From Foe to (Girl)Friend - Zizum (2025)

From Foe to (Girl)Friend - Zizum (1)

Forced Shipping story, a comedic "romance" of Sunset Shimmer & Adagio Dazzle. Art by talented Shippart.

Contains a few mature-ish scenes, lesbians and rubber chickens.

* * * * * *

No matter how hard you try, some people don't change their mind. Never ever. But the times you do manage it, are you sure it's always worth the cost?

It all started with Canterlot High students going on a field trip.

"Attention students!" exclaimed principal Vice Principal Luna. "We'll be staying in this hotel for next week. There are only 2-people rooms, so split into pairs."

"Yay!" smiled Pinkie Pie. "Perfect split for all of us."

Her friends exchanged concerned looks.

"Umm, Pinkie Pie?" said Twilight Sparkle, fixing her glasses. "While counting, did you remember to include yourself?"

"Of course, silly. There is me and you, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Flutershy, Applejack and Pinkie Pie!...Ohhhh!"

"Exactly." Twilight bit her lip, picking the right words to break the bad news. "Soooo, do you know if anyone else likes that board game of yours? Because I know Rainbow will want to share the room with Fluttershy, Rarity already talked with Applejack and I'm highly certain that me and Sunset will..."

Twilight paused, seeing empty space where her aforementioned friend stood just seconds ago.


"Sorry, count me out!" Girls spotted Sunset Shimmer pushing through the crowds. "Looks like we have a sudden change of plans!"

"Sunset, what are you... Oh no." Twilight noticed Pinkie holding a board game. "Oh no."

"Iiiiit's "Wacky Chickens" time!" she grinned, causing Twilight to sweat.

Meanwhile, the Dazzling had a similar discussion.

"Ugh, couldn't they tell us to split earlier? I'm tired, I want my room now," groaned Aria Blaze, before turning to Adagio Dazzle, the leader of their group. "I guess we're ditching Sonata, huh?"

"Not at all. I won't be sharing the room with either of you." Adagio smiled mysteriously.

"What? Why?"

"There is an uneven number of girls, so someone is getting her own room. And since none of these fools will dare to be my roommate, it's gonna be all mine." chuckled Adagio.

"...You and your schemes. Phh, whatever," Aria rolled her eyes. Suddenly, the realization hit her. "Wait! That means you're leaving me all alone with...."

At this moment, a grinning Sonata Dusk gave her a surprise hug.

"~Aaaaria! Remember what you promised we'll do next time Adagio won't be choosing the activity?"

"I only agreed because Adagio always picks..."

"Wacky Chickens!" Sonata pulled her favorite board game. "You can wear the chicken suit first."

Aria released a long groan,

Adagio headed toward the vice-principal Luna. Other students moved out of her way, their faces mixing fear and distrust. As she liked it.

"Ahem," Adagio cleared her throat. "Who wants to share the room with me? ....No one? You're all sure? Oh dear, what will I do now?"

Luna lowered her eyebrows unimpressed but then sighed in defeat.

"Very well. The solo room goes to..."

"Waaait!" To Adagio's astonishment, Sunset Shimmer stepped from the crowd. "Am I on time? Is Adagio still needing a roommate? Because I'm willing!"

"You gotta be..."

"Done!" Luna threw them the keys. "Room 34. Get moving ladies."

"Yass!" Sunset made a little fist pump, trying to ignore Adagio's angry stare.

Luna looked at her list again.

"So the single-person room goes to... Sugarcoat? Since when you're our student?"

"The girls you just gave keys are from a different dimension with zero paperwork and a criminal past. Your school lets anyone in and you should feel bad about this," replied Sugarcoat with her typical ungentle bluntness, while taking the keys. "But thanks for a free vacation."

* * * * * *

Believe it or not, Sunset Shimmer used to live in a magical land called Equestria. And back then she was, let's be frank, a bad guy. Thanks to Twilight Sparkle (from Equestria) she learned the importance of friendship and changed her ways. Since then she and her new friends, the Rainbooms (including a different Twilight Sparkle, from Earth, just roll with it), faced several foes that abused Equestrian Magic for their selfish wants. To girls' credit, they managed to show most of them the error of their ways and even become friends.

But Dazzlings were different. Even after losing their magical voices, Adagio and her group would never change their ways. After many attempts, girls wrote Dazzlings off as lost cause.

