much, Mrs. JacqueCousteau!

PODACTERBob, she didn't mean anything by it.

RIDDLE calms down a little, and sits.


Listen, personally, I don't give agood god damn about a fish.

He looks at Melissa. She doesn't dare say anything.

RIDDLEAll I care about is winning thisSuper Bowl! I want the players' headin the right place. sh*t, Roger,you've been in this game long enough,you know how superstitious playersare. Our quarterback's been puttinghis socks on backwards since highschool. And I got a lineman who hasn'twashed his jock in two years becausehe thinks flies are lucky! I wantthat god damn fish on the field SuperBowl Sunday! FIND THE FISH, OR FINDNEW JOBS!


An upset Podacter and Melissa walk through the hallway.

PODACTERWhy did it have to happen now? I gotthree stinking years left tillretirement.

MELISSAI've got forty.

PODACTERI'll tell you who did it. It wasthose goddamn animal rights nuts! Always out there with their goddamnsigns, ANIMALS WERE BORN FREE, STOPTORTURING SNOWFLAKE! That goddamnfish lives better than they do!

They stop outside Melissa's office by her secretary's desk.

Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (13)


MELISSAThe police are checking into theanimal rights people.

(to secretary)Martha, have the police called backabout the dolphin yet?

MARTHANo, but I wanted to tell you, when Ilost my Cuddles, I hired a petdetective.


MARTHAA pet detective.

MELISSAThanks Martha, but we'd better leavethis to professionals.

MARTHAWell actually, he was quite good. Pet detection is a very involved,highly scientific process.



CLOSE ON ACE - COOING like a pigeon. Widen to reveal, Aceprecariously perched on the roof of a two story building. Heis four feet away from "The" pigeon. Ater a beat, he makes amad, spastic, yet scientific, lunge for the bird.


The bird makes a clean getaway. Unable to stop his momentum,Ace flies past the edge of the building and slides down theside of the roof.


BAM!!! Ace crashes to the ground. As he lies face down, in aheap of trash, his beeper goes off.


Parking lot. Ace's clunker drives by some real nice cars.Employees stare at him.


A stern guard is admitting people into the stadium. He scanseach one with a security detection wand.

Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (14)


MAN #1Art Wheeler. Sporting supplies.

The guard scans him. He goes.

MAN #2Tom Anderson. Concessions.

The guard scans him. He goes.

ACEAce Ventura. Pet detective.

The guard stares at Ace, accusingly.


Martha enters.

MARTHAAh… Mr. Ventura to see you.

MELISSAOkay, send him in.

Martha exits, Ace enters.

MELISSAHi, I'm Melissa Robinson. Did youhave any trouble getting in?

ACENo, the guy with the rubber glovewas surprisingly gentle.


Super Bowl week. Security's tight.Mr. Ventura, I'll get right to thepoint…

She slips a tape in the VCR and gestures for Ace to sit.

MELISSAOur mascot was stolen from his tanklast night. Are you familiar withSnowflake?

The tape shows Snowflake doing a trick. The trainer, dressedlike a quarterback, shouts out signals.

TRAINER (ON TAPE)Blue! 42! Blue! 42! Hut! Hut!

Snowflake swims over, snatches the small football out of thetrainer's hand, swims the length of the pool, does an endzone dance on his tail, then returns the ball to the trainer.

Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (15)


MELISSA (O.S.)We got Snowflake from the MiamiSeaquarium. He's a rare Bottle NoseDolphin. That's the new trick he wasgoing to do during the half-timeshow.

While Ace studies the tape, he chews sunflower seeds in abird-like fashion, placing the shells in a neat little pileon her desk.

MELISSAWould you like an ashtray?

ACENo, I don't smoke.

He adds more shells to the pile.

Melissa is already wondering if she has made a mistake.

MELISSATo be honest, Mr. Ventura. I'm prettyskeptical. Before today, I didn'teven know there was such a thing asa pet detective.

ACEWell, now that you do, you'll knowwho to call if your Schnauser everruns away.

MELISSAHow did you know I have a Schnauser?

Ace pulls a, invisible-to-the-naked-eye dog hair off hereblouse and presents it to her.

ACEHe's young, about five pounds, blackcoat, white speckles…

(sniffs the hair)…likes to chase cars.

MELISSAVery impressive.

ACEYou should see what I can do with agood stool sample.

MELISSAI can hardly wait. Look, we've got aproblem. Can you help me or not?

Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (16)



Well, sea faring creatures aren'treally my expertise…

MELISSAWe'll give you three thousand dollarson delivery.

Ace immediately becomes the narrator of a nature show.

ACEThe dolphin is a social creature. Capable of complex communication. Traveling in large groups or schools…


The Dolphin players practice. A crowd of reporters interviewMarino.

MARINOWe just choked in 82. We had a chanceto win it and we didn't. Nobody'sgonna choke this time, and if theydo, I'll kill 'em.

Ace and Melissa head for Snowflake's tank.

MELISSAThe police were here this morning. Apparently, the kidnappers used theback gate.

Ace bends down to look at some tire tracks on the field.

MELISSAThey said some kind of a –

ACEFour wheel drive van… loaded fromthe rear.

Ace sniffs the turf. Podacter enters nervously.

MELISSAOh, hi, Roger. How are you holdingup?

PODACTERWell if it looks like I'm walkingfunny it's because I have a bunch onreporters up my ass. They've beenasking me about Snowflake all day.Who's this?

Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (17)


MELISSARoger Podacter, meet Ace Ventura. Ace is our pet detective.

Podacter shakes his hand.

PODACTERNice to meet you. Martha Metzrecommended you very highly.

ACEMartha Metz? Martha Metz. Oh yeah,the bitch.


ACEPekinese. Hyperactive. Lost inHighland Park area. She was halfdead when I found her. Is that thetank?

They both follow Ace as he makes a B-line.


The tank is empty.

ACECops drain it?

MELISSAYes. This morning.

Ace hops on the ladder.

ACEIf I'm not back in five minutes…call Lloyd Bridges.


While eating sunflower seeds, Ace meticulously examines thetank, including the scratches where the hand banged up againstthe wall when Snowflake was stolen. All the while, he issinging a bastardized version of the theme from, "Flipper."

ACE…Wonderful Flipper… glorious Flipper…magnificent Flipper… The flippiestFlipper… Podacter and Melissa,watching from the rim, look at eachother like, "What have we gottenourselves into?" Podacter spotssomething.

Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (18)


PODACTEROh, great.

A hoard or reporters are headed their way.

PODACTERI'll try to head them off.


Get out of the tank.

ACE(still singing)

…Can't hear you Flipper, Flipper…Lookin' for Flipper, gotta findFlipper…

MELISSAI said, get out of the tank! Now!

The reporters draw closer. Podacter heads them off.

REPORTERSo where's Snowflake?

PODACTERAh… Snowflake is just, ah, notavailable right now.

REPORTERCome on, I'm supposed to get a shotof his new trick for the eveningnews.

REPORTER #2What? Is he sick?

Other reporters chime in.

VARIOUS REPORTERSDid something happen to Snowflake?!What're you hiding..?!

Melissa and Podacter don't know what to say. Then, a strangevoice is heard.

ACE/HEINZ (O.S.)(unrecognizable accent)

How cun I be getting dis vork dunmit all da shouting? What for is disshouting?

REPORTERWho the hell is that?

Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (19)


MELISSAThat? That's…

ACE/HEINZHeinz Kissvelvet. I am Trainer ofDolphins. You vant to talk to zedolphin, you talk to me!

REPORTERWhat happened to the regular trainer?

ACE/HEINZVy do you care about the dolphin? Do you know him? Does he call you athome? Do you have a dorsal fin?

(beat)To train ze dolphin, you must zinklike ze dolphin. You must be gettingoonside ze dolphin's head! Justyesterday I'm asking Snowflake… "ee,eee, eee." He said, "Eee, eee, eee,eee." Und you can quote him.

Ace spits at the reporters' feet. Podacter jumps in.

PODACTERGentlemen, please, Coach Shula'spress conference is just about tobegin. Why don't I take you overthere and let, ah, Heinz, do hisjob.

He ushers the press away.

MELISSA(sotto to Ace)

Are you finished, Heinz?

ACENot yet.

Ace goes to the filter outside the tank, opens it, and poursout its contents – mainly leaves, small twigs and gunk. Heroots through it, notices a very tiny amber stone. He smilesto himself.

ACENow I'm finished.


A flurry of activity in the detective division. As Ace enters,several cops taunt him on sight, led by the obnoxious,SERGEANT AGUADO.

Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (20)


AGUADOHey, Ventura! Make any good collarslately?

ANOTHER COPOr were they leashes?

They all bust up. Aguado spots a bug on the ground.


(steps on the bug)Homicide, Ventura!

The cops are falling all over themselves laughing.

AGUADOHow you gonna solve this one?!

Ace walks up to them and looks at the squashed bug.

ACEGood question, Aguado… first I'destablish a motive. In this case thekiller saw the size of the bug'sdick, and became insanely jealous.

The other cops all react with a big "ooooooo". Aguado has nocomeback. Ace comes face to face with him.

ACEThen I'd lose thirty pounds porkinghis wife.

Aguado suddenly loses it and swings at Ace.

With a lightening move, Ace sidesteps the punch and forcesAguado's face down next to the dead bug.

ACENow kiss and make up.

Ace walks off.

ACE(to himself)


Ace walks to the desk of EMILIO ECHAVEZ, a young energeticmember of the homicide division.

Ace has a silly impish look on his face.


I miss you.

Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (21)


EMILIOIt's not a good time, Ace. If Einhornsees me talking to you I'm gonna behistory.

ACEOkay. Just tell me what you got onSnowflake. That's all I need.

EMILIO…I can't say anything. My hands aretied.


Sounds like my kind of a party.

A cop comes to Emilio's desk.

COPLook alive, Einhorn's on her waydown.

EMILIOAce, please?!

ACEJust tell me who's working the case?


ACEAguado?! He's pimple juice! He's theposter child for lead paint chipeaters!

EMILIOLook, Ace. We're a little busy withmurderers and drug dealers. A missingdolphin isn't exactly a high priority.

The elevator is getting closer.

EMILIOAce, gimme a break will ya?

Ace nonchalantly sits back in a chair, pops a sunflower seedinto his mouth and cracks it loudly.


Okay, okay. We checked all the localanimal rights groups, taxidermists,and we're running a check throughDMV on all recent van rentals. Sofar, nada.

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ACEAny unusual bets being made?

EMILIOAce, it's the Super Bowl, of coursethere's bets being made.

ACEWhat'd you find out about the tank?

EMILIONothing weird. Just the tire tracksand the exit route. The guard didn'tsee anything.

ACEThat's it?

EMILIOThat's it. I swear. Now please goaway!

ACEYou know something?

(again impish)YOU'RE NICE!

Ace gets up and exits the room. Then just as Emilio sighswith relief, Ace pops back in.

ACEWhat about crazy Philly fans?

The elevator bell rings. Out steps police LT. LOIS EINHORN,mid 30s, with a slender build, a great pair of legs and abad tude.

