Character sheet - Search - D&D Beyond (2024)

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Returning 35 results for 'Character sheet'.

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Armor Class


, or both, calculate your AC using the rules in the Equipment section. Record your AC on your character sheet.

Your Armor Class (AC) represents how well your character avoids being wounded in battle. Things that contribute to your AC include the armor you wear, the shield you carry, and your Dexterity

Appendix D: Premade Characters

Compendium - Sources->Descent into the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth

Dunil Halfling Rogue Ethelrede Human Fighter Flemin Dwarf Monk Rustle Berrydust Gnome Wizard Weslocke Tiefling Warlock Cathartic Fay Dalton View Character Sheet Downloadable PDF Dunil Fay Dalton

View Character Sheet Downloadable PDF Ethelrede Fay Dalton View Character Sheet Downloadable PDF Flemin Fay Dalton View Character Sheet Downloadable PDF Rustle Berrydust Fay Dalton View Character Sheet Downloadable PDF Weslocke Fay Dalton View Character Sheet Downloadable PDF

30. Iron Barrier

Compendium - Sources->Tomb of Annihilation

characters can use spells such as gaseous form and misty step to move past the iron sheet. Any character who examines the barrier discovers that it slides up into the ceiling. Coiled springs provide

30. Iron Barrier Ahead of you, the face of a snarling minotaur is etched into a sheet of iron that bisects the crawlway. Its eyes have been cut out, letting you see through the sheet, beyond which

Strixhaven Tracking Sheet

Compendium - Sources->Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos

while their character holds a job, the character gains a positive or negative Relationship Point with its associated student coworker, whom they should also note on this sheet. Student Dice. The player

Strixhaven Tracking Sheet The sections on the following pages give special rules for certain aspects of university life. Players can use the sheet below to keep track of the effects of those rules on

Proficiency Bonus

Compendium - Sources->Player's Handbook

recording on your character sheet: Attack rolls using weapons you’re proficient with Attack rolls with spells you cast Ability checks using skills you’re proficient in Ability checks using tools

and tool proficiencies, and some races give you more proficiencies. Be sure to note all of these proficiencies, as well as your proficiency bonus, on your character sheet. Your proficiency bonus can’t

each choice you make. What’s important is that you come to the table with a character you’re excited to play. Throughout this chapter, we use the term character sheet to mean whatever you use to track

your character, whether it’s a formal character sheet, some form of digital record, or a piece of notebook paper. An official D&D character sheet is a fine place to start until you know what

Chapter 1: Step-By-Step Characters

Compendium - Sources->Basic Rules

each choice you make. What’s important is that you come to the table with a character you’re excited to play. Throughout this section, we use the termcharacter sheetto mean whatever you use to track

your character, whether it’s a formal character sheet (like the one at the end of these rules), some form of digital record, or a piece of notebook paper. An official D&D character sheet is a fine

1. Choose a Race

Compendium - Sources->Basic Rules

them later. Record the traits granted by your race on your character sheet. Be sure to note your starting languages and your base speed as well. BUILDING BRUENOR, STEP 1 Bob is sitting down to

create his character. He decides that a gruff mountain dwarf fits the character he wants to play. He notes all the racial traits of dwarves on his character sheet, including his speed of 25 feet and the languages he knows: Common and Dwarvish.

2. Choose a Class

Compendium - Sources->Basic Rules

. On your character sheet, record all the features that your class gives you at 1st level. Level Typically, a character starts at 1st level and advances in level by adventuring and gaining

level, on the assumption that your character has already survived a few harrowing adventures. Record your level on your character sheet. If you’re starting at a higher level, record the additional

Hit Points and Hit Dice

Compendium - Sources->Player's Handbook

. (You also add your Constitution modifier, which you’ll determine in step 3.) This is also your hit point maximum. Record your character’s hit points on your character sheet. Also record the type of

Hit Points and Hit Dice Your character’s hit points define how tough your character is in combat and other dangerous situations. Your hit points are determined by your Hit Dice (short for Hit Point

Relationship Points

Compendium - Sources->Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos

. Relationship Points start at 0 and increase or decrease by 1 each time a character interacts with one of the NPCs covered by these rules, whether in a Relationship encounter or during another roleplaying scene

. When a character interacts with a student NPC, that character’s player decides which of the following categories they wish their response to fall under: Friendly Response. A friendly response earns

1. Choose a Race

Compendium - Sources->Player's Handbook

ability scores, which you determine in step 3. Note these increases and remember to apply them later. Record the traits granted by your race on your character sheet. Be sure to note your starting

racial traits of dwarves on his character sheet, including his speed of 25 feet and the languages he knows: Common and Dwarvish.