But not Sunset Shimmer. She would never give up.

* * * * * *

"Soooo, roomie. How do we spend the evening?"

"Don't call me 'roomie' Or even speak to me, nerd," snarled Adagio, focusing on unpacking things.

"Come on, Adagio. We're stuck together for a whole week, you can't ignore me this long," smiled Sunset in a half-friendly, half-'gotcha' sorta way. "How about a game? A board game, card game, one of those spoken games like 'Simon says' or...

"Get lost."

"A make-over?"



Adagio dropped her brush. Sunset could not see her face, but her body flinched in anger.

"You want a game?" Adagio stopped midway to the bathroom. "I'm back In 15 minutes. You'll be in bed, silent as dead or I'll make you wish you were dead!"

Adagio slammed the doors in her "roomie" face.

Sunset sighed frustrated.

"There must be some way to get on her good side," she mumbled.

* * * * * *

Hot water poured, making loud splashes, close to overflowing. Entire clouds of steam filled out the room. But Adagio paid little mind to it, grumbling under her nose.

"Stupid Sunset. Stupid room. Stupid karaoke idea."

Back in Equestria she was a Siren, mesmerizing her victims with her beautiful singing voice. Even banished to Earth in human form she still had that power... until her battle with the Sunset and so called Rainbooms.

"Whatever! Who cares? I don't!" Adagio threw the last of her garments on the floor (steam clouds flying in strategic positions around her). She dipped her foot in water and instantly pulled it back. "GHA! Burning hot!"

Frustrated, she cleaned steam off the mirror to see her face.

"...and it's not like I need magic anyway! My singing is still amazing."

She grabbed soap like a microphone and cleared her throat.

"~ ♫Welcome to the SHHOoOoOUUWWW!!!$#%!!!"

Mirror cracked in response.

"WHO ASKED YOU?!" Adagio Dazzle angrily threw soap on the ground. "One more thing and I'll..."

"Adagio, are you okay?!" The doors suddenly opened. "I heard a horrible shriek."

Adagio's eye twitched. She turned with the full intention of yelling, but her voice stuck in her throat from surprise.

Sunset's pajamas were laying on the floor. Her day's clothing was laying on the bed. Sunset must have heard her while changing. She was now completely naked.

Still moving forward (and partially blinded by the fog), nude Sunset made a step forward and stomped on the soap. Suddenly she found herself sliding forward.

Adagio's and Sunset's eyes turned into plates as their naked bodies sped up towards each other. Sunset crashed into Adagio and both girls fell to the bathtub.

"GHAAAAIAIAIAIA!" Adagio roared first as heated water burned her ass.

"EEEEEK!!!" screamed Sunset when the wave splashed against her bare bosom before it squeezed against Adagio's mammaries.

The impact pushed the leader of Dazzlings underwater as she began to curse. She flayed her legs furiously, wrapping them around Shimmer's waistline and kicking in her thick booty.

"Ow, ow, ow! I'm sorry!" Sunset tried to push herself up, realizing too late that soft pillows under her hands must be Siren's titties. "GHA! I'm sorry!"

Sunset instantly retracted her hands and thus, lacking any support, fell back down, her face squishing against Adagio's assets.

"ARRRG! Get off, you stupid nerd!" Adagio grabbed the tub's edge, but everything was too slippery and she fell back.

"Stop squirming! You're making things worse!" gasped Sunset, trying to assess the situation calmly, but after another sudden shift, she was blinded by Adagio's storm of hair.

"Don't tell me what to do!" similarly blinded Adagio felt two molds of flesh pressed against her face. Not very gently, she groped exposed tits and yanked them down. "I'll do what I want! And I want MMMPH!"

"MPHHMM?" it was Sunset's turn to feel something pushing on her face.

She moved locks of her from her eyes and met with Adagio's appalled gaze, their mouths connected in a lip lock.

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMPHHHH!" they yelled in unison.

* * * * * *

The room was pitch black. Both girls lied in their beds, neither of them able to fall asleep.

Sunset could swear their bodies were still sizzling quietly from the recent burning bath. But other than that, complete silence. Deafening silence. Sunset couldn't take it anymore.



"I'm so sorry this happened. I couldn't see and things happened so fast and there was this soap and I couldn't see...." Sunset blushed, realizing she's rambling.

No reply.