ACEHoly testicl* Tuesday!

EINHORN(to Emilio)

What the hell is he doing here?

ACEI came to confess. I was the secondgunman on the grassy knoll.

EINHORNSpare me the routine, Ventura. Iknow you're working the Snowflakecase. May I suggest you yield to theexperts on this one? We'll find theporpoise.

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ACE(mock relief)

Whewww… now I feel better!

Ace turns to go.

ACEOf course, that might not do anygood. You see, nobody's missing aporpoise. It's a dolphin that's beentaken. The common Harbor Porpoisehas an abrupt snout, pointed teeth,and a triangular thorasic fin, whilethe Bottlenose Dolphin, or TursiopsTruncatus, has an elongated beak,round, cone-shaped teeth, and adistinctive serrated dorsal appendage.

(beat)But I'm sure you already knew that.

(beat)That's what turns me on about you.Hey… maybe I'll give you a callsometime, lieutenant. Your numberstill 911? Alrighty then!

Ace exits.


A wild thrasher club. An incredible thrash band is on stagecranking. Kids jump wildly into the "moshing" pit.

Ace enters, sees a burnout at the bar whose head is circlinginsanely to the music.


Excuse me?! Is Greg here?!

The burnout's head thrashes on. No acknowledgement of Ace.

ACEThank you!

Ace heads for the basem*nt stairs.


Ace descends the stairs, stopping at a large steel door. Acebangs on it three times. A voice is heard from inside.

VOICE (O.S.)Password!

ACETom Vu! I pay for sex! You can too!

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CLICK! The door electronically unlatches and slides open.


Ace enters. Green Peace "Save the Whales" posters abound.GREG/WOODSTOCK, a laid back, ex-hippy with long gray hair,sits at a very impressive computer set up. Ace and he havetheir own distinct banter.

A thud from above. Ace looks up.


Part of the ceiling is made of metal grating, so you can seethe bottom of the dance floor.

A guy's face gets smashed into the grate. We see that it isthe burnout from the club.

ACE(to burnout)

Found him!

WOODSTOCKHey! St. Francis! How's it goin?

ACESuper, and thank you for asking. Hope you're having a nice day.


ACEDon't I? And what are you up to?

WOODSTOCKJust watching the fishies, man.

There is a BLIP on the computer screen.

WOODSTOCKAlright, you're just in time for theparty. You see those blips?

ACEI certainly do.


A map with several ships on the ocean.

He quickly taps in some commands and the ships start sailingin all different directions.

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WOODSTOCKThat's a Norwegian whaling fleet. I'm sending them new directionalcoordinates… They'll find Jimmy Hoffabefore they find any Humpbacks.


Woodstock moves to a different screen.

WOODSTOCKCheck this out.

More computer graphics come up on the screen.

WOODSTOCKJust changed the formula for Purina'spuppy chow.

(turns to Ace)Too much filler, don't ya' think?

ACE(acting turned on)

I'm very attracted to you right now.

Woodstock chuckles.


ACEAren't I? Can you still tap into allthe aquatic supply store in the area?

WOODSTOCKOf course I can. Why?

ACEI want to trace the sale of anyequipment for transporting or housinga dolphin within the past few months…

WOODSTOCKC'mon, Ace. I thought you might havea challenge for me… Woodstock startshacking away.

ACEOkay then, try to remember thesixties.

WOODSTOCKWow! God one! Let's see… Marine winchsling, feeder fish, 20,000 gallontank…

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He waits. We hear a beep.

WOODSTOCKThat's it. I found the culprit.

ACEWho is it?


…Sea World.


WOODSTOCKHang on, hang on…

(He taps a couplekeys)

Well, what do we have here? That'sa lot of equipment for a civilian.

The printer spits out some data. Woodstock rips off the pageand hands it to Ace.

ACERonald Camp? The billionaire?

WOODSTOCKBillionaire and rare fish collector.



Comes up on the computer screen.

WOODSTOCKThat, my friend, is the face of theenemy.

He pages through his file on screen.

WOODSTOCK…Always tryin' to get his hands onendangered species… Newspaper articlesfill the screen. One shows a pictureof Camp and some Dolphin players.

ACEHold on, this guy's connected withthe Dolphins?

Ace leans in.

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WOODSTOCKCamp donated the land the newstadium's built on.

(re: article)Oh, look at this, he's throwin'another, "I'm the richest man in theuniverse" party.


Hmmm… I wonder if I can find myselfa date.


It's a magnificent home. There is an extremely formal partyin progress. Twenty to thirty people having champagne,caviar, and hot air. We see Dan Marino sitting with anaudience around him.

DANWe just choked in 82. We had a chanceto win and we didn't. But nobody'sgonna choke this time; if they do,I'll kill 'em!

Everybody laughs.


Ace and Melissa climb an impressive stairway leading to Camp'smansion.

MELISSAI'm really going out on a limb here,Ventura. Camp's social events arestrictly A-list.

ACE(a la Love Connection)

'Well, Chuck… the date started offgood, but just before we got to theparty, she seemed to tense up.'

Melissa rolls her eyes, then taps a huge door knocker.

MELISSAI swear, if you do anything toembarrass me in front of Camp…

ACEYou mean like this?

Ace starts doing a spastic body convulsion. Just then a bald-headed butler, who looks a little like Gavin McCloud, opensthe door. Ace doesn't notice until Melissa hits him with herpurse.

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He sees the butler.

ACEOh, hi Captain Stubing.

Melissa storms in, already pissed.


Ace and Melissa enter. Camp looks over.

CAMPMelissa! Glad you could make it! Oh, and who is this?

MELISSAThis is my date. He's a… lawyer.

CAMPWell, does he have a name, or shouldI call him "Lawyer"?

MELISSAI'm sorry, it's Ace - ah, Tom Ace.

Ace is very unimpressed with her lying ability. He jumps in.

ACETom Ace. Wonderful to meet you, Mr.Camp, and congratualtions on allyour success. You smell terrific.

CAMPAh, well, thank you. Please, comein.

Ace boldly leads the way over to an hors 'oeuvre table.Melissa closely follows.


This is insane. There's no way thatCamp stole Snowflake.

ACE(spreading pate' on a

cracker)Will you just keep him occupied,while I work my magic please.

She crosses the room. He puts the cracker in his mouth andbegins to crunch. A man in a tux beside Ace spreads pate' onhis own cracker.

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ACE(with a mouthful, to

man)Smooshy, isn't it?

Off the stuffy man's reaction…


Ace approaches Camp.

ACEExcuse me, Ron, I need to use thebathroom?

(palms his stomach,whispering loudly)

I think it's the pate'.

CAMPUm, it's just over there.

ACEThanks. Stuff probably looks betteron the way out, huh?

Ace laughs, slaps Camp hard on the back and heads for thebathroom.


Ace wastes no time. He locks the door, turns on the waterfaucet, steps onto the toilet seat, opens and climbs out awindow.


Ace drops to the ground. He follows a pathway, through agazebo and into a doorway, all the time quietly singing themusical score to 'Mission Impossible'.


Ace browses through a myriad of dramatically lit, salt watertanks, still singing. They're all filled with colorful exoticfish. Very impressive, but nothing large enough to house adolphin.

He continues on towards a large door.


A huge above-ground tank is covered with curtains todiscourage onlookers. Ace swings open the large door andenters.


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Ace climbs a ladder on the side of the tank, singing moreintensely now.

The ladder leads to a narrow catwalk over the center of thewater. Ace grabs a feeder fish from a pail and walks carefullyout there.


He looks into the dark pool, but sees nothing. Now he stopssinging, quietly squats down and dangles the fish over thewater.


Snowflake… Here, Snowflake…Snooowflaaaake…

A great white lunges out of the water and snaps its jaws aninch from Ace's Face!!

He reels back, falling off the catwalk, into the water.


Melissa is admiring some beautiful tropical fish. Campapproaches.

CAMPWonderful, aren't they?


Yes. They're incredible.

CAMPNo matter what is going on in mylife, I can always watch them swimand be completely at peace.


The water is still for a moment. Then, Ace breaks the surface.

ACE(frantic, to himself)

It's not Snowflake… It's notSnowflake.

Instantly, Ace's body is thrashed around back and forththrough the water, the entire length of the pool.



Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (31)



A line is forming outside the bathroom. Camp and Melissa areseated nearby.

He's getting curious.

CAMPAre you sure he's okay? It's been anawfu;;y long time.

MELISSAWho, Tom? Oh, I'm sure he's fine.

Ace suddenly opens the bathroom door and stands there,completely drenched from head to toe, with his pants inshreds. Everyone stops. They all stare at Ace in amazement.

ACE(loudly to the entire


(fanning the air)Whewww!!


Ace and Melissa are exiting. Camp stops in the doorway.

CAMP(still confused)

I'm very sorry, Mr. Ace. I'll havethe pluming checked immediately.

ACEBe sure that you do. If I had beendrinking out of that toilet, I mighthave been killed!

Ace shakes Camp's hand and notices his ring. He holds on toget a better look. It's a very distinct, commemorative ring.

Camp wants his hand back but Ace won't let go. Melissa finallydrags Ace away.

MELISSAWe'd better go.

Camp looks on and shakes his head.


Ace is thinking. Melissa is pissed.

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MELISSA…Y'know, I don't even want to knowwhy your pants are missing! I don'tcare what happened! You could havecost me my job.

ACE(on his own wavelength)

I was wrong about Camp. He's breakingthe law but he's not our guy.

MELISSAIt's a sure thing! It's definitelyhim! Just get me in there! Let mework my magic!

Ace takes the stone out of his pocket and studies itintensely.

ACEThis is the key. Right here!

MELISSAHiring you was the biggest mistake Iever made!

ACESo small! So unnoticeable! Yet aninvaluable piece… of our twistedlittle jigsaw puzzle!

Melissa stares at Ace like he's gone crazy. There is a flashof headlights and a car horn.

Melissa swerves back into her own lane. Ace drops the stonesomewhere on the seat and begins to search for it frantically.

ACEDamn it!

(to Melissa)Try to keep it on the road.


Melissa enters, followed by Ace.

MELISSASo, you found a pebble in Snowflake'stank. Excuse me while I call CNN.

ACEI found it in the filter. And it'snot a pebble. It is a rare, triangularcut, orange amber.

Ace hands Melissa the stone and quickly goes to one of herbookcases.

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MELISSAWhat are you talking about?

ACETonight I saw the exact same stonein Camp's ring.

Ace finds a book on the Dolphin team and flips through it.

MELISSAI thought you said he didn't do it.

ACEN. Camp's clean. His ring wasn'tmissing a stone. But whoever was inthat tank had a ring just like his.

MELISSAWait a second. What ring?

Ace hands her the book. It's open to a photo of…

ACEThe 1982 Dolphin AFC Championshipring.

Melissa holds the stone up to the picture. It's a perfectmatch.

ACEI find the ring with the missingstone, I find Snowflake.

MELISSAHow are you gonna do that?