Sidekick Stat Blocks

Compendium - Sources->Dragon of Icespire Peak

Sidekick Stat Blocks A sidekick’s game statistics are presented in a box called a stat block, which is essentially a mini character sheet. A stat block contains things like ability scores and hit

points, as well as the actions a sidekick is most likely to take in combat. Like any character, a sidekick can use the action options in the combat rules. These stat blocks work with any character race

Joining an Extracurricular

Compendium - Sources->Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos

Joining an Extracurricular At any point during the book’s adventures, a character can gain the benefit of two of the Extracurriculars noted below, as described later in this section. If a student

character also works on campus using the Job rules, the character can benefit from only one Extracurricular. Characters can gain the benefit from a new Extracurricular only by joining it at the start of

Quitting an Extracurricular

Compendium - Sources->Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos

Quitting an Extracurricular Characters can quit an Extracurricular at any time, updating their tracking sheet accordingly. When a student quits an Extracurricular, they immediately lose its benefits

. If a character quits during an adventure, you might want to roleplay the situation, since NPCs are likely to take an interest in why the student is leaving.

Using These Rules

Compendium - Sources->Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos

Using These Rules Each of the book’s adventures includes Exams. Though each character might be a member of a different college at Strixhaven, the adventures assume that the characters take at least

, a character can approach Studying in any way they desire, with that phase then culminating in a single ability check of their choice. In contrast, Testing requires ability checks using specific skills

Testing Phase

Compendium - Sources->Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos

Testing Phase On the day of the Exam, each character makes two ability checks related to parts of the test: Symbol Surfaces. Identifying the most suitable surfaces to scribe a symbol on requires a

their effects once they have been triggered, requires a successful DC 16 Charisma (Persuasion) check. Have each player note their character’s Exam results—how many Student Dice they gained and what skills they used during the test—on their copies of the tracking sheet.

Making Friends and Rivals

Compendium - Sources->Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos

. Bond Boons and Bond Banes are noted in each NPC entry in the “Fellow Students” section. When a character makes a Friend or a Rival, the player should note it on their tracking sheet. At any time

Making Friends and Rivals While a character has 2 Relationship Points or more with a student NPC, that NPC becomes a Friend, and the character receives a Bond Boon from that person as long as the NPC

2. Choose a Class

Compendium - Sources->Player's Handbook

proficiencies: armor, weapons, skills, saving throws, and sometimes tools. Your proficiencies define many of the things your character can do particularly well, from using certain weapons to telling a convincing lie. On your character sheet, record all the features that your class gives you at 1st level.

to employ when exploring a dungeon, fighting monsters, or engaging in a tense negotiation. The character classes are described in chapter 3, "Classes." Your character receives a number of benefits


Compendium - Sources->Player's Handbook

. Record your level on your character sheet. If you’re starting at a higher level, record the additional elements your class gives you for your levels past 1st. Also record your experience points. A 1st

Level Typically, a character starts at 1st level and advances in level by adventuring and gaining experience points (XP). A 1st-level character is inexperienced in the adventuring world, although he

Using This Supplement

Compendium - Sources->Descent into the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth

, the pech. Appendix C features a score sheet for use in competitive play. See the “Tournament Rules” section for how to run the adventure as a tournament-style scenario. Appendix D provides six premade

characters suitable for this adventure. Each player can choose one of these characters or provide a 9th-level character of their own. About the Original Published in 1982, the official Lost

Testing Phase

Compendium - Sources->Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos

Testing Phase On the day of the Exam, each character makes two ability checks related to parts of the test: Flora’s Arcane Properties. Correctly selecting the properties of samples requires a

) check. Have each player note their character’s Exam results—how many Student Dice they gained and what skills they used during the test—on their copies of the tracking sheet.

Testing Phase

Compendium - Sources->Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos

Testing Phase On the day of the Exam, each character makes two ability checks related to parts of the test: Glyph of Warding Shapes. Identifying the shapes commonly used when a mage casts a glyph of

successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check. Have each player note their character’s Exam results—how many Student Dice they gained and what skills they used during the test—on their copies of the tracking sheet.