"What I'm trying to say is... this was an accident. I only wanted to help." Sunset paused. Did she hear a shuffle? Or was it her imagination?

Shuffle sound again. This time there was no mistake. Sunset peered into the darkness, but it remained impenetrable.

"O-okay, it was my fault. I shouldn't have walked on you. Tomorrow morning I'll talk to Luna about giving you your own room. "

Shuffling repeated, and it grew stronger. Closer.

"Adagio, w-what are you doing?"

She lost her powers, she wasn't dangerous. And even then, she would attack like this, it's just silly. Right? Right?

Sunset wasn't a coward, but she had a rich imagination and it now turned against her. Shuffling was now continuous, screeching, ear hurting.

"Look, I'm sorry! I'll do anything to make this up to you! Just tell me what!"

Shuffling stopped.

Wood knocked against the wood with a dull sound. Quietly, but Sunset barely held a scream.

Sunset slowly turned to see Adagio laying right next to her. It took her a few seconds to understand that Adagio moved their beds together.

"You wanted us to spend more time together."

Suddenly Adagio rolled on top of Sunset. She stared intensively, but without hatred. She smiled, but not cruelly. She looked heated, but not violent.

"How about a game? We start with 7 minutes in heaven," Adagio licked her lips and purred in an unmistakably flirty voice. "Then we can spin the bottle, only without the bottle and spinning part..."

Sunset realized all of her fears were silly and exaggerated.

But this might be much worse.

* * * * * *

If you went 1 hour back in time and even vaguely implied to Adagio this is going to happen, she would knock your teeth out.

Adagio grabbed Sunset's wrist, entwined their legs together. Shimmer desperately tried breaking out, but she was given no quarter. Their lips meet.

She TRIED to be furious and loathing at stupid Sunset. She tried to think of that event as embarrassing and unpleasant.

And she tried to NOT think of Sunset's naked body. Her round soft bosom. Her fine-tuned ass. Her silky smooth thighs.

Stupid sexy Sunset.

Dazzling's hands moved down, squeezing gorgeous molds of flesh between her fingers. At the same time, she pushed her own cleavage into Sunset's face. Her warmth felt so good being this close to Adagio's heart. Also, it muffled her protest.

There was no going back. Adagio Dazzle tasted the forbidden fruit: lips of a nerd.

She cupped Sunset's cheeks, forcing her to pucker up. Sunset's body began jerking uncontrollably when Adagio's tongue entered her mouth.

And sweet Celestia, it was delicious.

* * * * * *


Twilight wasn't allergic to feathers. At least, as far as she knew. She saw chickens before. Held one as well.

Of course, she never before wore a full chicken costume, with a real feather, rubber comb, wattle, and chicken-leg themed knee-long socks.

It was her first time and Twilight prayed it was last as well.

"And finished." Pinkie Pie pushed rubber chicken in the center of the board game...


...making loud crowing sounds that somehow startled Twilight every single time.

"O-okay, I think I get it now," Twilight fixed her glasses and looked at a dozen pages of self-made notes. "First, I..."

"A-a-a~!" Pinkie put a finger to her lips. "Rule book, chapter 1, paragraph 6, section 2, or you'll get negative poooooints.~"

Twilight's brow furrowed, doubling in size. Very reluctantly she stuck out her elbows and waved her "wings".

"....Bdak, bdak. First I cross the street, counter-clockwise. I have enough grain to update my hen house, that's x2 bonus multiplier.

Twilight looked at her cards.

"Rooster isn't in the nesting spot, but I can play the "Sunrise Crowing" card (cluck, cluck).”

Next she threw a dice.

"And since I didn't roll six last round, none of my fowl chickens are out and I should get..."

Finally Twilight punched numbers in the calculator.

"Bwaaak! At least a dozen extra hatchlings!!"

Twilight pushed the rubber chicken (startling herself again with another "Cock A Doodle Doo") and looked in anticipation at smiling Pinkie Pie.

"That's right. Except," Pinkie took a deep breath. "You can't make omelette without breaking 1k4 eggs. Your new hen house isn't fox-proof, that's another 20% off. Plus you rolled snake eyes three rounds ago, and your last batch will have bad eggs, depending on the x root of cards you used. And this is an odd-number lap, so you should cross the street COUNTER-counter clockwise. Sorry, Twilight. On the bright side, you do earn your beak!"

Pinkie pulled out a chicken beak and placed it on her dumbfound friend's nose with a party-hat strap.