Ace is wheezing and gasping for air as he struggles to jogup beside a large man who's running around the track at avery fast pace. When he finally catches up, he awkwardlytries to catch a glimpse of the man's ring and trips. Theman just keeps going.


Ace sits waiting with one shoe off. The store manager, an ex-player for the '82 team, sets down several shoe boxes. Acechecks out the ring.

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A poster of the '82 team. The player we just saw is beingcrossed out.


Pan a few kids getting autographs from Marino and otherplayers, ending on Ace dressed up and looking like a pimplykid. As the players sign, he checks their rings.


Ace is again trying to catch the large man on the track.This time, just as he draws near, the man leaves him in thedust.


Two big guys finish arm wrestling. Ace steps up to challenge.He spends an undue amount of time preparing his grip, as hechecks out the ring. Ace finally gets set and gives the "goahead" nod. He is instantly thrown across the room.


The poster of the '82 team. Another group of players arebeing crossed out.


Ace spots a player driving along side him. He can't see hisring.

Ace deliberately cuts off the player's car and flips himoff. The angry player flips Ace off.

We see his ring is intact. Ace waves and drives off.


One huge lineman uses a urinal. Ace, using the urinal nextto him, nonchalantly tries to catch a glimpse of the guy'shands. The Lineman has a very angry look on his face, butafter a beat it changes to a "come on" smile.


The poster of the '82 team. There is only one face that hasnot been crossed out. Ace circles it.


Once again we see the large, fast man jogging toward camera.Suddenly Ace runs up behind him, with a desperate look onhis face, pouring a bottle of chloroform into a cloth. Heleaps onto the man's back, smothering him with the cloth and

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holding on for dear life. The man slowly gives up the fightand collapses. Ace casually checks the ring, then walks awaydisappointed.


Ace sits in a lawn chair depressed. Melissa consoles him.

MELISSAAce, that stone could have come fromanywhere. An earring, a necklace…

ACE(with murder in his

eyes)It came from an '82 AFC Championshipring.

MELISSALt. Einhorn thinks it was an animalrights group. Have you heard of FAN?

ACEFree Animals Now? Started in 1982by Chelsea Gamble, daughter of thefamous industrialist, Fischer Gamble?Over half a million members fromFlorida to Finland?

(beat)No. Who are they?

MELISSADid you know that last year theysent threatening letters to 127college teams, demanding the releaseof their mascots? At last count –

ACEWhat do you feed your dog?

We see Melissa's dog lying near Ace's feet.

MELISSAAh… dog food, why?

ACEHe's miserable.

MELISSAWhat are you talking about?

ACEHe's just very unhappy, I feel sorryfor him. Bad diet, isolatedenvironment. It's amazing he's stillalive.

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MELISSAYou're just mad because your stupidpebble theory didn't work out andyou don't know how to express youranger.

ACEYeah? And you're ugly.

MELISSAI'm not even gonna' talk to you,please leave.

ACEWhat, so you can beat him? Fatty!

MELISSAYou… are unbelievable.

The phone rings inside the house. Melissa goes to answer it.

MELISSAHiring you was a huge mistake!

The door slams and Ace is alone with the dog. After a momenthe reaches down to pet it and we all see that it is one ofthe happiest dogs in the world.

ACEYou like her, huh?… Yeah, she'salright.

Ace, feeling guilty, walks into the house.


Ace walks toward Melissa.

ACELook, Melissa, I, ah… Ace stops whenhe sees Melissa. She is sitting,holding the phone in her lap with acompletely stunned look on her face.Something is very wrong.


Chaos. Police, lights flashing, paramedics, crowds of people.

Ace and Melissa see Roger Podacter's body taken away in anambulance.

ACEYou okay?

Melissa nods bravely. Emilio joins them.

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ACEWhat'd you find?

EMILIOPodacter, Roger. Routine suicide. He was alone. He'd been drinking. No sign of a struggle. Neighbor heardhim scream on the way down. Justyour classic fifteen story swan dive.

Melissa shudders. Ace gives Emilio a "way to go" look.



The three enter. Emilio pushes the button for the elevator.

MELISSAIt just seems so out of character. He was going to retire in two years.

ACEDid he leave a note?

The elevator arrives.

EMILIONo. That's nothing unusual. Some do,some don't. He didn't.

The elevator doors close.


Police are everywhere. Emilio, Ace and Melissa enter and areimmediately approached by one of the officers.

EMILIOMiss Robinson, this is officerCarlson.

CARLSONEvening, ma'am. I wonder if you couldanswer a few questions about thedeceased?

Ace slips away, we follow him as he eavesdrops onconversations.

NEIGHBOR(to a cop)

I told you, I was across the hall inmy apartment, I heard a scream.

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The door was locked, so I called the manager… The Managerreiterates her story to the cop. The Manager is about 100years old.

MANAGER…The place was empty, except for thedamn dog in the other room. Then Iopened the balcony door, looked overthe railing, and… splat, bang, pancaketime…

Ace, continuing his investigation notices…


in perfect order.

Next, he notices police coming in and out of the balcony,closing the door behind them, shutting out the noise.


A dog is cowering in the corner. Ace tries to comfort thelittle guy.

ACEHey, fella, have a bad night?

Ace examines its paws.

Ace then gets down and finds scratches in the door. TWO FEETinterrupt.

Ace stands. He is face to face with Einhorn.

EINHORNWho let Dr. Doolittle in?

Emilio steps in immediately.

EMILIOAh, Lieutenant. He came with MissRobinson –

EINHORNThis is official police business. We'll let you know if the coronerfinds any ticks.

Cops snicker.

EMILIOI just thought since Melissa –

ACEE, forget it. She's right.


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ACE (CONT'D)Besides, I wouldn't want someonetracing my steps and pointing outall the mistakes I made.



Ace examines the area. Einhorn is in hot pursuit.

EINHORNOh, so, you don't think this in anobvious suicide, Mr. Pet Detective?

ACEWell, I wouldn't say that. Lord knows,there is plenty of evidence here tosupport your theory, except of coursethat spot of blood on the balcony.

On the railing, sure enough, there is a tiny spot of blood.

Einhorn glares at a couple of nearby cops. They look down.

ACEMay I tell you what I think happened?Alrighty then!

Ace moves as he talks.

ACERoger Podacter went out after work.He had a few drinks, and he camehome. But he wasn't alone. Someonewas with him in this apartment. Therewas a struggle, and then RogerPodacter was thrown over that balcony.Roger Podacter didn't commit suicide.He was murdered.

A beat as everyone considers this.

EINHORNWell, that's a very entertainingstory, but real detectives have toworry about that little thing lawyerscall evidence.

Ace picks up a lottery ticket on Podacter's desk and becomesa condescending kid show host.

ACELet's take a trip to clue corner,shall we?


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ACE (CONT'D)Can anyone tell me why a man buys alottery ticket on the day he is goingto commit suicide? Or why the familypet, suffering from acute caninetrauma, clawed at the bedroom dooruntil his paws bled? How about theblood on the railing? I'll bet ifwe put our thinking caps on we'llsee that it was the result of thestruggle that took place inside thisapartment while Mr. Podacter wasstill alive!


Everyone looks to Einhorn.

EINHORNNot a bad try for a pet detective,but not near conclusive enough forus real investigators.

(beat)First, people buy lottery ticketseveryday. It's a habit. It doesn'tprove a thing. Second, the dog wasn'tsuffering from canine trauma, he wassuffering from bladder trauma.Sergeant Neilson found a piss stainas big as Lake Huron near the bed.And third, the blood on the railing. Simple. He doesn't jump far enoughand whacks his head. A fact confirmedby the paramedics who found cuts onhis scalp, with traces of a whitechalky substance. i.e. plaster fromthe balcony.

Einhorn shows Ace the paramedics report. Everyone is impressedwith Einhorn.

EINHORNSo much for your murder, Ventura.

AGUADOUh oh, I think I heard a toilet flush.Maybe someone lost their turtle?

Everyone has a laugh. Ace looks beaten.

ACEWell, maybe I'm just a little out ofmy league, here. Einhorn…

Ace holds out his hand, Einhorn shakes it.

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ACE…good work.

Ace and Melissa head for the door.

ACEOh, there is just one more thing,Lieutenant.

(re: the neighbor)This man is Roger Podacter's neighbor.He lives across the hall. He said heheard a scream, is that right, sir?

The neighbor nods. Ace turns to the apartment manager.

ACEAnd you said you had to open thebalcony door when you keyed into theroom?

MANAGERThat's right.

Ace walks out onto the balcony and turns, facing them.

ACEYou're certain you had to open thisdoor?

She nods.

EINHORNWhat's the point, Ventura?


Ace sustains an incredible Pavorati note, while he repeatedlyopens and closes the glass door between them. When the dooris closed nothing can be heard.

ACE(tapping the door)

This is double paned, sound-proofedglass. There's no way this neighborcould have heard Podacter scream onthe way down with this door shut.The scream he heard came from insidethis apartment, before Podacter wasthrown over the railing! And themuderer closed the door before heleft!

(celebrates insanely)Yes! Yess! I have exorcised thedemos!

(a la Poltergeist)This house is clear.

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Ace drives straight ahead.

MELISSAWhat are you thinking?

ACEI'm thinking this whole thing isconnected somehow.

(frustrated)I'm thinking I want to find thatother ring!

MELISSAYou checked all the rings.

ACEI know, Pessimistress. Could anyoneelse have gotten a ring that year?

MELISSANo. Camp was the only honoree.Just players and coaches. Everyonein the photo.

ACE…Receipts! There must be receipts!You have a key to the office.

MELISSAAce this has been a really toughday. Can't we do this in the morning?

Ace looks at his watch.



Ace's car screeches to a stop, in front of the building. Acejumps out, followed by Melissa.


It's dark. Team pictures adorn the walls.

MELISSA (O.S.)These files go back to seventy-eight.


Ace is flipping through a file cabinet, looking at receipts.Melissa is starting to warm to him.

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MELISSAThat was pretty impressive, what youdid back at the apartment.

ACE(still looking)

You don't have to tell me. I wasthere.

MELISSAMaybe you should have joined thepolice force… become a real detective.

ACE(shaking his head)

I don't do humans.

Melissa gets a bit closer.

MELISSAYou really love animals, don't you?

Ace stops searching and looks into her eyes.

ACEI feel a kinship with them. Iunderstand them. Wanna hear somethingkinda spooky?


She gets closer still.

ACEOne time, when I was about twelve, Ihad this dream that I was beingfollowed by a dog with rabies. Hehad these really bloodshot eyes andfoam coming out of his mouth… andjust before I got to my front door…he jumped on me and sunk his teethin. Then I woke up, and felt theback of my neck… check this out.

Ace motions for Melissa to feel the back of his neck, butwhen she does, he snaps at her hand, barking like a viciousdog.


Melissa jumps out of her skin.

MELISSAOhhh!! You bastard!

Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (44)



I'm sorry. I couldn't stop myself.Are these all the receipts?

MELISSA(mildly annoyed)

I don't know.