Using and Tracking Conditions

Compendium - Sources->Dungeon Master’s Guide

try keeping a supply of index cards on hand, marked with conditions and their effects. Then hand the cards to players as the conditions come up. Having a bright pink index card on top of a character sheet can help even the most absentminded player remember the effects of being charmed or frightened.

for you to do so. For example, if a character is in a state, such as sleep, that lacks consciousness, you can say the character is unconscious. Or did a character just stumble onto the ground? He or

4. Describe Your Character

Compendium - Sources->Player's Handbook

background gives your character a background feature (a general benefit) and proficiency in two skills, and it might also give you additional languages or proficiency with certain kinds of tools. Record this information, along with the personality information you develop, on your character sheet.

4. Describe Your Character Once you know the basic game aspects of your character, it’s time to flesh him or her out as a person. Your character needs a name. Spend a few minutes thinking about what

5. Choose Equipment

Compendium - Sources->Player's Handbook

5. Choose Equipment Your class and background determine your character’s starting equipment, including weapons, armor, and other adventuring gear. Record this equipment on your character sheet. All

Testing Phase

Compendium - Sources->Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos

Testing Phase On the day of the Exam, Dean Tullus doesn’t show up for class. After 10 minutes of uncertainty, one of the dean’s teaching assistants steps in to administer the Exam. Each character

results—how many Student Dice they gained and what skills they used during the test—on their copies of the tracking sheet. Cheating Due to Dean Tullus’s absence and the lax attention of the teaching

Testing Phase

Compendium - Sources->Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos

Testing Phase On the day of the Exam, each character makes two ability checks related to parts of the test: Augury Tools and Methods. Choosing the most effective tools and methods for casting augury

sheet. If the characters gave Weale or Woe: An Interpretive Sketch to Professor Blackstone before the Exam, their Exam results are adjusted as follows: If they failed the Exam, they pass instead. If

Premade Characters

Compendium - Sources->Dragons of Stormwreck Isle

a champion of justice. Someone at the cloister may hold the key to the impending doom your deity wishes you to avert. View Character Sheet Downloadable PDF Elf Fighter Shawn Wood Your parents lived

determine exactly what your heroic destiny is and set you on the right path to fulfill it, so you can become the hero you know you’re meant to be. View Character Sheet Downloadable PDF Elf Wizard Richard

Appendix C: Score Sheet

Compendium - Sources->Descent into the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth

Appendix C: Score Sheet Use this score sheet to tally the players’ points. Players can gain or lose points for each of these actions only once. Download Score Sheet Points by Area Action Points

Kasdu’ul the marid +2 Provided proof of Kashem’s demise or convinced Kasdu’ul of the dao’s defeat +1 Additional Points Condition Points Per character death −1 One or more players thanked the DM during or after the session +1

Dance with Me?

Compendium - Sources->Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos

least one student each character dances with stands out. Roll on the Dance Partner Quirks table to determine how. Dance Partner Quirks d6 The Character’s Partner… 1 Is already a fantastic dancer

characters wish to earn Relationship Points, treat the dance lesson as a Relationship encounter using the rules in chapter 3. Have players note the results of this encounter on their copies of the tracking sheet.

Armor Class

Compendium - Sources->Player's Handbook

a shield, or both, calculate your AC using the rules in chapter 5. Record your AC on your character sheet. Your character needs to be proficient with armor and shields to wear and use them

Armor Class Your Armor Class (AC) represents how well your character avoids being wounded in battle. Things that contribute to your AC include the armor you wear, the shield you carry, and your


Compendium - Sources->Player's Handbook

your character sheet. Choose your languages from the Standard Languages table, or choose one that is common in your campaign. With your DM’s permission, you can instead choose a language from the

Languages Your race indicates the languages your character can speak by default, and your background might give you access to one or more additional languages of your choice. Note these languages on

[Mega thread] Upcoming Character Sheet Wish List

Forums - Re: [Mega thread] Upcoming Character Sheet Wish List

Quote from yabooty >> what i would like for the character sheet would be the feature that lets you favorite or tag or bookmark the spells you currently have (this would be great for high level

characters) Spell list management may be a little more sophisticated than that in the character sheet ;)

[Mega thread] Upcoming Character Sheet Wish List

Forums - Re: [Mega thread] Upcoming Character Sheet Wish List

Lets go ahead and make this a megathread for everyone's hopes and wishlists for the upcoming character sheet. Will make it much easier for us to see all the feedback!