"Oh Twilight," giggle Pinkie Pie. "You should know not to count your chickens before their hatch."

"...Ghhhaaaa! How is this game so ridiculously complicated!? And why is the rule book so hard to understand?" She turned several pages. "Handwriting looks like chicken scratch!"

Twilight paused, not amused, her eyes bulging at the sudden realization.

"....please don't tell me it was intentional."

"Oh look! A sunrise!" Pinkie pointed at the window. "I can't believe we played all night. Time sure flies fast when you're having fun, huh?"

Twilight suppressed a scream.

"....SUNSET! We should totally stop playing and check on Sunset!" Twilight fell to her knees. "Please, please, please.... bdak?"

"Of course we can, silly," smiled Pinkie Pie.


"As soon as we count the points. You know the rules, for every lost egg, five minutes of the chicken dance." Grinning Pinkie pulled out the second chicken suit. "Hold on, I'll join you."

* * * * * *

Don't even ask how much time later.

Twilight shuffled her legs groaning quietly, while Pinkie happily bounced towards room 34.

Someone was already there.

"Dazzlings!" Twilight narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "What are you doing here?"

Aria Blaze scowled back, but without energy. She had large bags under her eyes and few chicken feathers stuck in her hair.

"Ugh, our boss lives here, remember?" she rolled her eyes. "What about you, Rainbooms? Don't you have a puppy orphanage to save or something?"

"We did that last week," informed her Pinkie Pie with a smile.

"....UGH! You losers are such goodie-gooders, I can't even make fun of you!" Aria banged at the door. "Adagio, open up! I'm going crazy here!"

"♩ Coooooooming! ~♫"

Aria and Sonata's jaws dropped.

"Did that sound... cheerful?"

"You must be mistaken. And tell me she wasn't..." mirror behind them broke. "...singing?"

Doors 34 finally opened.

"Girls! How nice to see you!" chirped Adagio, with a smile. Sincere, wide smile. Like, all sunshine and rainbows smile. She looked fresh like she just left a luxury spa.

Next to her, Sunset Shimmer was a complete mess. Her hair was a disaster. Her pajama was ruffed, in one place torn. Her face was stained with lipstick (that didn't match hers) and some liquid blots (visibly not just water). Her eyes stared emptily into space, twitching occasionally.

"Are you.... feeling okay, Adagio?" asked nervously Aria.

"Your shirt..." pointed Sonata.

"I feel great!" grinned their leader, wrapping her arm around Sunset and cuddling with her. "I spend just the best quality time with my new girlfriend here."

"G-girlfriend?" Dazzlings exchanged confused looks. "As if 'friend who is a girl' or...."

"I know!" Dazzle pointed at Twilight and Pinkie. "Why don't you two spend this day with our new friends, Rainbooms?"

"You gotta be joking..." started Aria.

"Hey, who said we're friends?" objected Twilight.

"You could play that board game Sonata likes so much," Adagio tapped her chin. "What was it called?"

"WACKY CHICKENS!?" Pinkie and Sonata yelled in unison. Aria and Twilight turned pale.

"Did someone mention a game about animals?" Fluttershy peeked from her room.

"Did someone mention a game about farm animals?" and so did Applejack.

Rarity and Rainbow Dash tried to flee, but they were grabbed by their corresponding roommates.

"Chicken suits for everyone!!!" announced Pinkie.

"YAAAAAY!!!~" cheered Sonata, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie again.

"Nooooo..." screamed Aria Blaze, Rainbow, Rarity, and Twilight, but not loud enough to be heard over the previous group.

"How nice. They're already bonding," giggled Adagio, shutting doors and locking them. She then looked at her shirt. "Oh look, Sunny. In haste, we accidentally put on each other's tops."

Dazzling turned to her roommate with a smile.

"I'll guess I have to give it back now," she purred, undressing.

"N-no, wait!" Sunset waved her hands, but Adagio just jumped on her, squeezing her nude titties against Shimmer's palms.

Ex-enemy, would-be-friend, and now self-proclaimed girlfriend pulled Sunset Shimmer into a kiss, long, passionate, and filled with lust.

Sunset Shimmer would be stuck as Adagio Dazzle's "roommate" for a whole week. But as her "mate" for much, muuuuch longer.


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Article information

Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Views: 5920

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (57 voted)

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Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.