ACEThere's only a dozen of them here.

Ace turns from the file cabinet with a hopeless look on hisface. Melissa begins to clean up his mess.


Gee… maybe they were misplaced becausesomebody didn't put the files backwhen he was…

ACEWho the hell is that?

MELISSAWhat… Ace crosses to a big pictureof the '82 team that hangs on theaadjacent wall and points out aplayer.

ACEThat! Who the hell is that?!

He quickly pulls out his crossed out pictures of the teamand begins to compare the two.

MELISSAOh, that's Ray Finkle… the kicker.Don't you know who Ray Finkle is?

ACENo! How come he's not in thispicture?!

Melissa checks Ace's photo.

MELISSAThis was the picture you were using? This was taken earlier in the year.Finkle wasn't added to the rostertill mid-season.

She starts to realize what Ace has already figured out.

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MELISSAHe's the guy that missed the finalfield goal in the Super Bowl thatyear. Cost the Dolphins the game.

ACEBut he got a ring?



Ace and Melissa look through Finkle's file on a microfichescreen. Newspaper articles, headshots flash before them…

MELISSA'Replacement Kicker Having GreatYear'… 'Ready For Super Bowl,Confident Kicker Boasts'.

ACE'Field Goal Sails Wide, DolphinsLose Super Bowl'.

MELISSA"The kick heard round the world." That was Finkle. The Dolphins lostby one point.

Another headline hits the screen: FINKLE CONTRACT NOT RENEWED.

MELISSAPoor guy.

ACEPoor guy with a motive, baby. Whereis he now?

MELISSALast I heard, he went back to hishome town, Collier County. He usedto work in a bar up there.



MELISSACan you drop me off before you go?

ACE(shaking his head)

No way. It may not be safe at yourapartment, and you shouldn't be leftalone.

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MELISSAWhat do you suggest?



We see a person's butt under a sheet coming up into framerepeatedly.

SKIN, SWEAT, SHEETS FLY, as Ace and Melissa roll back andforth on the bed. Ace is taking no prisoners.


50 animals at the bottom of the bed, with eyes as big assilver dollars, watching them silently. We cut back and forthbetween furious lovemaking and shots of staring animals.

Melissa and Ace simultaneously reach the pinnacle of pleasure.

MELISSA(totally amazed and

exausted)OH man… oh man! Oh wow!

ACE(mock embarrassment)

I'm sorry… that's never happened tome before. I must be tired.


Various traveling shots of Ace en route to a 'Deliverance'type town deep in the Everglades.

A sign reads "Gas - Food - 2 Miles" but the word "Food" iscrossed out.


A pitifully sad country song plays on the radio. FERN BILBOsits at his cluttered desk with the end of an old shotgun inhis mouth. He is struggling to reach the trigger.

Through the glass behind him, we see Ace's car pull up tothe only gasoline pump.

DING! The bell rings. Fern begrudgingly takes the gun out ofhis mouth, sets it down and walks out.


Ace gets out of his car.

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ACEExcuse me, sir. Do you know where Ican find the Pigskin Sports Bar?

FERNDo I have a "kick me" sign on myback, son?

ACEI wouldn't know anything about that,but if you could point me toward thebar.

Fern breaks down, sobbing.

FERNThey all left me… all of them!

ACEWell… Hypothetically speaking, saythey all left you and went to thePigskin Sports Bar. How would theyhave gotten there from here?

FERNTwo miles down and take the firstleft.

ACEThanks very much! Take care now,'bye 'bye then!

Ace gets into his car and pulls out.


Fern enters, sits down at the desk, places the end of theshotgun in his mouth, reaches for the trigger and… DING! Another car pulls up to the pump. Exasperated, he takes thegun out of his mouth.

FERN(murmers to himself

as he gets up)Can't get anything done around here…


A weathered dive in the middle of a swamp. Ace parks.


If depression had a home, this is it. Several dejected men,with various degrees of missing teeth, sit around the bar. Acouple hapless guys play pool. One throws darts.

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Ace enters, pops a sunflower seed in his mouth and addressesthe room.

ACEExcuse me, guy?! My name is AceVentura, I'm a pet detective. I'dlike to ask you a few questions if Icould.

No one even looks at him.

ACEJust a few questions, that's all.

Still no one reacts.

ACE(very up)

Who wants gum?!

Again, no reaction. Ace walks over to the bartender and slidesa five across the bar.

ACEI'm looking for a guy who used towork here.

The bartender takes the money.

BARTENDERThat right?

ACEHe was a kicker for the Dolphins. Ray Finkle.

A pool ball flies by Ace's head shattering a mirror behindthe bar. All eyes are on Ace.

ACE(to guy who threw it)

That would be a scratch.

TOOTHLESS GIANTYou a friend of Finkle's?



CRASH! The giant guy smashes his bottle.

ACESorry, I have "say the opposite ofwhat you mean" disease.

Several undesirables surround Ace.

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TOOTHLESS GIANTThat bastard ruined this town.

ACEEwww… I hate that!

HICK #2We bet everything we had on thatSuper Bowl and that son of a bitchgagged.

ACEWhat a diiick!

They all move closer in a threatening manner.

HICK #3Shanked a goddamn 26 yarder!!!

ACEDeath to Finkle! Death to Finkle!

The bartender steps in.

BARTENDERWe had a hell of a thing going here.Tourists coming to see Ray Finkle'shome town. He was standing rightover there when he got the call fromthe Dolphins.

The bartender points to a payphone. It has had the sh*t beatenout of it. Every expletive you can think of is graffitiedaround it.

ACEDid he come back after the SuperBowl?

BARTENDERYeah… but the boys here had ways ofletting him know he wasn't welcome.

HICK #1Excuse me, I gotta take a wickedFinkle.


TOOTHLESS GIANTWhat's the difference between Finkleand a jackass? A jackass can kick.

More laughter.

HICK #2Why did Finkle cross the road?!

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Wait… I know this one.

HICK #2He didn't! And I've got the hair onmy bumper to prove it!

Maniacal laughter and chanting ensues.


ACEIt's good you're dealing with theanger.

(beat)I don't suppose anyone's seen himlately?

The chanting stops and the guys all look at Ace.

BARTENDERNo… but we know where his parentslive! Don't we boys?!

HICK #1Yeah! We sure do!

They all laugh insanely again.


Ace pulls up outside a two-story stilt house. The place hasbeen completely desecrated by graffiti, bullet holes andpaint bombs. Toilet paper is strewn through the trees. Acewalks up and knocks on the door. A wooden peephole slidesopen revealing a suspicious pair of eyes.

ACE…Hi, I'm looking for Ray Finkle.

A gun slides out into Ace's face.

ACE(with a gulp)

And a clean pair of shorts.

A deep gruff voice from inside.

VOICEWhat do you know about Ray Finkle?

ACESouthpaw soccer style kicker.


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ACE (CONT'D)Graduated from Collier High in June,1976. Stetson University honorsgraduate, class of 1980. Holds twoNCAA division one records. One formost points in a season, one fordistance. Former nickname The Mule.The first and only pro athlete everto come out of Collier County. Andone helluva model American.

After a beat the peephole closes. The door slowly creaksopen revealing MR. FINKLE, an unsmiling, taciturn, elderlyman holding the gun.

MR. FINKLEAre you another one of them scumbagsfrom 'Hard Copy'?

ACENo, sir. I'm just a very big Finklefan. This is my Graceland, sir.

Mrs. Finkle, a sweet, adorable elderly woman comes over.

MRS. FINKLEWill you put that gun down. The boy'sa fan of our son. So nice to meetyou. I'm Ray's mother, and this isRay's father.


ACEIt's a real honor.

MRS. FINKLEMy Ray is so appreciative of hisfans. He'll be so pleased you stoppedby.

ACEAre you expecting Ray anytime soon?

MRS. FINKLEOh, yes. I expect him home any minute.

Ace is surprised.

MRS. FINKLEWould you like some cookies? I justbaked them.

Mrs. Finkle hurries off to the kitchen. Ace smiles at Mr.Finkle. The guy's a corpse.

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ACEWow… Ray Finkle's house! Can't waitto meet him!

MR. FINKLERay ain't comin' home.

ACEBut your wife said you expect himhome any minute.

MR. FINKLEShe expects him home any minute.

He points to his head, and looks toward the kitchen.

MR. FINKLEEngines runnin but there's no onebehind the wheel. Ten years ago ourson escaped from Shady AcresPsychiatric Hospital in Tampa. They're still buggin' us to pick uphis stuff.

Mrs. Finkle returns with a plate of football shaped cookies.

MRS. FINKLE(sweetly)

It was all that Dan Marino's fault,everyone knows that. If he had heldthe ball laces out, like you'resupposed to, Ray would never havemissed that kick. Dan Marino shoulddie of Gonorrhea and rot in Hell.Would you like a cookie, son?

Ace takes a cookie. Holding it up.

ACEHey, what do ya know. They're littlefootballs.


CRASH!! A large stone smashes through the window. Outside, apickup truck filled with drunken patrons from the PigskinSports Bar drives by yelling their Finkle chant.


MRS. FINKLEI told you he had a lot of fans.

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Mrs. Finkle picks up the rock and hurls it out the brokenwindow. It hits one of the vandals, knocking him out cold,as the truck peels away.

MR. FINKLE(aside to Ace)

She got the arm. The boy got theleg.


Mrs. Finkle and Ace are walking down the hallway to Ray'sroom.

MRS. FINKLEWhen Ray gets back and starts kickingagain, he'll never even know he wasgone. I kept his room just the wayhe left it.

She opens the door to Ray's room. Ace steps in.


It's a death shrine to Dan Marino. Complete with lifesizecutouts of Dan Marino, some with nooses around the neck,other hacked to pieces. Painted on the walls: "Death toMarino!", "Marino must die!!!", etc.

ACE…Oooh boy.

MRS. FINKLEWhat a sports nut, huh?

In the center of the room is a movie projector.


MRS. FINKLEOh yes. By all means.

Mrs. Finkle shuts the lights off. Ace turns on the projector.

The film flickers over the "Marino must die!!!" graffiti.It's the final play of the Super Bowl. Marino takes the snap,Finkle kicks and the ball sails wide. The film repeats itselfad infinitum.


Ace on the payphone. We see the gas station in the background.

ACEMelissa, it's Ace.

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MELISSAAce? Where are you?


ACEI'm in Psychoville and Finkle's theMayor. Where's Dan Marino?

MELISSAMarino? Why?

ACEBecause he's about to join Snowflake.I gotta know where he is.

MELISSAOkay, hold on… Melissa checks Marino'sitinerary. Ace waits, impatiently.

ACE(to himself)

Come on. Come on… In the background,we see two paramedics exit the gasstation office rolling a dead bodyon a gurney. The area of the sheetthat covers the face is a giant redspot. We widen to see them load goodold Mr. Bilbo into an ambulance anddrive away, ringing the station bellone more time. Ace doesn't notice.

MELISSAAh, he had practice. Then… he has acommercial shoot out at the PrescottSound Stage.