Character sheet - Search - D&D Beyond (2024)


Does D&D Beyond app have character sheets? ›

Or, download the free D&D Beyond App to access your character sheet, purchased books, and more to keep the adventure going wherever you are.

How to download D&D Beyond character sheet? ›

Just open your character sheet, then click on the character icon to open the side menu, and at the bottom of that menu is the Export to PDF option. Don't lose your characters even if you go offline.... or, otherwise lose access to dndbeyond site for some reason.

How to customize character sheet dnd beyond? ›

After signing into your D&D Beyond account, hover over the Collections menu and select My Characters. Find the character whose sheet you want to customize and select "View." This will take you to that character's sheet. Once on your character sheet, click the character's name or the "Manage" button beside it.

Where to find background in D&D Beyond? ›

You can find a list of all backgrounds here, along with links to buy them: You can also filter to a specific source if you just want to see backgrounds from certain books.

Can you import character sheets to D&D Beyond? ›

There is no import function. You do it by hand if you want the sheet actually in Roll20. Or you can use the "Beyond20" browser extension, and just use the Beyond character sheet. Rolls from that sheet get sent right into the Roll20 game chat.

Where can I get D&D character sheets? › Dungeons & Dragons - Character & Spell Sheets with Premium Folder (5th Edition) : Toys & Games.

Is there a way to print a D&D beyond character sheet? ›

Instructions for use
  1. View your character sheet.
  2. Resize your window so that you have two columns of boxes on the main view.
  3. Click the D&D Beyond Print Enhancer button on your browser toolbar.
  4. Open the print dialog (ctrl+p/cmd+p).
  5. Print settings:

Can you transfer a DND beyond character sheet to Roll20? ›

For players who want to move their characters to Roll20, the first thing they should do is get an API called BeyondImporter. Copy the BeyondImporter. js code from BeyondImporter's GitHub page. Then go to the game in question on Roll20 and click the Settings button.

Can you make your own DnD character sheet? ›

I've made my own personal character sheets for DnD by drawing templates on a whiteboard or paper, and then making the actual sheets using Excel. Excel is nice for me personally because it's rather easy to make the sheets look just nice enough for my own needs before printing them off and using them.

Does D&D Beyond cost money? ›

Is it free to sign up for D&D Beyond? Yes!

Does D&D Beyond subscription give you the books? ›

subscribing does not give acces to content. you can buy subclasses and features either piecemeal (only buy what you need, the money spend this way is deducted from the cost of the book) or buy the books they come from.

How many personality traits should a character have in D&D? ›

Give your character two personality traits. Personality traits are small, simple ways to help you set your character apart from every other character. Your personality traits should tell you something interesting and fun about your character.

Can you buy individual backgrounds in D&D Beyond? ›

À la carte purchases are no longer supported. However, any individual items you've previously purchased will continue to be available for use on D&D Beyond. If you've purchased à la carte items and would like to buy the digital book, your discounts are available to you at any time by contacting customer service.

What is the faceless background in D&D? ›

Characters with the faceless background don a disguise—literally or otherwise—as they adventure. This persona might be dramatic or subtle. In a way, though, many characters have such larger than life personalities. Therefore, this background largely focuses on detailing the hero behind the mask.

Is there an app for building DnD characters? ›

PrismScroll is the last Dungeons and Dragons Character Sheet Builder you'll ever need to download! Beautifully designed for your mobile devices, PrismScroll offers the most powerful combination between clean aesthetic and impressive functionality.

Can you use D&D Beyond on mobile? ›

The Official D&D Beyond Player App for iOS and Android. D&D Beyond. Roll dice, create & manage characters, and explore your Dungeons & Dragons library from the palm of your hand!

How do you level up your character in D&D beyond app? ›

Leveling Up on D&D Beyond

Once you click “Manage” next to their name near the top of the character sheet screen, a sidebar will pop up. Click the “Manage Character & Levels” option; from there, you'll be taken to the Character Builder. Select your character's new level.

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Name: Frankie Dare

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Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.