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DOI:10.1121/1.410152 - Corpus ID: 35383857
@article{Byrne1994AnIC, title={An international comparison of long‐term average speech spectra}, author={Denis Byrne and Harvey Dillon and Khanh Tran and Stig Arlinger and Robyn M. Cox and Nasser Kotby and Nasser H. A. Nasser and Wafaa A. H. El Kholy and Dafydd Stephens and Rhys Meredith}, journal={Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, year={1994}, volume={96}, pages={2108-2120}, url={}}
- D. Byrne, H. Dillon, R. Meredith
- Published 1 October 1994
- Linguistics
- Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
The long‐term average speech spectrum (LTASS) and some dynamic characteristics of speech were determined for 12 languages: English (several dialects), Swedish, Danish, German, French (Canadian), Japanese, Cantonese, Mandarin, Russian, Welsh, Singhalese, and Vietnamese. The LTASS only was also measured for Arabic. Speech samples (18) were recorded, using standardized equipment and procedures, in 15 localities for (usually) ten male and ten female talkers. All analyses were conducted at the…
548 Citations
Figures and Tables from this paper
- figure 1
- figure 2
- figure 3
- figure 4
- figure 5
- figure 6
- figure 7
- figure 8
- figure 9
- table I
- table II
548 Citations
- V. NarneNachiketa Tiwari
- 2021
Clinical Archives of Communication Disorders
Purpose: The Long-Term Average Speech Spectrum (LTASS) and Dynamic Range (DR) of speech strongly influence estimates of Speech Intelligibility Index (SII), gain and compression required for hearing…
- 2
- V. NarneSreejith V SNachiketa Tiwari
- 2021
Linguistics, Medicine
American journal of audiology
The long-term average speech spectra (LTASS) and dynamic ranges (DR) of 17 Indian languages are determined and a common LTASS and DR is proposed for Indian languages to help improve the performance of hearing aids in the Indian context.
- 2
- M. YükselB. Gündüz
- 2018
Linguistics, Medicine
Logopedics, phoniatrics, vocology
The LTASS curve for the Turkish is similar to those reported for other languages, but there are also observable differences, and use of generated speech signals in hearing aid fitting procedures is recommended.
- 15
- Highly Influenced
- 진인기이재희
- 2010
The purpose of this study was to compare long-term average speech spectrum (LTASS) of Korean monosyllabic words, sentences, and English sentences. For Korean speech material, 200 monosyllabic words…
- 2
- Vahid DelaramMargaret K. Miller Brian B. Monson
- 2024
Linguistics, Psychology
Gender and language effects on the long-term average speech spectrum (LTASS) have been reported, but typically using recordings that were bandlimited and/or failed to accurately capture extended high…
- Heil NohDong-Hee Lee
- 2012
Ear and hearing
To adjust the formula for fitting hearing aids for Koreans, the results based on the LTASS analysis suggest that one needs to raise the gain in high-frequency regions.
- 23
- Highly Influenced
- Heil NohDong-Hee Lee
- 2012
Clinical and experimental otorhinolaryngology
This study showed that the drop-off of the LTASS in the low frequency region might make the ratings of women and announcers more clearly than those of men and ordinary persons respectively.
- 13 [PDF]
- Dorota HabasińskaEwa SkrodzkaEdyta Bogusz-Witczak
- 2018
The aim of this study was to create a single-language counterpart of the International Speech Test Signal (ISTS) and to compare both with respect to their acoustical characteristics, finding some differences between ISTS and PSTS.
- 1
- N. MoradiN. Maroufi M. Soltani
- 2014
Journal of voice : official journal of the Voice…
- 14
- In-Ki JinJ. KatesK. Arehart
- 2014
Journal of speech, language, and hearing research…
The observed differences in DR across languages suggest that the best-fit DR for Korean and Mandarin may be different than the best fit for English.
- 14
- Highly Influenced
39 References
- R. CoxJoseph S. MatesichJ. N. Moore
- 1988
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
The effects of measurement interval was least for the highest amplitude speech levels and increased as speech levels decreased, whereas for short-term amplitudes below the median level, measurement interval had the greatest effect on the lower frequency bands.
- 59
- Highly Influential
- A. F. NiemoellerL. McCormickJ. D. Miller
- 1974
Linguistics, Physics
The spectrum of spoken English was measured in 13‐octave bands for men, women, and children. The speech produced by reading aloud newspaper text was recorded in an anechoic chamber for each member of…
- 9
- D. Byrne
- 1977
Engineering, Medicine
British journal of audiology
Considering that speech spectra differ greatly from one individual to another, it would seem desirable that speech with a known, preferably average, spectrum be used in hearing aid evaluation procedures which involve setting the volume control of a hearing aid to deliver speech at a comfortable listening level.
- 48
- Highly Influential
- R. CoxJ. N. Moore
- 1988
Engineering, Medicine
Journal of speech and hearing research
It was concluded that a single spectrum could validly be used to represent both male and female speech in the frequency region important for hearing aid gain prescriptions: 250 Hz through 6300 Hz.
- 109
- S. S. StevensJ. P. EganG. A. Miller
- 1947
A comparison was made of several alternative methods and devices for analyzing speech in terms of its acoustic spectrum (a time average of the sound‐pressure level per cycle vs. frequency). A general…
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- R. W. BensonI. J. Hirish
- 1953
Measurements of the long‐time average spectrum of speech are reported with the purpose of pointing out the roles of several variables. Three different sampling times of three different types of…
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- P. StelmachowiczAnne L. MaceJ. KopunEdward Carney
- 1993
Journal of speech and hearing research
Results show that typical levels at the input to a child's hearing aid microphone may be as much as 20 dB higher than those found in face-to-face adult conversation and the spectral shape may deviate substantially from an idealized version of the LTASS.
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- H. K. DunnS. D. White
- 1940
Using apparatus designed to collect a large number of data in a short time, the following measurements have been made: peak and r.m.s. pressures in one‐eighth‐second intervals, and in various bands…
- 206
- D. ByrneH. Dillon
- 1986
Medicine, Engineering
Ear and hearing
It is concluded that the new formula for selecting the gain and frequency response of a hearing aid should prescribe a near optimal frequency response with few exceptions.
- 805
- Harvey FletcherRogers H. Galt
- 1950
Computer Science, Engineering
Relationships among several of these measures and the articulation index are established and functions are developed which permit the calculation of articulations index and hence of articulation for communication systems which include a wide variety of response versus frequency characteristics and of noise conditions, as well as several special types of distortion.
- 318
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TABLE I. Speech sample information.
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An international comparison of long‐term average speech spectra
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Figure 10 of 11