ACEWhere is that?

MELISSAIt's on Route One by the Six CutOff. Thirty minutes outside of town.

ACEOkay, that's about fifteen milesfrom me. Call the police. Get extrasecurity over there now.

MELISSAAce, tell me what's going on.

(beat)Ace?… The payphone dangles off thehook. Ace is…

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…in his car racing out of the swampland, his heaad now backout the window so he can see. He leaves a faded, old, barelylegible sign in his wake:


The "F" in "FINKLE" has been replaced with "ST" in spraypaint.


Rehearsal for an Isotoner ad in progress.

MARINO…So I protect the hands that protectme. With Isotoners.

Marino gets carted off by FIVE HUGE LINEMEN.

DIRECTORGood. Remember, exit camera right.That's to your left. Alright, let'sget ready to shoot this.

FIRST A.D.(to the linemen)

Helmets on this time!

The linemen disperse.


Ace runs a red light causing cars to skid in every direction.


Marino is in the make-up chair.

MARINO(to make-up girl)

See, in 82 we just choked. We had achance to win it and we didn't –

DIRECTORDan, are you ready?

MARINOAh, sure.

(to girl)I'll tell you later.


The cops race onto the lot.

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Marino takes center stage.

A.D.Quiet on the set… roll… speed…

DIRECTOR…And action!

MARINOHi, I'm Dan Marino. If anyone knowsthe value of protection, it's me… Wesee an old clip of Marino gettingsacked.


Cops scramble on foot to the sound stage.


The commercial is winding up. The linemen ready themselves.

MARINO…So I protect the hands that protectme. With Isotoners.

The five linemen grab Marino and run off camera.

DIRECTORAnd cut! That was good. Again fromone.

But two of the linemen keep running with Marino…

DIRECTORI said cut!!

…And they keep running.

DIRECTORWhat the hell are they doing?

…Right out the studio door. Then the cops arrive and raceafter them. Two linemen stumble out of the dressing roomholding their heads.


Ace skids around a corner, looking way up ahead.

He sees Marino being shoved into a black 81 Ford Bronco.They drive off.

The cops come out of the building on foot. Too late.

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Ace in hot pursuit almost runs the cops down.

ACE(yelling at cops)

S'cuse meee! Pet Detective!


Ace's head is out the driver's window through the entirechase. As he starts gaining on the bad guys, they startshooting. Ace wisely puts his head inside the car.


He can't see sh*t through his broken windshield.

He pokes his head out again. They shoot again.

Ace swerves off the road into…


Ace's car smashes through benches and tables. Then it flipsover a few times and lands on its wheels with a horrid SMASH.Ace is still strapped into the drivers seat, unconscious.

Ace's prized WHITE PIGEON lands on the car door right besidehim. Ace cracks his eyes and sees the bird. Then, with asudden quick lunge he successfully traps it in his hands,and forgets all about Marino.

ACEI did it! I did it! I caught thewhite pigeon! I caught the whitepigeon!

Ace jumps out of his car and starts skipping around the parkwith the pigeon held high over his head. He looks insane.


I caught the white pigeon, I caughtthe white pigeon, I caught the white…Ace slows down and begins to lookaround warily. There are now anunusual number of birds perched onthe telephone wires around the parkand on the monkey bars, and on theswings.

The sky grows darker. He slowly turns and tries to get backto the car. All the birds take flight.

Ace sets the white pigeon free and starts to run, but it'stoo late. The birds are on him.

Pecking, and gouging, and ripping his flesh.

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Now we see ten birds flying away with a leg. Five birds flyingaway with an arm. Twenty others are trying to take Ace'sleft arm off, and half his face is missing…




Ace is back in his wrecked car with his arm hanging out thewindow. A small boy is pulling it.

BOYHey mister. Hey mister.

Ace come to suddenly, and looks at the boy with a crazedexpression.

BOYThat was a really neat crash, mister.Do it again!

Ace sighs with relief.


Various headlines hit the news stands: "MARINO KIDNAPPED""STAR QB MISSING" "DAN WHERE ARE YOU?"

THE GLOBE HEADLINE: "MARINO ABDUCTED BY ALIEN FRANCHISE!" Onthe cover, Marino stands with several Space Aliens in footballgear.


A chaotic press conference. Zillions of REPORTERS shout allkinds of questions at Einhorn.

REPORTERLieutenant, have there been any ransomdemands?

EINHORNThere's been no communication withthe kidnappers at this time.

REPORTER #2What's going to happen to the SuperBowl? Will it be postponed?

EINHORNAs of now, the game is going on asscheduled.

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REPORTER #3Why wasn't the public told aboutSnowflake's kidnapping?

EINHORNSecrecy was essential. We didn'twant any public interference.

REPORTERAre the crimes related? And whatabout Roger Podacter's murder?

EINHORNI'm sorry. I can't comment anyfurther. Now if you'll excuse me.

Einhorn pushes her way through the crowd of reporters.


Einhorn is barking out orders to other cops as she heads forher office.

EINHORNEmilio, get me the autopsy onPodacter! Aguado, send out a memo.No one talks to the press…


EINHORN…And somebody get me a cup of coffee!

ACE(TV announcer's voice)

Tonight on "MIAMI VICE", Crockettgeets the boss coffee!

Ace is in her office, popping sunflower seeds, kicking back.Einhorn walks to her private bathroom.

EINHORNVentura, when I get out of thisbathroom, you better be gone.

ACEIs it number one or number two?

Einhorn turns and glares at Ace.

ACEI just want to know how much time Ihave.

Einhorn goes to the sink and begins washing her hands.

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ACEOh, by the way, I went ahead andsolved that pesky, Snowflake/Podacter/Marino thing.

EINHORN (O.S.)(humoring him)

Oh yeah?

ACEYeah, ever hear of a former Dolphinkicker named Ray Finkle?

The water shuts off. Einhorn appears around the corner.

EINHORNAlright, Ventura. Make it quick.

ACEI found a rare stone at the bottomof Snowflake's tank. It's from aDolphin '82 AFC Championship ring. It would have been a Super Bowl ring,but Ray Finkle missed the big kick.Blames the whole thing on Marino.We're talking paranoid, delusionalpsychosis. I saw the guy's room…Cozy, if you're Hannibal Lector.

EINHORNSo how does Roger Podacter fit in?

ACEMy guess is Finkle was snoopingaround. Podacter recognized him. End of story. As for Snowflake… theygave him Finkle's number, and taughthim how to kick a field goal. Finkletook it personally.

Einhorn listens with great interest.

EINHORNSo where is Finkle, now?

ACEHe broke out of a metal hospital. Did a Claude Raines. He's beenplanning his revenge for years. Waiting for the perfect time to getback at the Dolphins. The time whenit would hurt them the most. SuperBowl time! Man, I'm tired of beingright!

Einhorn walks in front and sits on the edge of the desk.She's totally softened her demeanor.

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EINHORNCongratulations. You've done somefine detective work, Ace.

ACEAhh, could you talk in my good ear.I thought I heard you call me Ace.

Einhorn gets real close.

EINHORNMaybe I was wrong about you. Maybeyou are more than just a pet dick.

She suddenly plants a major, tonsil cleaning, open mouthedkiss on Ace.

Objects are knocked off the desk as they lean back.

ACEYour gun's digging into my hip.

More kissing, then Ace stops.

EINHORN(still coming on)

What's wrong, Ace? Want me to readyou your rights?

ACEMaybe later.

EINHORNWhat is it? That bony little bitch,Melissa Robinson?


No. You just don't do anything forme.

He quickly adjusts his crotch, to conceal the erection.Einhorn withdraws with a coy smile.

EINHORNI'll be here if you ever want a realwoman.

There's a sharp KNOCK at the door.

EINHORNWhat is it?

Aguado opens the door.

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AGUADOEverything okay in here? Heard somecommotion.

EINHORNFine, Sergeant.

AGUADOYou want me to throw him out?

EINHORNWhy don't you throw yourself out.

AGUADO…Yes, ma'am.

A crestfallen Aguado exits. Ace heads for the door.

EINHORNAce, I want you to leave everythingto us.

ACECan't do that, Lieutenant. I washired to find Snowflake.

EINHORNWhen we find Marino, We'll deliverSnowflake.

ACEWhen I find Snowflake, I'll deliverMarino.

He exits.


A full on thrash metal band is cranking on stage. Kids leapwildly into the moshing pit.

The same burnout is still thrashing his head wildly to themusic.


Nice to see you again!

The burnout just keeps thrashing. Ace spots Woodstock watchingthe band and joins him.

WOODSTOCKSt. Francis, how's it goin'?


That's none of your damn business.

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ACEIs it?

WOODSTOCKAnything new on that dolphin?

ACEGot his picture on some tuna cans,but nothing so far.

A singer ROARS on stage. He sounds like a garbage disposalfull of cutlery.

SINGERArroohhghhh! Myrrrooohghhhh! Geroooghhh!

WOODSTOCKSo, what can I do for you today?

ACEI need info on a football flunkynamed Ray Finkle.

WOODSTOCKSorry, Ace, I can't help you rightnow. I gotta watch this band! Theyare the sh*t!

ACEAre they?

WOODSTOCKAren't they?

ACEAlright then. Don't worry about it.I mean dolphins aren't exactly anendangered species. It's not likethe whole food chain's gonna beaffected if one highly intelligentmammal dies a slow and painful death! Hell, if the band is loud enough,you won't even hear its pitifulwhimpering!!

Ace does his best suffering dolphin impression. Woodstock isno longer enjoying the band.


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Woodstock is at his computer. Ace looks over his shoulder.Finkle's Social Security information appears on the screen.

WOODSTOCKThis guy's last reported income wasSeptember, 1982.

ACEWell then. We know he's incrediblythrifty.


ACEIsn't he?

Woodstock types in more information. Finkle's TRW flashes onthe screen.

WOODSTOCKWell, I think we can be pretty surehe's involved in the kidnapping ofthe dolphin.

ACEReally? What makes you say that?

WOODSTOCKThere's two-thousand dollars worthof smelts on his VISA card.

After a beat Ace realizes it was a bad joke.

ACEPlease yank me no further. I beg ofyou.

WOODSTOCKAlright already. The last time thisguy used his credit card was June,'84. He rented a car from Avis. And…eww… he was a bad boy. They found itabandoned two months later in SouthMiami.

ACEAnything else?


ACEWell… you did all you could. Thanksfor nothin.

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WOODSTOCKHey man, according to this, yourfriend Ray Finkle doesn't exist.

ACEHmm, I know what that's like.


ACEDon't I?


Ace emerges from the basem*nt. The band is between songs.Ace strolls by the burnout whose head has now stopped.

ACE(to burnout)

Did you get all the spiders outtathere?

Ace heads out, then freezes. The two thugs that took Marinoare standing at the exit. Then they see Ace and start towardshim, reaching inside their coats.

Suddenly the music starts. The burnout's head wails again.His manic gyrations interfere with the thugs long enough forAce to bolt.

One of the thugs pushes the burnout violently against thewall as they pursue Ace.

BURNOUT(calling, as he gets

up)Thanks, man! You're a great dancer!

Ace pushes his way through the crowd. The thugs follow.

Ace nears the stage. It's wild. People are diving off andgetting moshed.

Before the thugs grab him, Ace runs up and throws himselffrom the stage. The insane crowd begins to pass him aroundover their heads.

The thugs exchange a look, then dive after Ace, and a "mosh"chase ensues.

Ace is passed back onto the stage as the song comes to anend. The singer is lying there exhausted. Ace sees the crowdstarting to put the thugs down, so he quickly grabs themicrophone off the floor.

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The audience looks at Ace for a second. Then the band membersexchange a look and go for it!!

It's a nightmarish little ditty. Ace sings like one of Satan'sminions.


The crowd seems to understand. They throw the thugs high inthe air again and mosh them away from the stage. The Thugsare shooting stray bullets the whole time.

Ace incites the crowd, even more now, with a punching gesture.The crowd follows their new leader, punching with one hand,moshing with the other.

The thugs get the living crap "moshed" out of them.

When the song ends, Ace raises fists in the air. The cheeringcrowd violently drops the thugs.

They're out cold.


Ace's car PEELS OUT and races by the parked '81 Ford Bronco.


Ace's car skids to a halt. He hops out.


There's a loud BANGING at the door. Melissa awakens, looksat the clock: 3:32 a.m. She drags herself to the door.

MELISSAWho is it?

ACE (O.S.)Ira.


ACE (O.S.)I refuse to do a 'knock knock joke'.Come on, open up!

Melissa opens the door.

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MELISSAAce, what are you doing? It's themiddle of the night!

ACEYou have to commit me.


Ace's clunker speeds down the highway.

ACE (V.O.)Finkle escaped from Shady Acres inTampa. They still have some of hisstuff.

MELISSA (V.O.)So you think they're going to let usjust waltz in and look around?


A state hospital located on acres of green, manicured lawns.


The reception area. A DOCTOR is before Melissa.

DOCTORMrs. Robinson? I'm Doctor Handly. Now who is it that you'd like tohave us look at?

MELISSAMy brother… Eugene.


Looking like the football player who never wore a helmet.

ACEI'm ready to go in, Coach. Just giveme a chance. I know there's a lotriding on it, but it's allpsychological. Got to stay in apositive frame of mind. Memorize theplay book. Study the films.

Ace strikes a dramatic pose and freezes, with a crazed lookon his face.

ACE (CON'T)I'm gonna execute a button-hookpattern!

He begins to make a play in slow motion.

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ACESuper slo-mo!



Melissa walks with the Doctor. Patients are sitting around,doing outdoor therapy, etc.

DOCTORYou're brother won't be the firstprofessional football player we'vetreated.

MELISSAIs that right?

DOCTORYes. We're very sensitive to theemotional stress athletes have toendure.

Ace runs across the b.g. screaming "I'm open! I'm open!"

DOCTORWe'll have to do some preliminaryevaluations, but I think your brotherwill fit in nicely here.

MELISSAThat's a relief, Doctor.

Ace takes a "snap" from a three-foot hedge and dives over itinto the end zone. Melissa and the doctor stop to watch him.

DOCTORHe seems to have some difficultyletting go of the game. Has he had along history of mental illness?


As long as I've known him.

Ace does a wild touchdown dance with some of the otherpatients participating.


The doctor is showing Melissa around. Ace is walking alongsidethem adjusting his imaginary shoulder pads.

DOCTORThis is our therapy room… Arts andcrafts…

Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (69)


They turn a corner. Ace squats to pick the dirt out of hiscleats.

DOCTOR (CON'T)That's the storage room. This hallwayleads to another recreational area –Ace WHISTLES loudly and gestureslike a referee…


Ace sticks his head in the water fountain then sits down onthe bench outside the storage room.

MELISSAHe'll be fine by himself for thenext twenty minutes.

DOCTORWell, why don't I show you thedormitories, then?

They leave Ace.

After a beat, Ace gets up and does a quick spin pattern intothe storage room door.


Cartons everywhere. Ace does a quick search and locatesseveral boxes marked FINKLE.

Ace looks through the first couple of boxes and finds onlyclothes. In the third box, he hits the jackpot: He findssicko arts and crafts dedicated to Marino. Die-Dan potholders,shredded Isotoner gloves. He opens a little diary. "LacesOut!" is insanely scrawled on every page.

Ace finds a newspaper clipping, the headline reads:



A massive search ended today whenrescue workers were unable to findthe body of Lois Einhorn…

(stunned)…a camper reported lost since Friday…

(to himself)Lois Einhorn… holy sh*t balls.

Ace sits bewildered.

Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (70)



The phone rings at Emilio's desk. He answers it.



Ace is on the phone. A CRAZY GUY is hovering nearby.

ACEThis is Chicken Little. The sky isfalling.


BACK TO EMILIOA beat as he listens to Ace's news.

EMILIOI don't get it. What's it mean?


ACEIt means she's involved in this. The article's dated the day beforeFinkle disappeared.

EMILIOBefore who disappeared?

ACEFinkle. Ray Finkle… the guy who tookthe dolphin? The guy you're supposedto be looking for?! Einhorn didn'ttell you, did she?

EMILIOHey, Ace. I see where you're goin'with this and you're goin' alone.

A Crazy Guy stands next to Ace now and begins mimickingeverything he says.

ACECome on, E. I tell her about Finkle,she doesn't tell a soul. I have anarticle here that connects her withFinkle. You gotta' check her out.

(to Crazy Guy mimicking)Do you mind?

The Crazy Guy stops and moves to one of the phones.

Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (71)


EMILIOAce, I like my job. I get healthinsurance and benefits.

CRAZY GUY(into receiver)

I'm the Lindberg Baby. Come and getme.

ACEEmilio, Einhorn is involved.You're gonna' have to make a decisionhere.

(beat)Listen, I gotta get off the phone.I think I just solved the Lindbergcase.

Melissa and the Doctor return.

DOCTORWell, look who's trying to use thephone.

Ace covers the phone receiver and whispers to them in aheartfelt voice.

ACEBrian Piccalo is dead.

Ace breaks down. Melissa hangs up the phone and leads himaway.

We hear a thrash version of the theme to "Brian's Song" asthey exit the hospital.


Emilio stands at a window, watching Einhorn drive off. Thecoast is clear so he sneaks into…


He rifles through her file cabinet. He tears through papers.Then he looks in her desk.

Stuffed in the back of the drawer he finds a personal note:We can make out the signature.

"Roger". He pockets it and walks out.


Ace and Melissa pull up in the old heap.

Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (72)


ACEGood job today. You're quite a dirtyrotten filthy liar.


Thanks. Are you sure you don't wantto stay here with me?

ACENaw, I got some thinking to do.Besides, you'd be safer with SalmanRushdie


She gets out of the car, then turns and leans in the window.

MELISSAListen… I know there isn't much timeleft. The game is tomorrow. But Iknow you've done your best. It'sjust an impossible situation.I don't expect..


Ace leans over and kisses her.

ACE…bet on the Dolphins.



Wiggles' nose enters frame and hits the play button.

MESSAGE #1(Shickadance rasp)

Venturaaaa? Your time is up! You'reout! You hear me?! No rent… no roof!

We widen to find Ace on the couch listening.

MESSAGE #2Ace, it's E. Got something you mightfind interesting. It's a note fromPodacter to Einhorn, thanking herfor a wonderful Saturday night. Thisis too weird, man?

ACEWiggles, rewind.

Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (73)


Wiggles obediently hits another button and rewinds the phonetape. Ace pops sunflower seeds, and holds some evidence aloftthinking. A bird eats seeds out of his naval.

ACEWhat the hell does Lois Einhorn haveto do with Ray Finkle? Come on, think!


Later. Ace is posed like Rodin's "The Thinker".

ACEFinkle and Einhorn. In it together.How? Why?

A small monkey sits in the same position. Mocking Ace.


Later still. Ace pacing, jumping up and down. Trying to gethis intuitive juices flowing.

The monkey is likewise, jumping on the mantle.

ACEAlright! Here we go! Answer's rightthere! Just gotta get some blood tothe brain! Finkle and Einhorn! Finkleand Einhorn! Finkle and Einhorn!Finkle and Einhorn!

The animals all watch him like he's crazy.


Daybreak. Ace sits staring at a picture of Finkle on thecoffee table. He's totally spent and on the verge of tears.


Finkle and Einhorn. Einhorn andFinkle.

He turns to see the monkey crashed out in a heap on a sofapillow.

ACE(to sleeping monkey)


Wiggles jumps up onto the coffee table now. Ace can't bebothered with him.

ACEWhat do you want? Huh?

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Wiggles whines at the tone of Ace's voice.

ACEWhat? I got no food for you. Yougotta have money to buy food. I gottafind the dolphin to get the money. Idon't see any dolphins around here,do you? Face it, it's hopeless… yourmaster is a LOSER.

Ace buries his face in his hands. His dog Wiggles does thesame. Then Ace looks up again.


Suddenly he is silenced by something amazing.

Wiggles' dark haired floppy ears are lying around Finkle'spicture like a wig. Ace combs the hair over the head shot.The "make-over" is unmistakable. It's Einhorn!!

ACEOh, my god! That's it!

He jumps up, estatic.

ACEEinhorn is Finkle! Finkle is Einhorn!…Einhorn is a man!!!

Ace's expression quickly turns sour.



Ace makes a mad dash into the bathroom.


…Ace furiously brushes his teeth.

…Ace rinses with mouthwash, spits it out and gags.

…Ace is in the shower. He slowly curls up into a ball underthe steaming water with an expression of horror on his face.



A woman's leg being shaved.

Woman sexily putting on nylons.

Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (75)


Woman hands squeezing perfume bulb.

Woman's hand putting on AFC championship ring. One stone ismissing.


Ace sticks wads of gum in his mouth while he watches Einhorn'shouse from his car.


You're gun is sticking into my hip.Yeeeekkkk!

Einhorn comes out her front door and gets into her car. Aceshudders once more and then follows her.


The road is jammed in one direction. Going towards the SuperBowl. Einhorn drives in the opposite direction. Out of town.Ace tails her at a safe distance, with his head out thewindow, of course.


Various shots of crazy fans, piling into the stadium.


Melissa, BOBBY RIDDLE, and GUESTS all amidst the usual pre-game hobnobbing. Most of the talk centers on the loss ofMarino.

Emilio, in full uniform, and a couple cops are providingextra security for the box.


Einhorn drives south out of town. The area's getting remote.Ace follows.

Einhorn turns down a deserted road and comes to…


A large, abandoned industrial facility. Einhorn parks,disappears inside… A few beats later, Ace kills the engineand exits singing the score to "Mission Impossible".


Immense machines and swimming pool sized cauldrons.

Ace cautiously makes his way through the desolate site,singing quietly now. He stops when he hears a familiar voice.

Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (76)


JOHN MADDEN (O.S.)I particularly like the match-ups ofthe defense.

Ace sees a weird sight: A HUGE TV PROJECTION SCREEN tuned tothe Super Bowl pre-game show.

Marino is tied to a football tackling sled. The two thugstake turns running into Dan with their shoulders, drivinghim back five feet each time.

JOHN MADDEN (ON TV)…But the real story of this game isthe absence of Dan Marino. Him beingkidnapped and all has got to be astrain on this Miami team. I reallyfeel sorry for those guys! I mean,it's hard enough enduring the pressureof the Super Bowl, without your starquarterback gettin' himself kidnapped.This is the whole ball of wax, folks!You wanna' get kidnapped, you do itin the off season!…

Marino looks incredulously at the screen. Next to him,Snowflake "watches" from a ground level cistern serving asan ad hoc tank.

Ace sneaks closer.


The crowd quiets as Jon Bon Jovi prepares to sing the NationalAnthem.

Various shots of fans all standing at attention.

In the owners box, Melissa looks to Emilio. Nothing's new.


Einhorn is now in front of the big screen TV SINGING theNational Anthem along with Bon Jovi.

The thugs, VINNIE and ROC, are behind her standing atattention.

The song ends. The crowd cheers.

In a sultry fashion Einhorn circles Marino now.

EINHORNI just love Super Bowl Sunday, don'tyou, Dan? A magical afternoon wheredreams are made… or crushed!

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DANLook lady, if you want tickets, you'regoing about it in the wrong way.

EINHORNDo I look familiar to you, Dan? Does it seem as if we've met someplacebefore?

DANI don't know… I get hit in the heada lot!

On the TV the ref makes an announcement.

REFIt's tails. The Eagles will receive.

Dan really struggles now.

EINHORNOops. Looks like we're going to haveto kick, Dan.

Einhorn steps behind a football set up on a tee. And inperfect sync with the kicker on TV, she boots a ball througha window of the warehouse.

Marino doesn't know what to think.

EINHORNI made some refreshments, Dan. Wouldyou like some refreshments, Dan?I'll be right back, Daaaan!!

She goes. Dan struggles, but to no avail.

MARINOLook, I don't know how much psychowoman is paying you guys, but I candouble it.

VINNIESorry, Danny boy. Psycho woman keepsus out of prison.

Vinnie grabs a feeder fish and entices Snowflake to thesurface. Roc raises a football.

ROCHey, Marino, check it out. I'mthrowin' passes to a Dolphin!

He chucks the ball and hits Snowflake, hard. The thugs bothlaugh hysterically.

Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (78)


Snowflake makes an angry leap and drenches the thugs.Snowflake laughs now, the thugs are furious.

VINNIEGet some more fish!


Roc walks behind a big piece of machinery, reaches down forthe pail of smelts, but sees nothing.

ROCWhere the hell's the smelts?

He stands up straight and we all hear that familiar "Pop" ofa sunflower seed being cracked open.

Roc's eyes widen. He turns and sees… Ace coyly smiles athim, blows the sunflower seed shells into his face and CLANG!He whacks Roc in the head with a pail full of fish.

ACE(doing Brando)

He sleeps with the fishes.


VINNIEHey Roc, what the hell was that?

Vinnie co*cks his gun and goes to check out the sound.


Vinnie rounds the corner and sees nothing. He walks a littlefurther and notices a trail of smelts lined up on the ground.

He follows the trail around a corner and we see Roc,unconscious but moaning. He is sitting against the ground,with his legs spread apart and the pail over his head. Thetrail of smelts leads to his crotch. There is one halfwayinto his zipper, with its tail flipping.

Vinnie takes in this sight, then rushes over to Roc and standshim up.

VINNIEHey man! What happened? What's goinon…?

We see Ace at the top of a giant machine. He is aiming a 200pound steel hook, that hangs on a chain from the ceiling.

ACEGuess what, boys, it's nap time.

Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (79)


Ace gently releases the hook. Just as Vinnie and Roc turn tolook, the iron hook shears both of their heads clean off.

Two headless bodies fall to the ground in slow motion withblood gushing from their necks.


ACEHooooly Shiiit! Oh my god! I didn'tmean to - Oh man!!!

Ace holds his head and dances around, completely freakingout what he had done.

ACE(looking to God)

Lord, I swear! I just wanted to knockthem out!

Ace abruptly stops to think.

ACEIs that murder? I don't know.They were gonna kill me. But theydidn't… But they tried. That's selfdefense. That's it!! I have nothingto worry about!!


Ace nervously whistling as he wipes his fingerprints off thehook.


Ace checks on Snowflake then goes to Marino. He signals forDan to keep quiet, then starts to untie him.


Who are you?


Ace Ventura. Pet detective. I'vebeen sent in with a special play.

(whispers)Quarterback sneak.


EINHORN (O.S.)Penalty. Too many men on the field.

Ace turns. Einhorn's holding a gun on them from the otherside of Snowflake's tank.

Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (80)


EINHORN (CON'T)I warned you, Ventura.

ACEWhat happened to "Ace"?

EINHORNGood question.

She pulls out a cellular phone and dials.

ACEBe careful with that phone,lieutenant. I wouldn't want you toget a tumor.

EINHORN(into phone)

Sergeant Aguado, it's Lt. Einhorn. Get some men over to the old ironworksfactory on Victoria Road. I've gotthe kidnapper trapped in thewarehouse. It's Ace Ventura. He'skilled Marino and Snowflake.

Einhorn smiles as she puts the phone away.

EINHORNVinnie! Roc! Get in here!

Ace gets a very guilty look.

ACEWhat? Who are they? You mean there'sother people here?


A battalion of cop cars screech away as we hear…


Attention all units. Code 11 inprogress at 343 Victorville Road.OFFICER NEEDS BACK-UP…


The cops and Emilio listen to their ear pieces…


…Suspect's name: Ace Ventura, maleCaucasian, he is armed and dangerous…Emilio nudges Melissa.

Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (81)


EMILIOIt's Ace. Let's go.


Emilio high tails it out of there. Dodging concession standpatrons, bathroom lines, etc… Melissa runs behind, trying tocatch up.

MELISSAEmilio, is he in trouble?

EMILIODon't worry, there's nothing Acecan't handle!


Einhorn co*cks her gun. Ace's face is glistening with tears.He's a complete wreck.

ACEDon't kill meeee!! Pleeheeheeheeheeeezzz!!! I'll nevertell anyone! I swear!

(indicating Marino)He's the one you want!! Kill him!!

MARINO(indicating Ace)

No… kill him!

The two argue. Einhorn fires a shot in the air to stop them.

EINHORNNo, I'm gonna kill the dolphin first.

(to Ace)I wouldn't want you to miss that.

Einhorn walks to the edge of the tank. She aims the gun atSnowflake and FIRES!

We see the bullet miss Snowflake under water.

Snowflake swims wildly. She FIRES again! Misses again.Suddenly, Ace HOLLERS!

ACEBlue forty-two!!

Einhorn turns to Ace.


Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (82)



Einhorn shoots at Ace! He dives out of the way.


Suddenly, Snowflake leaps out of the water and takes the gunout of Einhorn's hand, like the trick we saw earlier.Snowflake swims around the pool with the gun in his mouth.


Yes. The highly trained dolphin.Perhaps the smartest mammal in theanimal kingdom. See how he knewexactly what I wanted him to do, asif our minds were somehow in completesynchronization. They have been knowto save men at sea you know. Theyhave their own language.

(to Snowflake)Snowflake. Come here, Snowflake!Bring me the gun!

(makes dolphin sounds)EEEEEE! EEEEEE! EEEEEE!

Just like the trick in his routine, however, Snowflake swimsaround the tank, passes Ace, then hands the gun back toEinhorn. He finishes with a tail walk.

ACE(under his breath)

Stupid fish.

ON TV: Miami's kicker boots a perfect field goal from fiftyyards.

JOHN MADDENHe got all of his leg into that one!

The field goal kicker is hugged by his teammates.

ACEGood to see someone who doesn't buckleunder the pressure?

MARINOYeah, not like in 82 when we choked…Einhorn walks to Ace and puts thegun against his head.

EINHORNWhat would you know about pressure?

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ACEWell, I've kissed a man.

JOHN MADDEN (ON TV)Of course, there's never been a morecrucial kick than the famous "Kickheard 'round the world…"

The famous footage airs on TV. They all turn to watch.

JOHN MADDEN…I mean, it's clear to me that itwas a good hold. Finkle just bootedit.

EINHORNThe laces weren't out. THE LACESWEREN'T OUT!!

Einhorn takes a shot at the screen, creating a hole inMadden's forehead. Ace uses the moment to smack the gun outof her hand.

A HUGE, NO-HOLDS-BARRED FIGHT ensues. Ace and Einhorn puncheach other about the face and stomach.

Einhorn throws a punch at Ace. Ace goes down.

Einhorn goes for the loose gun. Ace leaps and tackles her.

They both crash into old rusty equipment, raising a mountainof dust.

Marino struggles all the while trying to get free.

Einhorn kicks Ace. He flies into Marino.

MARINOHaving a little trouble with thelady, Ace?

ACE(out of breath)

You don't understand, she's a –Einhorn grabs Ace, throws him into ahead lock and begins wailing on hisface.

Meanwhile, cops start arriving, SWAT team members disperseonto the catwalk as the fight continues. They try but can'tget a bead on Ace as the two roll around on the floor.

More punches. They fight up a flight of stairs, then backdown. To the amazement of the SWAT team, Ace and Einhornslug it out as equals.

Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (84)


AGUADO(caught up)

Get him, Lois!

Now they crash through a plate glass window together. Acegets to his knees first and wobbles toward the gun. It's thefirst clear shot the SWAT team has had.


Shoot him! Shoot him!

We all hear the guns co*cked. We see Ace in the rifle sights.We see fingers twitch on triggers.

A loud voice comes from off camera.


Melissa is holding Emilio's gun under his chin.

MELISSAPut down your guns or this cop getsit!

The SWAT team hesitates.

MELISSAI mean it!!

Much to Emilio's surprise, she co*cks the gun.

EMILIO(whispers to Melissa)

Ah… Melissa? That's a hair trigger.(loud to cops)

She's not joking!

The SWAT team leader signals his men. They lower their guns.Einhorn gets back to her feet.

EINHORNHe kidnapped Snowflake. He killedRoger Podacter, and he was about tokill Dan Marino and me!

ACEHo, ho! Fiction can be fun! But Ifind the reference section much moreenlightening.

(doing his bestClarence Darrow)

For instance, if you were to look up'professional football's all timebonehead plays', you might read about


Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (85)


ACE (CONT'D)a Miami Dolphin kicker named RayFinkle, who missed a twenty-six yardfield goal in the closing seconds ofSuper Bowl Seventeen.

(in one breath)What you wouldn't read about is howRay Finkle lost his mind, and wascommitted to a mental institute,only to escape and join the policeforce under the assumed identity ofa missing hker, seducing her way tothe top, in a diabolical plan to geteven with Dan Marino whom he blamedfor the entire thing!!!

Ace gasps for air. Everyone is totally confused.

AGUADOWhat the hell are you trying to say?

ACEShe's not Lois Einhorn! She's RayFinkle! She's a man!

EINHORNHe's lying! Shoot him!

Ace walks over to her.

ACELet's just see who's lying. Would areal woman have to wear one of these?

Ace dramatically pulls at Einhorn's hair, thinking it's awig. Einhorn's head flies back.

The hair is real. Ace keeps tugging it.

The SWAT team ready themselves.

ACEBoy, that's really on there! Buttell me this: Would a real woman bemissing these?!

Ace rips open Einhorn's blouse, and reveals two beautifulfeminine breasts.

The sharp shooters are tensing. Ace is laughing nervouslynow.

ACEHa, ha, ha! That kind of surgery canbe done over the weekend!


Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (86)


ACE (CONT'D)But I doubt if she could find thetime during her busy schedule to getrid of Mr. Knish!!

Ace rips off Einhorn's skirt. Einhorn now stands there fullynude. She appears to be the perfect figure of a woman.

ACEOooh boy.

Ace looks at Melissa and Emilio and shrugs his shoulders.Then, just when it seems all is lost, Dan Marino who is backbehind Einhorn, motions for Ace to come over.

MARINOPsst… Ace. Come here.

ACE(to everyone)

Could you excuse me just a second.

Ace goes to Dan. Melissa still holds Emilio hostage.

EINHORNShoot him. Shoot him, now!!

MELISSA(to cops)

Don't anybody make a move!

Marino whispers something in his ear. Ace looks confidentagain. He once more addresses the crowd.

ACELadies and gentlemen, my esteemedcolleague Mr. Marino, has just broughtsome new evidence to my attention. Now, history has certainly shownthat even the most intuitive criminalminds can be wrong, from time totime. But, if I have been mistaken…if the lieutenant is indeed a woman…then my friends, she is sufferingfrom the worst case of hemorrhoids Ihave ever seen!!!

Ace spins Einhorn around now, exposing to the world, thehealthy set of male genetalia that Finkle has learned tokeep tucked between his legs. (And if we have any balls,we'll actually show it.)

Everyone gasps. CLOSE UP ON EINHORN/FINKLE. He finally dropsthe facade.

Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (87)


FINKLE(deepest voice possible)

It was Marino's fault. The laceswere in.

(breaking down now)They were IN!!!

Quick cuts of all the cops spitting with disgust. Then Emiliospits.

Then CLOSE ON Marino spitting. They all have kissedher/him/it. Even Snowflake blows his spout.

Ace confidently cracks a sunflower seed.

ACESomebody read it its rights.

Suddenly, Finkle picks up a shard of broken glass and lungesat Ace.


Thinking fast Ace sidesteps Finkle and sends him head firstinto Snowflake's makeshift tank.

After a few seconds Finkle fights his way to the surface andthrashes around, helplessly.

FINKLE(gasping for air)

Help I can't swim!!!

Finkle goes under again. We see him under water sinking down.

Snowflake swims to him now, allowing him to grab onto hisfin and pulls Finkle gently to the side of the pool. Finklelies there exhausted.

Ace reaches down into frame, removing the '82 AFC Championshipring from Finkle's finger. We see that it's the ring withthe missing stone. Ace replaces it with the stone in hispocket.

It's a perfect fit.


Melissa is still holding the gun on Emilio.

EMILIOMelissa… you can give me back my gunnow.

Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (88)


Melissa has forgotten she even had the gun. She hands it toEmilio and faints in his arms.

Now Aguado appears beside Ace.

AGUADOI don't know how you did it, Ventura…but that was damn good police work.Alright guys, let's wrap this up!


Twenty or more police cars in single file provide more thanample escort for… …Ace and Marino in Ace's Chevy Bel-Airewith the cracked windshield. Both of them have their headssticking out so that they can see. Marino has a wad of gumin his mouth.


The long line of flashing lights and cop cars drives at topspeed up Route One. Ace's Bel-Aire right in the middle.

MARINO (O.S.)hey Ace?

ACE (O.S.)Yeah, Dan?

MARINO (O.S.)Got any more gum?



The Super Bowl Halftime Show is in progress. Marino is inuniform warming up. Emilio is drooling at the cheerleaders.Ace and Melissa are standing near the fifty yard line takingin the awesome spectacle.

Some fireworks go off around the tank. A marching band playsa triumphant tune. We see a helicopter come up over the sideof the stadium carrying Snowflake.

ANNOUNCER (O.S.)Ladies and gentlemen, the MiamiDolphins are proud to welcome backto BOBBY RIDDLE Stadium, our belovedmascot and star of the halftime show…


The helicopter lowering Snowflake into his tank.

ANNOUNCER (O.S.)Snowflake!!

Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (89)


As the crowd roars, Melissa turns to Ace, and with Snowflakein the background performing spectacular flips, they kiss.


As Melissa and Ace kiss, the prized 'White Pigeon' lands ona Gatorade dispenser in the foreground. Ace spots it andstarts to make a move.

Just as he closes in for the grab, the Philadelphia Eaglesmascot eagle walks up to get a drink and shoos the pigeonaway. Ace is furious.

ACEYou idiot! Do you know what you'vedone?!

The giant eagle head looks up at Ace.


Ace grabs him.

ACEYou just cost me ten thousand bucks,Polly!

MASCOTYeah Blow me.


PULL BACK to find Eagle's mascot and Ace arguing. We can'thear what's said, but there's a lot of finger pointing.

Emilio stops his leering to check out what's going on.

The ANNOUNCER up in the booth reads a release.

ANNOUNCERThe National Football League wouldnow like to offer a special thankyou to the man who rescued Dan Marinoand our beloved Snowflake…

On the field the mascot shoves Ace. Ace shoves back.

ANNOUNCERA great humanitarian, and lover ofall animals… Mr. Ace Ventura!

Ace is straddling the eagle, pounding the sh*t out of gianthead.

Ace Ventura - Pet Detective· The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (90)


The image is flashed on the big stadium screen. We freezeframe on this huge picture of Ace, as he looks into camerawith his fist raised.




Ace Ventura - Pet Detective · The dog doesn't budge and this really pisses him off. He gets up and heads for the dog. GRUFF MAN What's the matter with you, I said GIT!!! He roughly - [PDF Document] (2024)


Was Einhorn really a man? ›

Lois Einhorn is actually the former 1984 Miami Dolphin kicker Ray Finkle. When he and his dog discover that the person investigating the case (Einhorn) was also the perpetrator (Ray Finkle), he declares his most famous line in the movie: That's it. Einhorn is Finkle.

What animal is Ace Ventura scared of? ›

Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls

During the second film, Ace attempts monasticism after a failed rescue attempt of a raccoon, only to be called out of retirement to investigate a missing sacred animal named Shikaka, although he has a severe fear of bats.

Who is the bad guy in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective? ›

Ray Finkle's last words as he tries to kill Ace Ventura after being exposed by the latter, only to end up getting further humiliated and consequently defeated by Ventura. DIE, ANIMAL BOOOOY!!!!! Ray Finkle, also known as "Lt. Lois Einhorn", is the main antagonist of the 1994 film Ace Ventura: Pet Detective.

Did Ace Ventura sleep with the princess? ›

She wears a lose shawl in the seduction scene, so that she could easily take it off when she and Ace made love. But, she is turned down by Ace, due to his celibacy of peace, dismaying her greatly. She does however later have sex with him, evidenced by the discovery of her not being a virgin due to his involvement.

What are the inappropriate parts of Ace Ventura: Pet Detective? ›

A man and woman have sex while many animals watch. There is a lengthy shot of a man's bare backside, which exposes a glimpse of his private parts. There are also several cleavage shots. VIOLENCE/GORE 4 - A man threatens another man with a club.

How did Ace prove that Einhorn was a man? ›

Ace explains the full details of Finkle's new career and plan, ripping off Lt. Einhorn's clothes in an effort to prove his point. However, Ace's efforts only seem to prove that Einhorn is a genuine female. However, Dan Marino spots the truth- Einhorn has male genitalia tucked between her (his?)

What animal can't feel fear? ›

For example insects, arachnids and crustaceans don't feel any type of emotion. They don't show any signs of fear or pain. This is just down to the fact that their brain is too simple to hold this information.

Which creature has no fear? ›

In 2002, the honey badger was named the “most fearless animal” by the Guinness Book of World Records. The males weigh from 13 to 30 lbs.

Which animal is the most scared of humans? ›

Elephants, rhinos and giraffes are all now more afraid of people than other apex predators, according to a scientific paper that supports the idea that humans are the world's “super predator”.

Did Jim Carrey improvise in Ace Ventura? ›

The short scene during the party where Ace pulls the cellist's arm as he walks by, making him produce a false tone, was improvised by Jim Carrey. The voice of Ace Ventura and the manner in which he speaks was added by Jim Carrey only after several read throughs of the script.

Who turned down the role of Ace Ventura? ›

Filmmakers first approached Rick Moranis to play Ace Ventura, but Moranis declined the role. They then considered casting Judd Nelson or Alan Rickman, and they also considered changing Ace Ventura to be female and casting Whoopi Goldberg as the pet detective.

How much did Jim Carrey get paid for Ace Ventura? ›

How much did Jim Carrey make off Ace Ventura? Variety reports that Carrey made a relatively meager $350,000 for his first go-round as Ace Ventura in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective in 1994. Carrey is also credited as a writer on the hit comedy, which grossed $107 million worldwide on a $15 million budget.

Why wasn t there a third Ace Ventura? ›

The movie's commercial success led to a followup film, “Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls,” that was released a year later. According to ScreenRant, a third 'Ace Ventura' movie wasn't made earlier because Jim Carrey had no interest in reprising his role as the animal detective until recently.

Are there 2 Ace Ventura movies? ›

Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (also known as Ace Ventura 2: When Nature Calls) is a 1995 American detective comedy film and the sequel to Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994), and the second installment of the Ace Ventura franchise.

Was Ace Ventura filmed in Africa? ›

Film Facts

“In 'Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls,' they had to fill Africa.” The jungle and African village scenes were shot at Botany Bay and Cherokee Plantation. The Himalayan sequences were filmed in Vancouver, British Columbia. Other scenes were shot in Hondo, Texas.

How did Finkle become an Einhorn? ›

Ray Finkle supposedly kidnapped and killed Lois Einhorn and then had surgery and assumed her identity.

Who was Ace Ventura supposed to be? ›

Filmmakers first approached Rick Moranis to play Ace Ventura, but Moranis declined the role. They then considered casting Judd Nelson or Alan Rickman, and they also considered changing Ace Ventura to be female and casting Whoopi Goldberg as the pet detective. David Alan Grier also turned down to play Ace Ventura.

Who played detective Einhorn in Ace Ventura? ›

Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994) - Sean Young as Einhorn - IMDb.

Who did Ace Ventura marry? ›

In Ace Ventura Jr.: Pet Detective, it's revealed that Melissa(played by Ann Cusack) married Ace and had Ace Jr.

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

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Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.